Do you think Capcom is doing itself a service or disservice by keeping the future of the game a tightlipped secret even going as far as to silence even alleged leakers?
If people knew G rank was coming, wouldn't that keep them more engaged? As opposed to letting more and more people reach the lackluster endgame and then give up on the game only to say like, 6 months later, HEY LOOK WE GOT G RANK.
Or is it better they leave it a surprise? Discuss.
The MH team likes to keep shit on the down low. I mean, they announced World itself really close to release and after 4 - 5 years of dev time in secret.
Chase Gray
G-Rank was confirmed. You can see it in the damn game. There's a section at the end of the weapon tree that's totally blank.
Gee, I wonder I wonder what that section was held for...
Bentley Green
>G-Rank was confirmed. Liar.
Christian Bailey
Nah, fuck that. Now go buy the SF gestures.
Gabriel Cooper
why is G rank such a big deal?
is just some epeen crap for neckbeards?
Nicholas Johnson
what miserable person made that pic
Luis Green
G-Rank has the flyest looking armor sets.
Ethan Flores
Capcom already has your money so why should they spill what they're going to do in the future?
Landon Barnes
The real game doesn't begin until G rank.
Connor Parker
Really now, who gets this made over someone cheesing a PvE game? Some people are always going to take the path of least resistance. It's the devs fault, not the shitters.
Charles Ortiz
well especially with MHW game is too easy we need the real end game already.
Cameron Fisher
Eat your steak SLOWLY and you'll enjoy it more.
Thomas Edwards
t. worldbabby
McFucking kill yourself
Xavier Campbell
What's the max palico level? Google doesn't give me shit. Mine's at level 30, and I'm not seeing an experience bar on completion screens anymore, but all I've done since I noticed it was level 30 were expeditions, so maybe it just isn't getting any experience.
Jacob Powell
It's Capcom's usual Street Fighter IV -> Super Street Fighter IV kind of deal More monsters, more equipment, and all the old monsters get moveset revamps that change how you have to approach it completely (like G-Rank Stygian Zinogre and his fucking homing orb spam)
Landon Miller
I'm at sub 200 hours and just about done (HR 99) I *AM* taking my fucking time, World is not a bad game its just lighter on stuff to do then any other MH and way way to easy by far.
Eli Rogers
That doesn't fix the fact the game is way easier than any other MH.
Landon Young
>why do people want the actual game as opposed to the tutorial?
Michael Wilson
if it's something like that then it won't come out for at least a year, how can people be so desperate for it already
Cooper Cruz
How about capcom fix the desire sensor instead?
Austin Brooks
Cause it will most likely be dlc this time around, we just want some info at the least.
Connor Roberts
Because they played like 300 hours in a month and want more shit to do It happens whenever we get the base game (Tri, Gen) instead of only the G-Rank version (FU, 3U, 4U, XX)
James Rivera
G Rank monsters are faster, stronger, more HP, more aggressive, sometimes have new moves. G Rank has historically been where armour designs actually change, i.e. Low Rank and High Rank Rathalos armour look the same but the High Rank stuff has better stats and skills, G Rank Rathalos armour actually looks different on top of having better stats and skills. G Rank necessitating stronger equipment for the player also typically means you get weapons with better sharpness, and the better armour results in more flexibility with armour skills. It's just more game.
As somebody who I assume has only played World, imagine if the next Monster Hunter came out and there was no high rank. There's no precedent for that of course, high rank should be expected and anyone with a brain understands why World doesn't have G rank (yet), but western audiences are used to having G Rank.
Chase Garcia
they did, the ticket system is way better now
Brody Morgan
We're not exactly desperate for the actual G rank but we would like some news at least. Not just this deafening silence.
Xavier Rogers
You can trade in TICKETS FOR VAAL HAZAAK FANGS????!?!?!?!??!???????
William Mitchell
>sub 200 hours >game has been out for 30 days >average of nearly 7 hours every day >”I *AM* taking my time”
Ethan Kelly
One gem a week is too little for how many you'll tend to need. I wish there were more things you could do like getting the downy crake and petricanth for non-timelocked tickets. But I guess those are essentially RNG as well.
