Is there such a thing as a woman who genuinely enjoys video games?

Is there such a thing as a woman who genuinely enjoys video games?

Better question: Is there such a thing as a person who genuinely enjoys video games? Think about it.

kys dumb user

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Yeah, but because of OMG GIRL GAMER XD shitposting (both fake geek girls and retards that accuse everyone of being one), they don't feel like they can be part of vidya communities without someone starting shit, so they keep their heads down and pretend to be dudes, creating a resentment towards their fellow dorks that makes them play less and less vidya until they retreat fully into normalfaggotry.


I do, killing shit is awesome.

whty does she look like she has dones BLACKED?

My coworker is a real gamer girl; always talks about games nonstop, a little autistically. I told her I think girls who play games is a huge turn off.

my gf does. That doesnt mean she doesnt suck at them though.

my sister? I've woken up to her in my room, playing at 4am.

Yes, but they mostly play normie shit like bioware and normie JRPGs and WRPGs. They love to self-insert most of the time.

Kids under 12? Anything past that and you're only playing for escapism, not fun

No because I’d rather shitpost on Sup Forums. Video games are a waste of time

Is she of marriageable age?

would you play games if you looked like webm related?

>You will never have a qt GF to synchronize shitposting on Sup Forums with

From my experience, some really do but they're fairly uncommon. The "trendy" types all hate vidya though, they just want attention.

Yes but they're the type that happen to play games and be women, not attention-seeking whoremongers that only want attention.

This. Videogames are slightly more entertaining then TV, but only sometimes and that occasional additional entertainment comes at the cost of effort.

Yeah i play with them all the time in low silver overwatch


>a woman who genuinely enjoys video games?
yes, Kelsey.

I can't stop focusing on her neck bones. Necks are so disgusting.

I'm the opposite - TV is boring for me. Even after a day of work, I'd rather spend my time playing a singleplayer game. I only watch TV/movies occasionally with other people.

They genuinely enjoy video games about as much as you genuinely enjoy listening to them talk.

You both pretend to care about each other's bullshit so you don't feel shallow when you fuck. That's life.

>neck bones

yeah but they only play MOBAs

I used to until I realized how much it affected my life and how I became a neet and a fucking loser because of it


My cousin plays video games a lot. Usually just overwatch and Dead by Daylight but she also plays elder scrolls and fallout games.


Too skinny
Ugly upper lip
Weird nose
No tits

Tendons? Muscles? Whatever. They're gross.

>Holding the N64 controller correctly
>The Nintendo tank
What a fuckin babe

yes. they will NEVER speak up if they're a true gamer though, because every interaction results in "HEH CAN I GET YOUR SNAPCHAT?!?!" it might be month, it might be a year, it might be 5. it inevitably comes when the guy is horny and the girl is there though. it's a very isolating life, being a real gamer girl: all the girls hate you for either not being a real girl or for not being an attention whore, and the guys hate you for not being a slut. that's why you see no women in western pro gaming

Have you ever actually seen a skeleton?

You should probably start liking men then

I don't read that fantasy crap


Men have no necks now?

the female version of linkara

What's the difference between them?

Yes, as I would have secretly made my self barren and then latched on to a rich sap so I can be a "house wife" and play video games all day and be a dead fish getting dicked down at night.

>"grossed out" by muscles and tendons moving under the skin

That's literally every part of the human body. Are you possibly a robot or alien

Shit and piss is human too. Guess I'm not grossed out about it anymore. Dumbass.

Maybe he's a skeleton in disguise

what a stupid response.

I believe there's a direct correlation between whether a girl games or not and how cute her toes are.

people on this board are so fuckin retarded

Yes, my sister loves playing the 3D zeldas to completion. She recently played Skyward Sword almost in its entirety.

Also, one of her favorite games is Baldur's Gate II

Yeah, they love their block matchers, sudoku, and other simple games they can play on their phone while commuting. I do know a gril that likes pubg and minecraft, but she's a bit of an oddball (neither a stacy or a landwhale).

Alyce Rocha seems to.

I am a woman and I play video games all the time.

ur dum

no need to be a bitch about it

Yes, but just because they like video games doesn't mean they have to like you

my sister loves playing video games. she's far from ugly and socially and academically successful. she used to play mostly multiplayer games like league, csgo and wow but she quit multiplayer almost completely two years ago and mostly plays rpgs. according to her, most of the girls she encountered online only play for attention and are fiercely competitive. not competitive when it comes to rank... like most people (males) do with these games. no, they always perceived her to be a threat to their male attention.

she had this one girl (who dated her friend) talk shit about her whenever she wasn't there, and spread rumours of her being boosted. and this was apparently a common occurrence. but somehow i made her see the light and i have someone else to talk to about CRPGs so that's cool.

i believe her. anyone who's been in a guild with a teenage/young adult girl has encountered someone like this. someone so socially starved that they can't bear the thought of another person with a vagina occupying a guild slot. according to her, girls (male) were always nicer to her than any other female (fat) were.

Is there such a thing as a Sup Forumsidiot who genuinely enjoys video games?

i used to enjoy them but not now
i only tolerate them now.

Yes but some of them still push on in anonymous forums because they have full autism and have accepted the fact that they just hate people and never want to interact with them irl

Because girl(males) know the struggle of being ugly too.

define "someone who genuinely enjoy videogames"

90% of these are women with daddy issues, most are sluts. Women who enjoy me hobbies are largely dysfunctional, much like if a man enjoys manicures, he's probably dysfunctional.