>decide to reinstall for like the 4th time >"just roleplay m8 you'll enjoy" >create fragile, sly grill character >try to be as opportunistic as possible, hardly any morals, only personal gain >can't carry shit >can't endure shit >game crashes 10 times a day due to fuckin mods >end up doing the same every time
I mean is it even possible to side with the Powder gangers in the beginning? Isn't that arc much less developed than the "good" storyline?
and yeah, at the edge of town you can find the black guy and talk to him. If you're nice with them then you can go to the prison and do their quests
Leo Smith
>create fragile sly grill >hurr durr why am I weak and fragile? >game crashes 10 times a day due to mods >due to mods >lmao theres nothing i can do must be the game's fault durr >does the same shit every time and expects things to be different
You're literally retarded.
Justin Rodriguez
>plays the game like a fucking retard >wonders why he's not enjoying it
why don't you stick to knitting
Dylan Brown
>its a very fun game I promise >unless you don't play it this very specific way that I'm telling you
Yeah well its a shitty game then thanks
Angel Taylor
kek Sup Forums BTFO once again lol kys
Benjamin Torres
>i dont want to have no limitations when building my character
Eli Davis
>create fragile, sly grill character >can't carry shit >can't endure shit Well user what exactly were you expecting
Nathaniel Ross
No, it's not. The way you build your character actually affects your attributes. If you dump strength and endurance, you're going to be physically weak. If you want to not be as weak, put more points into those stats.
Look, I'll give you a hint. Charisma should be your dump stat, it's literally fucking useless. After putting Charisma at 1, do whatever the fuck you want with those extra points.
Sebastian Murphy
It's aged like milk
Jack Moore
I dunno, I it shouldn't affect your gameplay. It's because I want to actually roleplay but not be hassled with menial bullshit like this.
Brody King
Maybe you like video games and not walking around and reading dialogues. That was it for me.
Michael Wright
Holy shit you are stupid. You create a shitty character which i'm not sure what that has to do with anything but the real problem is that you downloaded a bunch of mods, fucked up the game and then called it shitty. You are human garbage and you don't deserve to live.
Nolan Martin
tell us your cazador stories Sup Forums
Alexander Johnson
>if i'm not punching a demon in the face or murdering soldiers every 2 seconds it's not a video game Cunt
Zachary Walker
What the fuck. If you want to "roleplay" (you aren't) as a weak girl but not actually be one, then spec more durability and strength.
You fucking idiot.
Christopher Lee
I've never installed a single mod for NV and still had 3 full playtroughs with different style characters. You probably didn't even try, or you just can't gasp the concept of the game.
Josiah Evans
Then accept you don't like the game and stop playing it.
Jayden Evans
you need two companions for a build like that, unless you're also a sniper. high strength and endurance is better for this game imo, because of all the fun melee and unarmed weapons, and the survival skill is a legitimate alternative to medicine.
Christian Lewis
>plays an RPG >wants to roleplay >doesn't want the gameplay reflecting said roleplay I don't think RPGS are the genre 4u, user.
Nathan Nguyen
This is what I do in my Fallout New Vegas playthrough.
>boot up the game >start up new game >create character, configure stats (almost maxed out strength but just kept it high), got my stuff and got to playing >decide to do this game differently >go around, kill some animals and get my level up and max out my sneak skill and melee skill and gun skill >come back and go back to where the doc is >go and kill doc and take his stuff >something is missing >take my knife out and cut his head off >there we go >spend my time in each game night go around and secretly kill people in the town and remove their heads >managed to kill everyone secretly >decide to make way to novac and do the same there and the town before that >have managed to accumulate alot of items that belong to my victims and have collected their heads as my trophies of my prize >increase my medical skill and survival skill to max >have established a small shanty house as my "home" and place the heads of my victim there for my collection >go around in a doctor's outfit with a gasmask because i like it >proceed to boomer's place and do the same thing there and so on at other places like the NCR and the Legion outposts >have to start pushing the heads into the shanty home because it is starting to get a bit too much inside and the game is starting to lag due to the large amounts of head >carry one head with me to keep my stuff inside like my knife and spressed pistol that i will use on my next victim
Gonna make my way over to rest of other places and collect more heads. So what you guys been up to?
Dominic Thomas
Fuck typos but yeah thats what i did in my game and it made it fun.
Elijah Johnson
>have managed to accumulate alot of items that belong to my victims and have collected their heads as my trophies of my prize >have established a small shanty house as my "home" and place the heads of my victim there for my collection nice larp my dude
Hudson Scott
Nice slangterm reddit
Joshua Bailey
>tripfag >shit opinion Someone call CNN
Anthony Perez
>make weak character >"Wow, why can't i pick everything up and soak damage!" This is bait right?
Asher Brown
Just get MG Survive instead, it's easier early game tb.h (Primm still gives me nightmares)
Juan Hughes
Nigga Live action role play predates Reddit
Jace Cox
... are you that fucking stupid? this game has stats that affect your character that you are trying to ROLE-PLAY as. that means your gameplay is going to be affected by what you place points in. if this is too difficult for you to understand, go play a "rpg" like fallout 4, which is for retarded people who dont care about points affecting their gameplay.
Jaxon Carter
I like how this game gets the girl shit right
Unlike Bethesda games, in this one if you actually play as a girl your going to actually get more damage, inflict less damage on the enemies and taken advantage alot due to gender. Meanwhile if you play as a male character you can inflict more damage, take less damage and not be taken advantage alot.
Fuck faggots.
