Carts mean more memory space

>carts mean more memory space
>carts are the reason Bayonetta 1 and the MMX Collection 2 are downloads only

So which is it? Not trying to meme here or anything, but was the decision to go back to carts a good or bad idea?

I don't care. Carts have a charm to them. I still get to play my games.

shut the fuck up about nintendo already you fucking bitchass niggers

swoobly doobly get the fuck out


nooooo im OP here and you pooped on my threaddddd

Having a moving object (disc) inside of a moving object (the Switch) is a really bad idea.

is it because the disk will be all flobboly wobbly?

It means shorter battery life and longer load times like on the psp

>carts are the reason Bayonetta 1 and the MMX Collection 2 are downloads only
They're not.

The 32GB carts are expensive (or so i hear) because there's no 64GB carts get.

Once available, the price of the 32GB carts will go down.

ah i see no juicey juice for play play and darkey waitey when you wanna gamey

To make third party pay for the proprietary format

>carts mean more memory space
The fuck

No idea why Bayo 1 wasn't on a cartridge, Mega Man collections being separated is patent horseshit when all Mega Man games combined don't even equal *one* GB and it's just Capcom trying to fucking fleece everybody again

cant believe nintendo allowed it

>carts are the reason Bayonetta 1 and the MMX Collection 2 are downloads only
*cheapskate companies

optical disk.
4 to 5 hours autonomy whatever game you play.
2 hours and 20 mins with everything down on botw and mario.

>carts mean more memory space
More easily accessible memory, not more memory ya tit. There's a reason Switch games load much quicker than on WiiU despite being more compressed.

Legacy Collection has more than just the games, but they could have fit both in an 8GB cartridge.

Too bad the UMD system fucking sucked.
Even Sony knew that, which is why they released the PSP Go.

Cartridge prices are still a problem.
Most companies would rather use smaller cartridge sizes and force mandatory updates/use massive compression rather than shell out for a larger size.

If they bothered compressing any of those scans and art assets whatsoever they'd probably save a metric fuckton on space, a handful of poorly emulated NES games shouldn't be several GB in size like Legacy Collection is

>Bigger Screen
>Much stronger CUP and GPU
Geee wonder why...

Didn't Japan get Bayo 1 physically?



They do offer more memory space but they are also expensive. Up until recently you paid almost 1$ for 1GiB

Probably too much of a hassle to make a splash screen for just the switch version?

Yes, because Nips are chronically allergic to buying digital.

They're the same with music, God bless em

Both statements can be true simultaneously user.

The main problem is that carts are expensive.

the less space I'm wasting on this trash hobby the better

First, there's no reason a mmx collection couldn't fit on a switch cart. Second, the reason a company would choose not to print carts for a game is because they cost more.


Yeah just checked my pc install and they are just above 4gb.

How did it suck?
high Failure rare? loading ?
Cause I play it recently while doing a silent hill series run (I play CVX and G&G regularity on umd too) and have nothing to complain about.
I think It come from the umd video format bullshit and people complaining for the poor sales and marges
That not the problem here.
Optical disk is not a reason to go for cartridge as the switch still have a poor battery life.
For a handheld flagship, around 2 hours is BS for me.
They deserve to be praised digital is fuckin cancer.

The Switch is already half battery, this is as good as it gets. If Nintendo had a revolutionary new battery they would be making billions with that instead of a gaming tablet.

>How did it suck?
I liked the system. The only problem I faced was two plastic shells or whatever they were called broke and I had to hold them with tape. Didn't know I could order replacements.

Except most games have a portable life of about 6-5 hours outside the real resource eaters like BotW.

With games like bayonetta 1+2 and megaman legacy 1+2 they could be doing download codes as a way to push new game sales instead of used. because if you buy used you dont get half of what is offered

Wait, is this real? Why not just put them all into one menu? Why is capcom so braindead?

>Switch already getting homebrew
>Piracy soon by the end of this year

Anybody else that was holding off getting this shitty ass hybrid now getting one? I just want to play the exclusives.

>doing download codes as a way to push new game sales instead of used

That's believable considering how the Nintendo coins work. You can only register a title once but in addition to that you get like double the coins if it's something you bought from the eshop.

