>The staff have described this Kingdom Hearts title as being "in a league of its own." They've put the utmost effort into each and every world, so much so that each world could be considered its own game with the amount of mechanics and gameplay they've packed in. >each world could be considered its own game
Jesus Christ just how massive is this game going to be? Is Tetsuya Nomura insane enough to make a 70+ hour Kingdom Hearts game? This is fucking close to reaching Persona levels
Translation: >we included a bunch of superfluous gimmicks and padding in each world to distract from the gameplay being hugely downgraded from KH2.
Caleb White
>downgraded from KH2 That's a funny way of saying upgraded
Ethan James
This game is fucking gorgeous. Like stunningly beautiful. I pray the series sticks to Unreal Engine.
Nicholas Hill
Hopefully the world isn't more interactive like all of the shit you could do in wonderland. But I'm afraid it's going to be flow motion and mini games
I do hope that they make the Disney worlds one long trip instead of 2 visits like the games have all been doing since the first. Gives me a paper Mario vibe where you are actually getting immersed in the world instead of just watching a few cutscenes and fighting a boss
Jayden Torres
So user who do you think are the chosen 7 lights?
Jayden Diaz
>no Indiana Jones world
Alexander Smith
Shit, was worried for a second you weren't gonna show. B A S E D
Jaxson Lee
Sora Riku Kairi Lea Aqua Ven Mickey
The plot twist being Terra is actually apart of Xehanort's 13 Darkness
Christian Rivera
I think you're going to be sorely disappointed if and when you ever realize how few people are really going to be upset that the combat isn't just a retread of 2.
Christian Clark
Pretty much. Can't be any other way really.
Daniel Howard
I think Riku is gonna be a neutral fag or something, in the same vein as Mickey.
Aiden Garcia
This is correct
Josiah Allen
It's a retread of BBS/DDD trash with an unconvincing KH2 skin. They literally take mechanics that existed in KH2 and were accessed via natural restrictions and well-balanced resource management and instead have them accessed through arbitrary restrictions with no resource management.
>Summons require arbitrary conditions now God help Osaka Team.
Nathan Ramirez
I'd welcome it entirely, if we get cool untop of cool shit the more we go along. It makes me wonder about how much time we'll be spending in each world. Will we need to go back and revisit them like in II, or is it just one stop and then we can go back to do side missions or whatever?
I'm optimistic. Keyblade combat looks like something right of II's book, and some keyblade transformations look insanely fun. Not to mention, ALL situational commands are optional. You can stick to what you like.
You're late.
Sora Riku Mickey Lea Ven Aqua Terra Having Kairi be both a Princess and warrior of light seems overkill to me, but we'll see. I don't really care.
Ryan Powell
I'll believe this if they confirm the existence of side quests.
James Ward
That's literally the nicest looking part in the trailer, and it's because of the contrast of the blur effect used for the background (everything not arial).
Adrian Long
user how do you see Marluxia fitting in to the story?
Ian Taylor
>eaach world could be its own game Great, so I get to be forced to play numerous mini-games and shit to progress.
Ethan Murphy
>they made best girl into a summon Mildly upset.
Thomas Robinson
It will be around ten levels that consists of a dozen open areas full of heartless.
Julian Robinson
This. That comment is NOT a good sign. I'm starting to get worried about this game.
Sebastian Cook
So it's going to be a tech demo fest like Conker's Bad Fur Day?
Pretty disappointing compared to Sanctuary/Simple & Clean.
Jason Rodriguez
Yeah, I noted that it looked like BBS back when I saw some of the initial trailers. I don't know anything about the resource restrictions, though.
Dylan Diaz
It feels fitting given how climactic KH3 is.
Caleb Lopez
That just sounds like making up excuses to like it because it's disappointing, but it's what you are getting, so you may as well justify it.
Leo Harris
I noticed in the trailers sora has the world's keyblade while in that world. Either it's just to show off some designs for the trailer or you get them really early to actually use the new forms.
