Comes out April 3rd. 35 days remaining.
Pillars of Eternity II: Deadfire
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35 days left for another great Obsidian game filled with:
>Masterful and unique story
>Intriguing characters with depth
>Subdued and sensible humor
>Dialogue so extraordinary even Tolstoy would be jealous
>Thank you for reading this line
>Fast as a cheetah
>No shilling whatsoever
>Modern real time with pause combat for real hardcore gamers
>Brand new stunning graphics
>Actual character building consequences
>Perfect balance, making any character viable
>Some traces of environmental combat to boot
Oh, the based Ederposter, haven't seen you in a while
BASED countdown poster
BASED Edér poster
Can't wait, senpaitachi
I still haven't finished the first one...
i just beat poe for the first time and i didnt understand anything
honestly i cant even play crpgs with all these long ass blocks of text and no narrator to read it out loud to me. such a fucking snoozefest.
to be fair, Thaos' plan is fucking retarded.
>related to Kana
>represents Rauatai
>worst classes
I'd say with confidence that she's the worst girl, but Ydwin exists. Let's just settle with her being the worst legit female companion.
"Stop being an atheiast REEEEEEEEEEEEE"
Pillars in particular is too wordy and flowery with its writing. Still a great game, though.
>not wanting to fluster kana by telling him what a good cumslut his sister is
>not forcing her to submit and renounce rauatai through the power of your cock
>not enjoying sushi
user plz.
Fuck off Thaos, your gods are fake.
"No sweatie, gods ain't real"
>sends you back into the wheel
No, it wasn't. He gets to keep the faith in gods, keeps Animancy, the only threat to their existence, hidden away, becomes Woedica's number 1 special boy and gets to power her up and have her be above all the other gods again. He gets to reincarnate the same man over and over and over again. If it weren't for the Watcher, he'd be living large for more countless centuries to come.
Muscle Wizards are back. All hail lord Sawyer. He has come to his senses.
>most of the changes are "let's make it as it was before, back in PoE1"
Git gud Tom
They're a cool looking race that has just been unlucky to not be properly represented in the first game
>related to Kana
Don't blame her for her brother's sins
>represents Rauatai
The coolest faction
>worst classes
Alright, I can't deny this one, but she gets a cool bird that can reveal every single pixel of the map
All of this is irrelevant because she's CUTE..
I'm fine with this. He listened to the idiots in the Obsidian forums every step of the way and they now realized that all the shit they wanted sucks. Glad he doubled down on the ship combat.
*imprisons ur soul*
Me too. I'm really glad he knows about fucked up casting times.
I think it's more he realized that no matter what he does they'll complain. He will never please everyone so he's just doing what he wants now.
I want to sodomize Hiravias.
I'll start by shaving him.
>caving to the wishy-washy troglodytes
What is your problem with Kana
Boring character who tries far too hard to be your buddy.
I wish he put the party size back at 6. And brought vancian casting, while we're at it.
He said he's going against his better judgement to do some things that he disagrees with but that backers want and feel is best.
Like always, he's trying to keep a balance.
>wishing he'd just revert all of the good changes
That's silly.
You're silly.
Like says, Kana tries way too hard, as does his voice actor. Compare to Edér who is effortlessly likeable and relatable.
>Image with 6 characters
>Simultaneous characters reduced to 5
Its shit.
>All these Maia fags
Xoti is cuter, a better character and an Eothas worshipper. She's a no-brainer.
Edér and effortless don't really go together. The constant bullshit with the doggos and his folksy aw shucks bullshit grate on me more than Kana.
There are 5 characters, user.
Are you feeling alright?
Can't say she's a better character until the game's out, but she certainly makes a better first impression. Good taste, user.
>not the anime animancer
Eothans literally have no brains.
Fuck. I meant to write "better class", since she's a priest and all. Rangers are worthless.
I'm not enthusiastic about the fact that it took a mod to drive home something that has been super obvious since beta went live but if it makes cast times actually sensible than fine.
Oh yeah, that makes more sense.
>No human faction
SJW trash
>Muscle Wizards are back. All hail lord Sawyer.
>balance the game around one stat adding % dmg for both melee and spellcasters to make hybdri classes like cypher work
>make sequel with basically the same system except now there are two % attributes divided between melee/spellcasting making hybrid classes have now 2 mandatory attributes to deal dmg
>add multiclassing on top of that
Sometimes I really feel like Sawyer has absolutely no idea wtf he's doing. If he wanted to go back to D&D attributes he should have made the spells scale with level or add talents/sub classes specific for hybrids. It's not fucking rocket science and it's shit that has been done by a thousand other rpg systems/games. Seriously wtf.
There's the Vai- Oh, why do I even bother?
Tips muffin hat.
Never understood why he tried to change everything for a direct sequel desu.
