And you play as the opposite gender other than your own in games why exactly...

And you play as the opposite gender other than your own in games why exactly? Refrain from posting your lame bullshit escapism bullshit excuses aka being a mentally retarded/mentally ill crossdressing twink faggot, sissy faggot or worse a fucking tranny nigger

cause the girls are attractive

cuz im not a homo who likes staring at gay man butts

ok i admit i enjoy playing girls in video games because i'm a mentally retarded/mentally ill crossdressing twink sissy tranny nigger faggot

> caring this much about what gender other anons play as
> calling US mentally retarded/ill

kekking every laff

Because I play with one hand if you know what I mean.


It's the easiest way to get an interesting narrative about a strong, likable female character

>Being this insecure

I play as a girl sometimes, I play as a guy.
it changes on a whim, like my gender.

Usually in an RPG I'm like
>first playthrough
>play as a good-natured man
>second playthrough
>play as an evil woman

I like watching girls you fucking flamboyant faggot, fuck you.

As long as you don't flip flop your gender in real life, I think it's all good. I like playing as big-tittied mage bitches so I can undress them occasionally and enjoy the nude mods.

>playing as a yucky girl

I enjoy having an attractive woman obey my every order.

I like playing dress-up and I like legs,hips and ass

>draw a hot anime girl in third class
>user, whyyy do you draw girls, eww, are you gay? please pleaase draw a muscular man instead, those are cool

because they don't know any hot females in real life so it's the only way they'll be around a hot woman

I usually make a male character first then a female if I replay. What's bad about that?


I create thematically appropriate characters.
In the traditional Thief Fighter Mage archetype I make dudes the fighters, females the mages and thieves are 50/50 in gender.
Depending on what game I'm playing and what I'm playing as, I make the character that I believe fits the best for the role from my personal perspective. Sometimes females fit better. Deal with it asssucking thunder cunt

Females have a smaller profile and are harder to shoot.

Because women are underrepresented in video games.

>even trying to understand something gender related with this generation
lol I'll pass

Because I think the idea of being a woman and having cocks filling every orifice of my body and impregnating me is pretty hot.

Why not use your imagination and imagine that being pregnant is boring as fuck. They get fucked and it feels like a regular fucking, then stop bleeding out their cunts, get hungry as fuck and shit out a kid.

You've a developed a weirdo fetish like when faggots cum on their own faces and regret it immediately after. Except somehow you're too fucked in the head and since you can't pregnant you're stuck with your illness forever

depends on the game. if the male models are shit, i'll play a female