Zelda is currently 71 awards behind The Witcher 3. Better luck next time, guys

Zelda is currently 71 awards behind The Witcher 3. Better luck next time, guys.


both great games :)

Both games are garbage and show how much wrong there is with current video games. I’m especially ashamed of Nintendo for falling for the open world meme.

Thanks OP I thought I was enjoying video games but now I know better.

Both games are complete garbage but since this board is NintendoGAF they will pretend BoTW is any better.

>multiplat sells better than exclusive
wow good job retard

tfw i genuinely enjoyed video games before coming to Sup Forums

>547 GOTY awards listed in 2015
>324 GOTY awards listed in 2017


BoTW is also a multiplat. Did you forget?

This board is unbelievable.

zelda nes was open world, nintendo pioneered it

But Sup Forums told me the nintendo bias was real?

Don’t be a pedantic cunt, you know what I mean.

>break a documented rule
>"haha I knew the mods were corrupt"

>Ignoring the fact that Botw was released in 2 consoles + the best version you can play it.
And i'm not shilling the PC, you literally cannot play botw without frame drops ina Nintendo console.

There was less competition in 2015 since nothing came out that year
BotW came out in a year with loads of good games so it's not going to get 100% of the awards

It's called consolidation. Through taxes this can be done imperceptibly over time.


What this guy is saying ,since 2015, a lot of fucking nobody's been removed from critical reviews, one great example is that guy call Jim Everibody hated cuz he give Horizon Dawn Zero a 10, but Zelda a 6.

Good riddance.

I didn´t like neither game much
guess future video games are gonna be pretty boring for people like me


Are you on crack? Bloodborne was a runner up that year and even that game would have trashed 2017 goty awards.

Zelda is still a better game, though.
And neither of them really reflect the best in the industry, nothing that appeals to the lowest common denominator ever does.

>guess future video games are gonna be pretty boring for people like me
I know this feel.

Welp too bad, the future's pretty bright from here.

I’m with you fags. There’s always the old backlog of old games though.


Trips of truth! Fukkin rekt

While that is true, Wii U and Switch are owned largely by similar crowds, the game did not reach as diverse audience as Witcher 3 did by releasing on PS4, XBone and PC.
So yeah, BotW is multi-plat, but I wouldn't say it was in any way meaningful to game's success.

The Last of Us has more than both of those combind.

The Virgin Gook Developer vs. The Slav Chad Auteur

The reason for that?

Blogs being taken seriously to inflate the number.

Gee, I wonder why


witcher 3 is #1, tlou #2

>awards are sales

He gave Zelda a 7 you soyboy. Problem?


fuck you virgins