What are your thoughts on Chun-Li?
What are your thoughts on Chun-Li?
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Built for the bbc
Hahahaha! Hilarious!
I want to cut her up and cook her meat.
>not wanting her to kill you, cut you up and eat your meat so you can become one forever
Why would I want that? I just want to eat her delicious meat. Imagine cutting her massive thighs with a cleaver as she cries out in pain.
>not wanting your pathetic life to finally gain some use as nourishment for a strong capable meaty woman
That's why I want to eat her. Because she looks healthy. Nothing's more delicious than a plump, meaty and attractive woman.
Are you trying to be the Claw from the SFII Animated Movie or something?
I want to bear her children
You niggas should meet irl, it would make for an entertaining news headline.
Shes no Juri, also this
She seemed like a classy girl back in the Alpha days, now they’ve made a whore of her.
Bro shes been a whore since 2
Not barefoot. Therefore not care.
best looking character in the game. it is a shame she is boring as fuck. can't stand to play her for a longer time, so i keep dropping her and going back to ibuki and menat
too difficult to play desu
My original video game waifu, now and forever.
Also loling @ the "canon" bust sizes in street fighter these days, she's way bigger than viper now.
>Shes no Juri,
yeah she isn't shit both design and gameplaywise.
I love her, wish I had more webms of her doing other people's poses
No. I'm into guro. That chunli eater doujin made me rock hard.
>watching comparison videos of characters doing menat supers
>chun literally has thigh jiggle physics
remember in the SFV pre-release demos and stuff where her boobs had ridiculous jiggle physics like literal water balloons lol
Why are her boobs so big? It's unrealistic
Remember in the SFV pre-release demos and stuff where she could spam double fireballs and completely lock you down?
Good ol' Chunners.
tried my hardest to main her for like 2 months, gave the fuck up, my thumb couldn't take it
>Thigh jiggle physics
You can't just say that and not post evidence for such a claim
The best is using the slutty costumes during her scenes with the little girl. Makes it look like she's trying to seduce her.
Please don't tell me that's Sean.
That was the jiggle glitch, right? I miss that. I also miss Cammy's nipples.
Basically the one good thing to come from SFV
Once C.Viper gets into SFV with gigantic Q-cup titties she won't be
source me my man
>Japanese game
>Makes a Chinagirl and a Koreagirl the hottest most fuckable characters in the series
What did Capcom mean by this?
I don't think she'd ever come back for 5, too technical
So was Juri and that didn't stop them
Juri got kinda fucked in V though, both in kit and body. Her face is great but they gave her hank hill ass
Not as bad as ibuki but yeah, Juri loses to the devs lovechildren Cammy/Chun
If you're using juri as an example they'd shrink viper's body in 5 then
Juri got kinda fucked
Juri's nonexistent ass is a crime. The moment she stands up you can clearly see she has no ass.
those feet tho
>have any other female do juri's intro
>their asses look absolutely insane since juri sticks her flat ass out so much
I want her to kick me in the face and choke me with her thunder thighs
They didn't make her ass smaller retards, they made Juri's thighs fuckhuge compared to SFIV and it makes her ass look smaller. Do you know how body proportions work?
I dunno chun's thighs got even bigger and her ass is looking great
Because Chun gets a bigger everything every game. They keep blowing her up
And god bless them for it.
>when an user's complaint sounds erotic as hell
>Ass looking great
Are you a fucking nigger?
Literally do not understand the obsession with Juri even slightly.
t. Ireland
post more fap material
They dress her up in really attractive outfits. Whereas Mika as per your example looks like a clown threw up on her in every game.
Story-wise and design-wise, she's evil Chun-Li. Same backstory, kick-based fighting, similar hairstyle, the spiked cuffs, etc. Personality-wise, she fits the punk girl niche which SF was lacking before her inclusion. Gameplay-wise she was completely unique in SFIV and had a ton of really fun setups and combos. Body-wise she has a distinctly slender frame and moves in a fluid, sexy kinda way. I guess exposed toes also attract footfags but they're subhuman
Meanwhile you posted Mika, who is just a dumb thick wrestling bimbo that was fanservice off the manufacturing line with nothing else giving her depth or appeal.
>chun li but ebil is more original than the first female grappler in the series that moves away from the slow big body archetype
>Implying Juri's multi-fireball storage in SFIV didn't make her one of the most unique characters to play period
Your character is a braindead vortex gimmick machine
You wouldn't be one forever. She'd shit you out within a day, and you'd have wasted (hehe) your already miserable life over nothing. Also, not everyone here is as pathetic as you. Close, but not completely lost yet.
If you don't like big bird then you are just a fool.
I appreciate that they give her a bunch of ridiculous over the top outfits that aren't afraid to make her look goofy. She's like girl Blanka and just as braindead and unga
I'm a sucker for evil chicks. The purple color scheme and spider motif didn't hurt. I've also used/liked Mika since Alpha 3 and used to piss off my friends with retarded V-ism shit. SF and fightan in general has nice women.
>can summon a ring in SFA
>has unique wall interaction never seen before and again in the franchise
>turned into an assist marvel character in V
Just admit that you're a fag with a foot fetish
>really attractive outfits
>slutty goth girl #817501
>j-juri is unique because f-fireball storage
>mika has a multidirectional offscreen tag team striker
t. bronzie waifufag who stopped playing when Mika's downie-tier S1 vortex was fixed
nice argument
Are you stupid?
>Juri can store up to 3 fireballs and intersperse them to make blockstrings safe, control the field, corner carry, do absurd FADC combos, or link off of an AA
>Mika can press her v-trigger button and get an extra hit sometimes
it's actually more like
>Juri can store up to 3 fireballs and only one is useful
You clearly never played against a good Juri. A good Juri can lock you down and kill you in second with fireball locks and charge traps.
>Kill you in second
with SF4's damage that's impossible
>Fireball locks
>charge traps
Had no idea Mika triggered this many people.
she triggers my dick on the daily
yeah they're the ones that got offended by her ass slap
2D Chun-Li > 3D Chun-Li
SFV Cammy basically has Street Fighter Alpha Chun-Li's body. Thats why Cammy is a goddess in SFV
The fuck you talking about?
I'm just glad Cammy got her booty back. SFIV she had nothing going on.
>that hank hill booty
Cammy's amazing in SFV but cmon chun is absolutely unreal in that game
Dobson pls go
have none of you used her battle costume?
ur moms built for bbc cuckboy
I liked using Elena in 3S. Never played much SFIV. Will she ever return?
Probably not, she was pretty hated thanks to her healing.
I think he may have a severe case of being a heterosexual male.
>shit talks Juri
>posts this monstrosity
Some people were getting triggered when she was announced because she was low tier in alpha 3.
>not liking bara women
Any chunner webms?
Her lower body is very detailed.
God bless Chunlieater
Falke next month?