Langrisser Rebirth

Langrisser series still lives as it's getting a mobile game in the vein of Fire Emblem Heroes!

Pretty much every hero/villain from I, II and III will be playable including minor characters.

Class Change system still in, it plays like the old games.


Official Site:

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Never played a langrisser game but the old artstyle was amazing

Will this be in english OP?
I'm interested

yeah, worldwide release confirmed

still beta testing in China

Thanks for the info user, I don't like the new art that much but since it's a gacha I can cope with it.
See ya in the game user

new art is fine, I like the new Sherry design

III could use a remake

I hate this shit.

it plays and feels like the old games, it's more authentic than FE Heroes

I don't know. Most mobile games cripple you until you get tired of it and decide to give some extra bucks. I guess I still prefer a formal release on a handheld, console or PC.

will get a PC version for sure

1 hour and a half of gameplay:

doesnt look that bad.

but i dunno, was changing the artstyle really necessary?

I don't think Urishihara is cheap

anyway dream game for me

>no Urushihara art

Might buy it if it has a self-insert and romance, I guess.

you can play the original scenarios from the old games, nice

Boser is playable

Bernhardt too

Is not this game where you can archived the best ending where humanity and demons are free and in peace by killing MC lawfag girlfriend?


Der Langrisser, yes. The worst ending is unironically the one where you stick with the 'good guys' because it means that the demon races continue to be oppressed, which is something you have no idea about until you turn against your initial allies.

>Langrisser without Satoshi Urushihara
Why bother? The last game on the 3DS was an abomination.

Also, this.

Mobile gaming is harassment, ads, and timers.

I(PC), II(SNES) and IV(PSX) have been translated

this game is confirmed for worldwide release but will start in China where the franchise is really popular

in II you can kill the good guys(including the goddess), the demon guys(including the devil himself) and the empire. You start a new prosperous empire in the epilogue

It looks like shit and what I presume to be the main character looks like he has downs syndrome.

I only ever played Warsong. What's the deal with Lushiris and Jesica?

Lushiris is a goddess and Jessica is an immortal sorceress.

Jessica is Lushiris avatar

huh, Sabra and Tiberion got together? Mina and Garrett too?

Weird, I wonder why they changed the names for the English release?

Lance, actually


well fuck. I thought it was a HD collection

>I don't think Urishihara is cheap
I thought he was going blind

what are your favorite characters?

>first Re:Incarnation
>now mobileshit
Aren't there laws against cruel and unusual treatment?

L2's 1st stage recreated in this engine

Are these games lewd?

Not at all

How do I get into this series?

All i know of this game is that pic of MC doing an evil laugh, declaring he and his army have become way too atrong and that they have TWO legendary swords.

well the only routes they could have done were:
-remake I, II and III with a modern engine
-reboot the franchise
-FE Heroes

Langrisser always sucked, come back when they make a new Growlanser.

That art style is fucking terrible.

Is Growlanser in the same setting as Langrisser.

Apparently these came before the Langrisser games and they're in the same universe.

>No Urushihara.


no one likes Growlanser

>-remake I, II and III with a modern engine
This is a better option than Re:Incarnation Tensei and mobage, yes. Not sure why IV and V keep getting ignored, though. IV is the second best game behind II and V is on par with III at least.
>-reboot the franchise
They tried that already. With R:IT. It's shit.
>-FE Heroes
Or the fourth option:
-Let it rest in peace

Fuck Growlanser, let me know when they make a new Vixen 357.

It's not going to do very well. It will gain a niched following, but that's it. The more complicated and over-designed the actual gameplay is, the less likely it's going to be popular.

Fuck Vixen 357, let me know when they make a new CRW Metal Jacket.

Imelda is still my favorite


langrisser with modern fast gameplay and remixed songs, I'm in

Play Der Langrisser.

Best girl.

Best theme.




>give presents to raise affection level version pls

maybe girls like tharja exist now, but nothing can compare to the sheer UNF that is 80s/90s slutty sorceress designs.

we really need more designs like this one.

>Urushihara is legit going blind.

Post more Urushihara.

Completely unfamiliar with them. I was like 10 and what is this with Warsong, can't remember much.


when does this release again?

III's shitty battle system killed it

What does the rubbing system do? You get a higher pink number but what's it for?


affection level, which was different in the original games

Those fucking shoulder pads.

its all i want to draw right now
its those fucking shoulder pads man!


I love 3 tho
Of course I turned off the battle screen immediately and just resolve fights on the map


>betray your friends
>betray the kingdom you betrayed your friends for
>betray the dark lord
>kill your friends, the emperor the dark lord, the goddess, and your hero grandpa's ghost
>Rule a nonfucked up world but your waifu won't speak to you until the day you die
Der Langrisser is a fucking ride man. Love that game.

which one is the waifu? The blonde or the one that really likes showing her ass?


She was a fucking lawfag

Dramatic Edition has 2 new branches:
1)True Light Path: Boser kills Bernhardt early so Leon becomes the new ruler. If you spare Imelda and persuade Laird you can avoid killing Leon in the final battle
2)Ruin path: Est and Ost betray you on the Lushiris Gate scenario, Chaos suddenly appears and kills Rohga and Sonya while the Gate crumbles. Final stage is Elwin and Hein VS Leon, Eggbert, Liana and Lana. After you kill them Eggbert makes a last attack against Elwin but Hein shields him dying in the process, final scene is Elwin crying like a bitch.


Which is odd since even the goddess respects your decision of trying to kill her

She basically the Iris of langrisser


>You have to betray everyone to get the best ending
This is too bizarre, if you are going for a greater good, why you can't convince your friends to go n you?

girl team

Route C best route.

we got Bust/waist/hip measurements



not in an english version if it comes out...


>That feel when butchered English version with no rubbing on top of no Satoshi art


Can't they get the original artist back?

go play the PSX version which has the Uri portraits, time to move on


So, Imagine, you go through and are finishing taking over the nearest city, with your friends and troops who you have been fighting with for over a year for the good of your nation.

Then, your best friend came up to you and said, I realise now that everything that we were doing before is wrong. The king is evil, the nation is in the wrong.

We should rebel, come with me and I promise that God is on my side, he told me that I'm right.

Would you follow him? Or would you call him crazy and refuse?

Came here to say exactly this. Urushihara is a legend. Hang in there bros.

They can't unblind him user, why are you so rude?



yes. no urushihara no buy

He's blind, or at least damn close to it