Aaron Thomas
Don't worry about it, user. You'll get your remix.
Josiah Jones
Take off the nostalgia goggles already, KH2's worlds were fucking trash and even Dream Drop had better level design.
Dylan Morris
Well, I definitely don't see him siding with Xemnas/Xehanort. But I also don't see him siding with Sora and co. for offing him in CoM. I think he'll play a Maleficent role where he's doing his own thing but he'll fuck with Sora if he gets in the way. Like Maleficent will.
Caleb Wright
The newer graphics look like plastic.0.2 was not that good at all. Final boss with Aqua and Mickey is almost RNG tier on harder difficulties.
Oliver Campbell
Cried cuz of how fuckin disappointed I was
Brandon Moore
>>Summons require arbitrary conditions now >what you get in an Attraction Flow is also random
speedrunners are spinning in their graves right now
Andrew Bennett
Please be in. He's literally sex
Mason Diaz
6 posts late, at least we know you're not the one making the threads
Charles Ramirez
Ian Williams
wow somebody fixed it great
Xavier Ortiz
Name one (1) game, fifteen movies, and three books that actually delivered on the hype.
Kevin Bailey
I just want to see how ven gets pulled out of this I think marluxia may switch up if ven is extracted out of this story
Henry Torres
You know whats missing out this series now? Fanservice. This series is missing shit like pic related. When I first saw pic related I lost my fucking mind. Cloud and Squall fighting side by side. They need more like this in KH 3. The story is taking itself way too seriously
Luke Jenkins
I hope it gets world wide release.
Owen Martinez
why wouldn't it be?
Hudson Perry
Kevin Brown
I meant same day. Every other game has come out in japan for earlier than the rest of the world.
Grayson Sanchez
I expect, at least graphically what we see in KH3 to be baseline for the series moving forward.
Luis Peterson
Kill yourself speedrunner
Landon Wood
Kill yourself speedrunner
Dylan Wood
I don't like the 3d lifebar portraits, and Don't Think Twice isn't as good as Sanctuary or Simple and Clean.
Owen Carter
At this damn point I feel like we'll be lucky if any of them are in the fucking game at all honestly
Asher Mitchell
The thing i hate most about the series is the original character do not steal.
There was a simple charm to the mash up of disney and FF in KH1 that was lost along the way. The first game even feels different, somewhere between a platformer and an RPG that i really wish they'd revisit. I'd take a spin off with just a simple storyline with like 1 major original character and then just disney/FF with no organisation bullshit. The plot to KH1 was that maleficent gathered bitches to steal their hearts to open a door to the dark world or some shit with Ansem being the man behind the man. I love KH2 and have played it multiple times but i still don't know wtf even happened storywise at the end, it just feels like 20 different threads all meeting together that the player wasn't even told about. Maybe they were explained in later games but that's really shit storytelling.
Thomas Miller
Fingers crossed the opening menu is at least a Nomura drawing instead of some lifeless 3d bullshit
Anthony Bennett
>30 fps
How is this acceptable in 2018?
Luke James
When has a FF appeared? Last I remember was Cloud in Re:Coded
Bentley White
>All these jaggies Disgusting
Parker Garcia
I also prefer the 2d portraits they have more character and emotion than the stern face 3d models. It's the same for FF now, the character portraits for 4-10 conveyed the general personality of a character and who they were at a quick glance and looked great to boot. Now they just use FMV like 13 or just a whole character model like in 15.
Jaxon Powell
Just feels like they're really shoving aside FF characters more and more. BbS only had Zack. DDD didn't have any, only TWEWY characters, which don't count. I don't count moogles, they're always there. I want a Radient Garden return partially for my enjoyment of that world, but mainly cuz it means most of the FF crew will return
Eli Cruz
All I care about is the fact the map from Treasure Planet is confirmed to be in, which gives me hope for a world.
Last Conli movie to be represented. COME ON.
Matthew Hughes
I'm expecting Frozen and Wreck it ralph to be the only new worlds yet to be announced.