Jaxson Morales
Fucking kill yourself
Leo Hernandez
Investigations help a ton with gems Worst luck I ever had with gems was still Rath Rubies in 4U, took me about 5 hours of Raths a day for four days to get one.
Easton Gonzalez
Eat shit, Edmund
Jayden Long
I'm trying to break into G rank in MH4U. How much harder is it than high rank?
James Perez
Have some lube handy
Tyler Garcia
Get your lube ready.
Joseph Jackson
Compared to how much I could be playing? Ya, I'm taking my time, I'm doing all the little things to, fishing, crown farming, ect.
I still am just about done with everything, Hell even generations for the 3DS had more to do that was a High rank only game also, I have about 300 hours into that one.
ya, people are playing it a lot, hardly changes the fact that world is the easyist by far and has very little content compared to other MH games
Jackson Johnson
I'm shit at math. How did he get that probability?
Lucas Baker
aside from stronger monsters it's also where weapons start to look ALOT more unique and armors get a refresh in appearance vs the low and high rank versions that usually look similar.
it's also extra locations (usually 2-3 more) a dozen or two more monsters to hunt
and most importantly the difficulty is raised enough where it feels like you actually need a team of hunters to bring stuff down instead of just soloing everything, though to be honest previous g-rank was locked behind online only so it's curious how that will work now. might end up soloing everything anyway since online randoms tend to cart over easy shit.
Jayden Morris
Generations was an anniversary tribute game, of course it had more things to do
It was also made by a B team for the weakest system out there.
No reason world could not have had some kind of real end game/ end game challenge
Ethan Martinez
>he never fought 140 g rank orochi kirin
Carson Powell
4U had a few endgame caravan (singleplayer) quests that were G-Rank difficulty despite not being marked as any different, as I recall.
Owen Reed
>since online randoms tend to cart over easy shit. this infiruates me. i waste more time fialing quest because some idiot carts than just going solo. the only times team hunting works is by doing it late hours at night
Jacob Thompson
>easiest by far Tri and P3rd exist
>very little content compared to Generations Gee maybe that's because Generations literally just copy and pasted almost every single monster in MH into one game while barely adding anything new?
Ryan Sanders
oh right, i forgot about that, it's been quite a while since i played.
i was silver crown rank but never bothered with that last Rajang quest needed for gold crown, i probbaly just hated doing the 140 rajang, teostra, and deviljho quests over and over for random drops that still sucked because RNG doesn't like you.
Evan Hughes
Daniel Martinez
thats what the seltas and seltas queen are for
Mason Cook
>Generations added nothing new! >Hunting arts, a fuck ton of variation to monsters, and the best flagships ever
>its ok that Monster hunter worlds weapons all look the same! its ok MHW only has 25 monsters! (despite also just copy pasting a ton of them)
Tyler Cooper
And Atoraru Ka
Benjamin Collins
I'm playing MH4U for the first time as well, 120 hours in, just unlocked 10-star missions and hunted Oroshi Kirin. How much longer until G-Rank?
Henry Green
Yeah, those were still pretty challenging solo. I mostly play MH with friends though so I don't have to deal with random shitters at least.
Hunter Miller
One question, is there any LBG that rapid fires sticky shots? I loved crag centered builds in 3 and 4
Luke Clark
>best flagships ever
Glav and Astalos are cool, but the furry dragon and Gammoth can fuck right off.
Isaiah Reed
Will G-Rank provide lewd outfits for my male hunter
Joshua Watson
We had a beautiful little series called Lost Planet that Capcom killed with their early 2010's retardation
Isaiah Garcia
The Gammoth was fucking great the fuck you on about.
Lucas Peterson
So far i have just been playing without any armor. When do i unlock some lewd looking stuff?
