This is $5. What's your excuse for not getting it?

This is $5. What's your excuse for not getting it?

Don't want to buy a console.

noice, will pick it up tonight

I don't like multiplayer games and I'm never buying anything on Origin ever again.


why get it for $5 when I can get it for free?

Singleplayer is surprisingly good.

I'm saving up for a new turbo.


because I don't want to join a game where the only people playing are the super committed fans who've been playing it since launch and I will just keep dying all the time because I'm not as good as them.

I'm in a similar boat with Siege. I want to keep playing it but I just die immediately every match.

I already have it on PS4 tho

>I'm never buying anything on Origin ever again.
>sucking Gabe's cock this hard

>my mouth HAVE to have someone's cock in

It's an EA product and only cretins give them money

Yeah mine

At five dollars it's most likely a dead game. Why would I still get it?

5 bucks to play a dead game that is worse than the first in every way. What a fucking steal.

My computer is a toaster among toasters.

It's not bad, you get in a game in like a minute

>putting origin on your computer

Got a physical XBONE copy for $10

bought it second hand for 5 bucks actually and returned it after a few hours. boring as fuck. where the fuck are all the good mecha games

I can buy a bigmac

get origin acces for 1 month and try it also you get other games with it

can't be assed to get origin

if you think titanfall is bad just don't even bother with any other mecha game


I own it on ps4

Its worth less.

I'm not very good at competitive FPS

Even if it's only 5 dollars I likely won't play it.

The upcoming MechWarrior says hi.

>all this hate for origin
Explain yourselves

I kinda liked the first one, you win marketer

Titanfall is an excellent mecha game for people who don't like mecha.

EA don't understand that sales should be global.

Same with worse ping

I bought it
I loved 1, but after it died within a year, I sure as fuck wasn't paying full price for that again.

T2 is great, and I'm glad it got made, but I'm also glad I only payed 5 bucks for it. Shouldn't have taken that deal w EA, these games deserved so much bette.r

> Piranha Games

>10 active players

I did buy it. the campaign was decent but like 6 hours long. all I ever heard about the game was "it has a great campaign, best shooter campaign in years!" and then it's over in a flash. and online seems to be pretty dead on pc, full of babies like me trying it for the first time and a couple of grizzled vets who carry matches. glad I didn't pay more than $5

>cod with wall running
>giving EA money
>even $5
hard pass

>not engaging in glorious co-op

You make me sick.


you know, i was thinking i would say i don't hate origin, and it's more i can't be assed to bother, like how i bought aoe3 on some service a while ago for 29 cents, but can't even remember what that service was so i haven't played it, but since you want to know, it's because EA raped and killed some of my favorite games/series

I made a commitment to not buying anything published by EA years ago.

Games there are stuck in Polish. Neither Steam nor Uplay does this shit.


That's all the reason I need to skip it.


works on my computer

> I need to excuse not owning it but you don't need to excuse giving money to EA.
> how can you not be an irresponsible consumer like me? Dont you want to overindulge in your capitalist urge to purchase that which appeals to you? Why don't you bend over for corporate dick you commie?
Grow up sweetie.

Titanfall 2 is a good game

Its just a video game.
There's no video game on earth good enough to warrant giving money to electronic arts.
You're just an petulant child who shirks their responsibilities within the social contract of capitalism.

>You're just an petulant child who shirks their responsibilities within the social contract of capitalism.
Get a job faggot

Honestly it's too hard. I avoid games with bunny hopping mechanics built in because I don't have the countless hours to pour into mastering them anymore.

Good job kid.


Grow up

>grow up
>posts underage reaction images
Get gassed

I played like 300 hours of it when it first came out. Disappointing to see that Respawn completely folded to EA, the next game is going to be some compromised shit.

I play overwatch because I like wallriding as lucio, but fucking can't stand everything else about the game, had to install it after I couldn't take anymore.
Bought titanfall 2 for 6 dollars at Sup Forums's reccomendation since hey, fps with good movement, sounds good to me. I don't know if it's just me but the movement felt like ass, the wallride seemed just inconsistent with what you could and couldn't wallride on, there seemed to be very little to no air control, and that grappling hook felt like the one from that fucking doom mod. Uninstalled and requested a refund right then and there.

meant to say uninstall instead of install. I know this is a titanfall 2 thread but I'd just like to say for the record that overwatch is a complete dumpster fire.

>no air control
it's a fucking source game you nigger, learn to airstrafe
the grapple is also the best grapple ever put in a vidya since it properly carries momentum, and again fucking airstrafe

don't get me wrong the game is trash compared to the first titanfall for many reasons but the movement is not one of them, it's god damn smooth

I bought it on launch.

>$18.48 for Normal edition for yuros
>$16.43 for Ultimate edition
What a steal!

you can't play online on the pirated version

AKA every multiplayer game

I don't like that type of game