David Baker
>TWEWY characters, which don't count
Why not?
Gavin Bell
>each world could be considered its own game
honestly I don't believe that. Gonna have to see it first.
Hudson Lopez
Anyone ever notice how Sora, Riku, Kairi, Aqua, Eraqus, Roxas, and Terra all have blue eyes?
I swear fucking Braig is going to take his eyepatch and have a blue eye
Nicholas Morris
If you ask me this boy is a twink, a merry, a slight and subdued boytoy for the hands of rougher, fouler men.
In this day in age, when crimes against God are common, nay, encouraged, where homosexuals are allowed to marry openly within the walls of a Church, in front of God and everyone, unopposed and with impunity, my heart sinks with disgust at my very existence among such abominations of the soul. We must continue to pray for a Savior, to come and strike the homosexuals down for their crimes...indeed, I have a solution: we should send them all, the gays I mean, to a remote island with random weapons strewn about the premises, and watch for sport as they kill each other to be the sole survivor: whose reward shall be death. Alternatively we could gas them all. Either way, it would be only in the service of God.
Ryder Murphy
this we'll be lucky if a world is about 2 hours long
Michael Gutierrez
What will be the best kh3 world?
I reckon toy story
Anthony Bailey
Please God no, I'm so fucking sick of that movie
It isn't even sufficiently interesting from a visual standpoint to warrant a world. Just endless snow drifts. Big fuckin' whoop.
Joshua Perez
Holy fuck what. That's amazing by itself, I'm really happy they're recognizing the movie at least.
Daniel Sullivan
>I swear fucking Braig is going to take off his eyepatch and have a blue eye
That's the most retarded sentence I've ever read
Oh god it's going to happen isn't it
Grayson Rodriguez
I believe Frozen is already leaked from some file leak a month back.
Grayson Hughes
youre asking lightning to strike twice
Bentley Ortiz
The leaked file was labeled "Common Sense."
Lucas Nelson
>Wreck it ralph Copyright nightmare will never happen
Bentley Nelson
Guarantee you by the end a bunch of folks will say this is the GOAT KH song.
Gavin Perez
Why do people want a frozen world? What is there even to do? The film has two locations, castle and snowy place
Aaron Rogers
mh world
Oliver Taylor
nah it sounds really generic
Joshua Bailey
Are you retarded?
Landon Campbell
What trailer is this from? Is it a keyblade-specific ability?
Jacob Ward
The DARKNESS turned his eye blue
William Martinez
No it doesn't
Joseph Rodriguez
Andrew Campbell
So I'm playing Re:Chain of Memories. And honesly, it's pretty good. I don't know why it gets so much shit. The deck building is so fucking addicting and I like combat that makes me have to think
Benjamin Reed
Carter Nelson
I hope Sora isn't the only playable character, they better at least include Riku.
Isaiah Morris
already confirmed a second playable character.
William Sullivan
Which newly introduced original character is going to be the best?
Nathaniel Torres
No sora is the best the rest stink
Liam Howard
Does Sora still run like a tard?
Mason Wright
>yfw each world gets its own Disney superboss
Jordan Adams
Nicholas Richardson
the gameplay is decent the org story is decent the disney world stories are terrible the level design in general is terrible the sprites were great for gba making up for lack of level design i guess but as a remaster its hard to forgive
Liam Martinez
We are Kingdom Hearts
Angel Stewart
Because I said FF characters. Not TWEWY characters.
Colton Parker
will they be in?
Cooper Powell
didnt nomura say specifically not to expect either of them
Jack Reyes
Nolan Evans
Sanctuary will FOREVER be the greatest KH song. Knocks simple and clean out of the park. I feel like the version of don't think twice that we have is going to be the credits version. It's way too slow to be the opening version. If it is the opening version then I'm very disappointed.
Lincoln Long
I can't really imagine that Nomura would use Noctis unless he was forced to do so. He's clearly unhappy about the XV situation, so I feel like he'd be pretty reluctant about it. I don't know how he feels about Lightning.