Daniel Nelson
No fuck you
Austin Scott
>Lost Planet 3
Owen Powell
Honestly my biggest problem with the game is that everyone uses the same fucking armor (nerg/dober) no fucking build variety because that armor is usually the best for every god damn weapon
Andrew Morris
Hows the slice spamming after the nerf? Other ammo actually worth using now? Or bowguns just bad now.
Wyatt Bennett
Didn't they already confirm G Rank would be added later on?
Kayden Jones
What is a Deluxe First Wyverian Print used for? I don't seem to be able to use it for anything at the melder even though that's what the description says it's for.
Blake Howard
The best for a weapon is usually some horrendous looking clownsuit The Nerg and Odo sets are just pretty good without minmaxing
Elijah Phillips
>added nothing new barely added anything new != added nothing new
>its ok that Monster hunter worlds weapons all look the same Blatantly false.
>its ok MHW only has 25 monsters Put some effort into your shitposts. You can easily just google the MHW wiki and find the full monster roster there. Or maybe you're just that retarded that you can't even count.
Brayden Anderson
Austin Richardson
He was a fucking punching bag, the fight was dreadfully boring. I'll give him props for being the first elephant monster though.
Levi Hughes
ti saw this vid and though it was interesting that the teaser was in our face all along...IF its a teaser.
>IMPORTANT what do you want the DLC to look like? small adding of monsters or maps with 10 to 20 of each mon? i hope its dlc packs, for free of course.
Caleb Russell
What ever happened to the whole Horizon crossover thing?
Tyler Morris
when are we getting my boy Duramboros?
Levi Nelson
THIS. Holy shit I was so ecstatic for a follow up to LP2, which was some of the most fun co-op I've had in a game. I hope whoever was responsible for LP3 was publically shamed and demoted.
But then again, this is Capcom, he probably got a promotion
Carter Myers
Suppose to be on the 28th, they already did the palico one.
Dominic Davis
You can turn your cat into a robot
Benjamin Cooper
He's not really far off on the monster count, I counted and it's 31 monsters including subspecies.
Juan Flores
There's another one coming out in 3 days as well.
Luis Ross
>G Rank is confirmed >All of our armor is now guaranteed to be useless in a few months >No reason to build more sets >On the other hand farming decorations and weapons is now a huge way to be prepared for G Rank It would be nice to know if it's going to be DLC or a full game but beyond that it doesn't matter
Landon Collins
>added at least 2 whole new game changing systems (hunter arts, cat mode: a whole new fucking way to play) ! =/= added nothing new
>Every weapon type has 3-4 unique looking weapons at most, they don't look the same at all!
>31 large monsters, one is not even a fight = a ton of monsters, forget that even then half are copy paste.
Jordan King
Any DLC costumes leak? Specifically, DMC related?
Brody Scott
>farming decorations Is just awful, even the stream stone rolls are fucking awful.
Joshua Walker
Wasn't Lost Planet 3 because they farmed it out to another dev to make? I think they learned their lesson on that after getting burned literally every time they tried it.
Brandon Harris
Yeah, LP3 was made by Spark Unlimited
Ryan Clark
His fight may not be great but Gammoth is cool.
Joseph Turner
>6 monsters isn't far off yeah okay buddy
>hunter arts >game changing system Styles you would have a point but arts hardly even amounted to anything. Cats are a nice diversion but again you would be lying to yourself if you thought that a large amount of people actually played through the game in that mode. Its a fun diversion at most.
>They ALL look the same! >uhhh e-each weapon type has 3-4 unique weapons!!! The unique weapon models are an issue, I agree, but what you said originally was blatantly false and you knew it.
>they're copy and paste because I say so Dude, you can literally fight Nerscylla in 4U, and then fight her again in Generations and they are exactly the same. No new animations, no new moves, and they have the same textures as well. The same can be said for every single monster coming from both 3U (except for monsters that went underwater) and 4U. They did add some good stuff, I like most of the XX monsters, the deviants are mostly good, and they turned Lavasioth into a good fight. But to say that World's returning monsters are on the same level of copy paste as the returning monsters in Generations is just retarded.