Jose Young
>>try to be as opportunistic as possible, hardly any morals, only personal gain Gay
Andrew Cook
This is why i prefer playing male because it actually fits with the game and the lore better and your gender do have actual effects in the game.
>female=weak, smart but not clever, fragile, slut >male=strong, dumb but clever, rigid, chad
Nolan Bailey
Wrong, the only difference is how some NPCs act towards you (Legion mostly), and how a few quests can be resolved (almost always through Black Widow perk). The only game I've played that has gameplay differences between gender is Mount & Blade Warband.
John Cruz
crossposting from the other FONV thread I just made like a stupid nigger:
There's an old mod that I remember really fondly and can't locate now. It was a mod that took all the Gun Runner's Arsenal unique weapons out from the vendor inventories and put them into the world, and each one had an associated scavenger questchain that would lead you to it. They were very well-integrated into the base game. I remember finding a note on a random raider in the Bison Steve Hotel in Primm which ended up leading, much later in the game after a couple stops tracking it down, to a unique plasma rifle.
But I can't find that shit on Nexus for the life of me. The closest thing I can find is nexusmods.com/newvegas/mods/62006 (Rewarding Exploring, Unique Places for Unique Weapons) but I'm pretty sure that isn't it, as it doesn't mention any questlines - just that the unique GRA weapons are dumped outside at interesting places in the map.
Does anyone know what the fuck this mod was? I think it was decently popular.
Lucas Jones
>here comes the triggered fags to defend their gay choices in games
Isaac Sanders
because the game is shit
Samuel James
>implying I'm not so autistic I can't play as anything other than a male
Bentley Peterson
>"i play as a girl only so i can look at the butt and masturbate all day and night then go on Sup Forums and complain this game does not have gameplay because i was too busy jacking off to my character on the screen" the post
Levi Gomez
you don't like it, that's it.
Kevin Hernandez
Wait, do you like drag each individual head halfway across the world or what?
Luis Cruz
But... I don't play as a girl. Ever. Except one time where I did an Enclave Remnant playthrough of NV, and I made her like 70.
William Turner
>Why the fuck can't I enjoy this game Sup Forums? because its a pretty awful game almost non-existent RPG mechanics, a story almost as laughable as 3's, and horrible shooting do not make a good game 4 was better 2bh
Nathaniel Gray
>average Sup Forums poster keeps getting younger and younger then you as you get older >in 5 years there will be posters talking about how great of a western RPG fallout 4 is >they'll talk about how "shit" new vegas and fallout 1/2 are as RPG games and complain about actual RPG mechanics in old games
Brayden Walker
People already do that, user. I'm so sorry.
Luke Fisher
what i was saying is that you're making this story up because you can't move bodies between cells and you can't definitely can't "keep" and "collect" NPC's heads in NV hence larp
Wyatt Sullivan
>create fragile, sly grill character >try to be as opportunistic as possible, hardly any morals, only personal gain That's not that bad but you're making it harder for yourself, there's no point in doing that if you're just trying to enjoy the game for the first time. Playing a weak character is like the opposite of fun. I would recommend you to just play a big thug that likes to fuck shit up. Keep you motto of personal gain if you want. For example, i'm currently on my fifth playthrough playing a psychopath with a "terrifying presence" in power armor that only uses big automatic ballistic weapons (like the minigun, smmg, etc) and just want to get everything for himself (evil independent ending) and kill anyone that annoys him or just kill for shits and giggles. Just keep it simple, and pick perks that complement with your build and character personality. Also don't do a "jack of all trades" build. Pick a build and stick to it. Also if you're having trouble with mods making the game crash, use mod organizer since it makes it a lot easier to detect which mod is the one that makes the game crash and it's a lot cleaner in general.
Adrian Taylor
powder gangers are a half finished faction but you can side with them
Brody Thompson
If you go there after the Sunny Smiles tutorial, you’ll be fine. Powder Gangers attack you only once you’ve attacked them.
Angel Murphy
There is a mod you can use that turns the head that is severed into items and can store them in your inventory
Originally but i just use a mod that lets me store the heads in my inventory now but keep one head out to store items in for roleplaying purposes
James Johnson
The key to enjoying new Vegas is to install only a select few mods. When you overdo it, you always quit at novac
Adrian Cooper
Did I just have a stroke or is like the only difference between the genders some unique quest dialog here and there?
Not even the 10% more damage against the opposite gender really matters unlike in F3 since they added the gay perk with NV.
Gabriel Rogers
>I've never installed a single mod for NV Why
Adam Butler
First its the skyrim posters, then I start seeing the trend of posters going from saying new vegas is ok/great to new vegas is shit/fallout 4 is the best fallout game
Zachary Cox
>I want to be able to roleplay as a certain type of character without the game taking that into account
Friend, I might just have the game you're after.
Christian Mitchell
one time i had the sound off and i got raped by a sneak cazador
Brayden Baker
Nathan Green
Go play fallout 4 then. You character has no bearing in the gameplay at all.
Andrew Campbell
Go away
Lincoln Ward
There's nothing wrong with roleplaying like a girl. Just stick to roads and sneak a lot. I played as the fucking doctor who without hurting anyone and had a bunch of fun.
Henry Mitchell
>create fragile girl for roleplay purposes >the very definition of fragile means you almost cant do shit on your on ever when it comes to anything physical, you are figuratively breakable from a stiff wind >guys why cant i do anything?
A lot of people took the bait, even I took it.
Mason Howard
turn away from RPG's and don't come back. It would be better for everybody.