Soulfags will defend this

Soulfags will defend this

It runs fine on PC and it's a good level.


It's a blight on the game.

literally the best level in the game, quintessential dark souls, git gud

git gud

>being this new

Fine, it's a good area. Does this please your autism?

Gid gud faggot

It doesn't really run fine on PC, but it runs better. It was still a shitshow at release, but it's been a few years and processors have gotten better.

one of the best areas in all souls borne, shit framerate.

>literally the best level in the game
pure retardation

The framerate was intended to be shit you fucking niggers. You seriously think something as polished as the original Dark Souls would've gotten away with it otherwise, especially seeing how it got released in a generation when games still had QA?

I prefer the first part of the valley of defilement, not the swamp

>the game being shit is actually a good thing
Reminds me of SotC fags

literally nobody defends blighttown except falseflagger faggots

I replayed it a couple of weeks ago at a steady 60fps with no drops.

put a toxic zone in every souls.
When will they learn?

It's the best area. I love the aesthetics of it.

The dart guys are annoying, but don't respawn so there's that. The mosquitoes are annoying but just bring a bow or crossbow and problem solved. I never really had a terrible memory as far as framerate goes so I can't comment. I was expecting there to be something of interest in the circular room by the bonfire though, disappointing.

Since this is a shitposting thread I just want to say I've taken 2 shits in the past hour, one was a giant solid turd and the second was a series of agonizing chili half solid sliders that burned my asshole.

One of the best level in the franchise.

>it's bad on purpose

>t. samefagger

It's not bad but clearly not the best.

Patched on PC it's fine. Getting out after killing the boss sucks though. You just want to be done with it.

It's the most memorable area for some reason, probably because it's so long, I remember it quite vividly compared to other areas.
I don't know if that's a good or a bad thing.

Blight town does its job and does it well. People are still bitching about the area and dread going through it to this day.

I unironically enjoy blighttown and never skip it

Aside from the fps drops its actually a great level and a good casual filter for scrubs.

Hated it for my first few runs, now I'll intentionally go beat up goatse dragon so I can go to spidertits the fun path, through shit town.

First dragon scale of the game for drake sword niggers plus it's a modest little duel arena.

The game gives you a poison nullifying shield in the previous area. Just proceed slowly with your shield held up, and follow the torches. Teh torches light your way down.

Seriously, Blighttown isn't as hard as people say. You all just sucked at video games during the time you played it. I hope you at least learned from your experience.

Not playing it on consoles I can't attest the fps meme
Anyone who isn't a casual will run through this place multiple times already knowing all the blowdart sniper spots being fully able to clear them in one life or yolorun to queelag without jumping off the top to an instakill
How the fuck anyone thinks this is worth complaining about over THE FUCKING CRYSTAL CAVE is beyond me.


quelaag sucks to fight, her hitboxes are retarded and lava isnt fun

i know you can just stay in front of her, i'm saying it isn't a fun fight

one of the most unique areas of the game, the only reason why it sucked so bad the first time is the fps tanked hard here on consoles.

fix the fps and suddenly you love this place