No they're just cheap bastards?

Well at least you bought the system. So it´s their win.

At least if you just download both it is 35 instead of 40.

I don’t know why I even buy physical. They don’t come with instruction manuals. Makes me pine for the days of yore like with Earthbound’s thiccness, of course those niggers always stole the book first when it hit the rental stores.

I bet they don't want to rework a menu to pick betweeb both games in one card.

No, it's about five times as many gold points if you go digital. It'll start to add up to decent discounts once they start giving out a ton more in March. Still not as good as 20% off from Amazon or Best Buy though.

Coding menus is one of the first things you learn. You don't even need a good UI. You only need it to select between a bunch of games.

They already reworked a menu for scanning the Mega Man amiibo and one for that rewind feature though. It's more likely Capcom just didn't want to pay a few more cents for a larger cartridge plus

Frankly speaking I would have go with something more Megadrive/mega32 add one.
A real docking with more raw power and a handheld system with weaker portable mode that can last longer.
than a tablet with 2 hours life battery.
Minus disgaea 5 that last around 4 h30 to 5 hours.
the rest of the game I have are all around 2hours to 2h30 splatoon SMO pokken SMK8D.
Even some SNK games didn't last more than 3h.
So I don't know what games you are playing but that not the case for me.
Fuckin capcom.

PSP GO was even worse
>Digital only
Fuck off with that bullshit.

It's not like the Switch has a short ass battery life already. That little piece of shit shouldn't even be called a handheld.

Good, digital is disgusting.
>They deserve to be praised digital is fuckin cancer.

>Digital only
>Smaller screen
>Less comfortable to hold
What were they thinking?

what was the deal with that?

did you get all your physical games for free as downloads or did you have to re-buy?

>2 hours and 20 mins with everything down on botw and mario.
really? i autistically tested this for Sup Forums back in april 2017 and got like 2:27 with everything maxed out. with 30-40% brightness and audio when i was on vacation i got like 3:45 out of it in BotW

You had to re-buy, only you obviously didn't get anything in return since its digital.

Re buy
You didn't have to register your physical games through the ps store (like in steam) so there was no way to prove that you owned it. Pretty shitty if you ask me.

> back to carts
What is this meme? Nintendo handhelds have always used carts. Do you really think they would put a bluray drive in it?

UMDs blow. I don't even look back on my PSP fondly because of it. I should have just hacked the thing and used it as an emulator machine like literally everyone else.

You are obviously wrong user. This is
>muh heibrid consule

>was the decision to go back to carts a good or bad idea?

>like in steam
That's not a good thing either. Physical copies shouldn't require a connection to some shit 3rd party service.

>carts mean more memory space
Not that I recall. The whole purpose of Cartridge was that all the data in it was meant to be processed faster than the optical medium at the time which was CD roms. Yet with the increase of disc speeds it made even that pointless.

While SSD is currently the fastest with the most abundance of space there's still a lot of issues and needs the revisions that will put it up to speed with the competition.

Same thing with DDR3 and Sony's claims to XDR. Yet the overall issue becomes that these idiots, Nintendo and Sony, want to make millions off of their shit and expect consumers to be okay with it.

developers are too cheap to pay for the higher capacity carts

Nintendo aren't giving the larger carts to third parties

Imagine its nonexistent battery-life if it were to fall for the disk-in-a-portable meme

Why exactly should they fucking have to pay for that? It's not their fault for Nintendo low capacity carts as the standard.

Never said it was good. It's just the reason why the psp godidn't let you get your existing games for free. Physical games used to be the best on pc. They suck now. I'm sad.

Not that user, but I've found that most 3D games last around 2.25 to 3 hours while most 2D games last 4-5.5 hours. Only SNK game I've played on it is Metal Slug 3, and that lasts towards the longer end. I think Enter the Gungeon is kind of odd in that it's technically 3D and has enough going on to drop the framerate, but lasts about 4 hours if I remember correctly. Anyway, here's a handy dandy chart comparing the battery life with several games.

because flash memory costs more than discs


To be fair, Capcom paid for a cartridge that could fit both Legacy Collections for Residnt Evil Revelations and is charging $40 for both.