Can someone explain to me the Kana hate? Aside from being pretty bland I really don't get it. I expected the sassy dwarf huntress from a matriarchy that doesn't need no man to get the brunt of it but she's mostly ignored aside from Eder x Itumaak.
I wonder if Rangers will suck in Deadfire. I mean, there probably won't be Stormcaller in there.
You mean Sagani? I like her too, she has good banter and her "mom of the group" routine amuses me.
Me neither. When I backed the game, I inherently thought it was mostly gonna be adding stuff on top of the systems that were in PoE, not remaking the whole wheel.
>You mean Sagani? I like her too
I don't mind her aside from her accent being a generic american one just curious why Kana gets most of the hate.
Rangers are gonna be decent because there will be plenty of cool guns this time around, I bet.
Right now in beta they are boring but effective. The recovery system was changed for ranged weapons in a good way but it's still mostly point and auto attack until higher level abilities.
I think his voice actor is a big part of it. He's chewing that scenery. Barik bothered me for the same reason.
And now he's going backwards on that because the backers realized why they aren't game designers.
I don't get it either, Pallegina was clearly the worst companion.
Except he's acquiescing to a lot of their armchair bullshit. One of the worst thing a dev can do is listen to their double digit iq fans
Yeah, let's go back to no immunities and per raising deflection
Todd shouldn't have listened from the start. These people have no clue what they want.
>Boohoo the stronghold was boring and not involved enough in the story.
>Boohoo the ship stronghold is too involved in the story
>Boohoo Muscle Wizards
>Boohoo Resolve Wizards
No, I mean this:
>and most weapon summons have been moved from Long to Average cast (I’ll say this is against my better judgment, because those weapons are ludicrously powerful IME).
The people who bitched about it taking too long to cast were playing on easy mode where battles take less than 7 seconds.
>let's spend half the fight summoning a weapon and self buffing
Just rolling what character to play today.
1-2 Priest(wael)
3-4 Fighter
5-6 Paladin
7-8 Druid
9-0 Ranger
No, it makes perfect sense. If you think it's retarded, you simply haven't read enough in-game lore.
Remember that if you haven't played the game as a nuker Wizard you haven't played the game at all. No, having Aloth in your party is not a substitute for a proper nuker Wizard walkthrough, because Aloth is a soyboy with no Might.
Sagani is too boring to ever be brought up. She may as well not exist.
>upscaled Ogre Druids in Elmshore on PoTD
I've made a horrible mistake.
Im rolling too
>We don’t have much time left to mess around with base attributes, so we’re discussing one final idea, which focuses on adding a random chance to Empower (or Depower, with low Resolve) any active ability when used after a short time has elapsed in combat.
I fucking hate "luck" skills. They're no fun to minmax either way.
They're terrible on higher difficulties as well.
How do I upgrade the Company Hat? I have 6/15 confused, but I don't know how to set it of, and I can't use that ability in combat
Don't be such a bitch. They said they're going to test that out and if it doesn't work they're going to revert to pillars 1 might/res
Look at this loser.
>I fucking hate "luck" skills.
Nigger, EVERYTHING in PoE and 99% of other RPGs, both PnP and vidya, is luck "based". Adding just another roll to the shitload of rolls the game does every second changes nothing.
remember at launch when there was a bug that meant the BEES would never despawn?
This. I wonder what percentage of them will still stick to their god even when he finally reveals himself to be the ultimate dipshit.
Just look at this quote. He's a cunt.
>I have 6/15 confused
Hit your character with your own party members.
Encountering Ogre Druids is the moment people usually realize that the Druid is a class not to be fucked with.
Minmaxing is love. Minmaxing is life.
You know what I mean. Dumping on a stat means your big attack you planned suddenly goes to shit, so you don't want that. But putting a lot of points still has a high chance of feeling underwhelming. It's too inconsistent compared to the other stats.
That's why I empowered Woedica. Fuck Eothas.
How to ranged druid? Is it better to go full wand/rot skull damage or an elemental nuker?
So far, Hylea seems like the best. Waiting for an inevitable twist that paints her in a darker light.
The only mistake you've made was not sending the tank ahead of the party so he eats all the insect plagues while rest buffs and then slickens or puts them to sleep permanently, then spam aoe damage spells that insta crit and rape them
I like the idea of the Dozens as a faction. Not a lot of RPGs that let you side with the dumb angry mob.
Wael, god of Sup Forums
Play Tyranny and side with Scarlet Chorus.
You answer a question with a God of questions Watcher. Are you sure you don't worship a fiery whore?
The wheel.
Abydon. Failing that, Berath.
Isn't this more or less Berath?
How can you be so sure that I'm speaking the truth?
You don't worship the whore.
You worship what the whore worships.
Really makes you think.
>>worst classes
But she is a ranger, not a rogue.