Currently at a stalemate, play Overwatch a lot, love multiplayer games. I only play Overwatch, someone give me a new game where the community is alive, and that isn’t a MOBA, I just can’t work them out and don’t enjoy them
Currently at a stalemate, play Overwatch a lot, love multiplayer games. I only play Overwatch...
He said no mobas.
How is it a moba more than OW
OW is an fps with moba elements.
Paladins is a moba with fps elements.
That doesn't explain shit
r6s u fool
You want sensible competitive gameplay thats fucking tense
OW was made for literal casuals with FPS experience whatsoever.
No fps*
Only if you have a low IQ.
this but unironically
they're even getting rid of the chinaman-pandering lootbox shit.
Are you underage? You can't articulate your points for shit. You have no argument. You just post random buzzwords thinking I'm supposed to derive meaning from them. Get your handler or guardian so I can talk with them about you being a fuckass.
Fortnite battle royale
Played this before I bought PC, didn’t like how buggy it was with everything and how it forces you to buy new operators
>how it forces you to buy new operators
You got a gun to your head you retard? the base operators which take 20 hours to get all of them, and that timeframe will be nothing out of the hundreds of hours you will pump into seige.
Are you fucking kidding me? Paladins is first person league.
yikes he got u good
>Are you underage? You can't articulate your points for shit
>How is it a moba more than OW
OP here, to settle debates and what not, I’m not playing paladins, it’s just a bad overwatch
Actually try tf2 if you aren't retarded enough for the tf2 vs overwatch debate.
Have looked at it, don’t want to get into a game that’s been out that long, I want the thrill of discovering things again and not knowing what things do in a game. If that makes sense
Sure, i'd say get into Phoenix point when it comes out, x-com has a nice community and the game is looking extremely promising so far.
>bad overwatch
Get a load of this casual
I bet you think TF2 is a bad Csgo
Tell the paladinsfag how things are, OP.
That's not a point, that's a question. A question you haven't answered.
>that's a question
>without question mark
we spotted the real underage
That's the amazing ability of English language: you can guess whether it's a question or not based on grammatical sentence structure.