I remember reading it was so poorly made it had around 10 minute load times when it first came out due to some idiotic bug.

I think either the system, umd, or both can get damaged really easily. Ask Sony.

Carts don't mean more memory space you mong. They mean fast load times without needing an install.

So there's a 2 fold problem with carts vs disc, 1 carts are much faster than discs and can hold more data but they cost more, they cost more because they're proprietary so Nintendo can charge whatever the fuck they want to the devs. This is a problem because you games like LA Noire that can easily fit on a cart but Nintendo charges so much that they opt for a smaller cart an an update that takes up all the storage space in the Switch forcing you to buy regular SD cards for expansion.

2 discs like I said before cost a lot less, like 1% of the cost of a cart but they're slow as fuck, this is why every game you get on the PS4 and Xbone force you to install the game, it's not possible to run it from the disc so those consoles have much larger internal storage but also allow for external storage expansion, vanilla you can usually install about 10 games on a 500gb HDD.

That's the problem with carts v disc

Flash memory capacity is on par with the experimental high capacity blu rays so I'd say it offers more space.

It's close to what I got.
Same for me for metal Slug 3 3 hours and something.
Disgaea 5 has even crazier number than I had how did NIS manage this ?
Never had a single problem. Even loose UMD I found in yard sale worked.
this user have a problem that many people complain about.

>how did NIS manage this ?

Disgaea 5 was "almost" a psvita game, that's why.

I have never actually seen what Nintendo is charging for their cartridges. The closest I've seen is one guy who tweeted the 32GB carts were x times more costly than bluray discs, but I did the math on that taking into account publishers charging $10 more for Switch versions of games and it was only possible if Nintendo was also charging around $8 of additional liscensing fees over Sony/Microsoft or if publishers were just being greedy fucks and charging extra.

no, carts mean portability
I doubt the carts they use have higher capacity than a dual layer blu ray

I miss the Handheld time already.
This hybrid thing is like heaving the meh of the two on everything.

I wish devs would take the time to check if their font size is easily legible in handheld.

There are 1TB carts already, are you retarded?

Dev don't even check if their game run correctly or even run before release.
I feel bad even more when I see the 3DS just don't want to die but I know nintendo going to drop the support soon.

>implying that Nintendo is producing 1TB cartridges for the Switch
shut the fuck up retard
we're talking about game cartridges, not microsd cards

You're a mongoloid and I hope you were just trying to be annoying.

MMX is two downloads because Capcom are too Jewish to make a title screen intro that let's you select the first collection or the second.

Its just publishers being cheap fucks the carts have plenty of space devs just dont want to pay for the bigger carts and just say fuck it and use the lowest capacity ones and make you dl the rest instead. Granted Nintendo maybe could be more economical with the larger cart sizes but pubs are just spoiled for paying next to nothing for disc for so long.

They are right to be fair.

I have bought one digital game in my life, that was Cave Story on the 3DS. I bought Cave Story+ on the Switch when it came out so now I have a physical copy. Digital games are cancerous.

Nintendo makes a lot of money on licensing, they always have and they still haven't released 64GB carts for the Switch they're only at 32 but almost everything released only uses 16 because of the cost.

>carts are the reason Bayonetta 1 and the MMX Collection 2 are downloads only
Yea, that's not why. They did that save money.


>Legacy Collection has more than just the games
Even a fucking thousand lossless images along the original Megaman games would not make 8 GB

Current rumor is you cant put games sold separately onto the same cart. So because you have the option of buying both Bayo1 and Bayo2 digitally, they're not available as a single cart. Same with both Megaman collections being available separately, or the Resident Evil Revelations games.

Now why Nintendo and Capcom aren't just releasing actual physical versions of all their games, I have no idea. But the reason for download codes instead of bundling them all on the same cart is because the games are available for purchase individually on the eShop.

32gb is more than enough for majority of games these days devs are just lazy and dont want to compress anything.

Then why not just have two carts in the pack? Also what kind of retarded policy is that?