Devil May Cry HD collection will you be buying it ?


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I wish it came with 4. DMC3 is still better than every hack and slash game except for NG B.

No. Shit characters overtake the gameplay all throughout the series

I'll buy it to replay 1 on PC but I don't care for the rest

no hack n slash game is better than GoW2, not even the most braindead of weebs can deny it

Already pre-ordered it

Dante is the best videogame character of all time though, butthurt Bayofag.

GoW games are pretty bad but at least they're violent and cinematic. 3's violence and cinematics shit on 2's so, yeah. God of War sucks dick though so why even compare.

and you are clearly retarded so why bother arguing

I already bought it on ps3

>button mashing =/= good gameplay

no, why the fuck would I buy these half-assed remasters when I have the originals and they're better?

3 is better than NGB

Soy male detected

pkük here, never played 1 and 2 so yes I'll buy it.

Yes, honesly im greatly anticipating getting this and dark souls remastered

>judging games solely on gameplay

typical brainlet, probably a nigger like too

You are correct my dude. It is better than NGB.

>Fags don't realize that this will be the best version with 4k support on PC and 60fps

>Fags don't realize that this will be the definitive PC edition for Devil May Cry 3 instead of that bad PC port that got some years ago

I love how much asspain DMC causes to casuals. I fucking love it.

>graphic errors
>some game mechanics are straight up broken
>presentation is shit, menu's thrown together in a lunch break
>cinematics fucked
>no work gone into fixing these issues just a straight port

Fuck. No.


How's the future timetravelanon?

No, I can get the PS2 version for $15 at Half Price Books.

>Devil May Cry HD collection

PC already had it years ago

Show me anything from Crapcom that states they've addressed these well documented issues. I'll wait.

I finished dmc3 on dante must die difficult twice, It's still a far worse game than God of War 2

4 is shit, fuck you retarded newfags for trying to rewrite history. 1 and 3 and the only good games in the series, I have no hope for 5 since it will no doubt follow to many popular trends just like every other Capcom game in the past 3 or so years.

Are you from the future?

Read The previous version is fucked, Crapcom have said nothing regarding fixing the problems for the PS4/PC port.

you don't need to be from the future

capcom released this collection last-gen, this is a re-release of that shit with higher-res enabled, so yes the game will have sort of broken combat and stuff, because DMC 1 and 3 were not made to support the screen being that wide

but muh style switcher

Yeah probably. As much as I hate the whole franchise-ransoming "buy this game and we MIGHT make the game you really want" bullshit that developers love to do, buying more DMC shit is the only way I can really communicate to Capcom that DMC is a series I want more of.

Best buy leaked that there's more to it but not sure what..

Wut, the PS3 version and 360 is fine, care to elaborate

>playing as vergil in dmc1 and many new features
I want to believe so bad
IMAGINE if vergil got his own campaign missions in 3


Dosn't go into any details nor is it from Crapcom themselves. I'd bet money that it's just sales speak more than actual changes or additions.

I already gave a basic list of issues, much more detailed lists exist in the archives and a quick google search away user but a further few of those issues are the rocket launcher doesn't work right, the PS3 version is known for crashing frequently when playing DMC3, Dante's hair doesn't render right, and a lack of saturation/washing out of colours.

how fucking stupid are you? DMC and gow ARE the casual hack and slash franchises

quite exactly this down to the finest details

If DMC is causal, what's hardcore? NG?

>are the rocket launcher doesn't work right

Never had a problem with it

>the PS3 version is known for crashing frequently when playing DMC3

Again, i played the PS3 version and didn't crash

>Dante's hair doesn't render right, and a lack of saturation/washing out of colours.

Now you are nitpicking

Literally "it werks on my machine" the post.

The issues with the HD collection are so minor that it hardly ruins the game.

Bruh being vergil in DMC2 would make it a fucking gem

yes, DMC1-3 are literally bestsellers of the drooling PS2 crowd

Well, i finish it and platinum it, and i recall not having any problems

fine is right, if you've never played the games and want to get into the franchise

I'm not gonna give these shitstains money for a shittier version of the game just because it renders at a hgher-resolution

adding bugs is not a feature is not a feature I'm willing to pay for
having texture issues is not a feature is not a feature I'm willing to pay for
broken weapons and difficulty being less balanced because the camera allows more enemies on-screen is not a feature I'm willing to pay for

What bugs? What texture issues?

>a fuck up in every aspect of the game is minor

I'm starting to realize there's a strong drone mentality in this thread. Some of this issues like fucking with the gameplay itself isn't what I would call minor and there shouldn't be any issues anyway, not when the PS2 copies are perfect. You'd have to be sucking some pretty serious Crapcom dick to accept these issues and buy the HD collection AGAIN.

"lol it just werks bro"

>every aspect
What specifically did they fuck up then? Because whatever it was it was so minor that I didn't even notice. The games played fine. I'm not sure that Dante's hair color being slightly off or whatever is grounds for saying the HD collection is shit.

He's just bullshitting, there aren't any bugs or glitches, the ps3/360 ports were pretty fine

Now, if we talk about the Silent Hill HD collection..

no, DMC feels very dated and watered down after playing MGR and Bayonetta

Provide evidence to back up your claims.
I too played these games to death in the ps2 and then again on the hd collection and i didnt experience any problems
I dont recall but maybe the pre rendered cutscenes might have looked like ass tho, but that was to be expected in these collections

Granted my ps3 died at the time but that was unrelated

Want to talk shitty HD collections? Try silent hill or prince of persia

seething soyboy

you want a change list or something? I'm sure you'd know seeing as you platinum'd it, but since you're too dense or lazy to use google, here:

- Wrong sound effect playing when bat Plasma is charging an attack; the game plays the laser sfx when it's naturally supposed to be a charging sound. Has only happened once though.
- Some enemy projectiles are completely invisible when they're supposed to be somewhat translucent, namely a Marionette's screech and Mundus's lava waves.
- The escape theme in mission 23 doesn't loop right, it stops for some seconds before starting over and this always happens.
- Some UI graphics have poorly rendered transparency on the save file screen, such as the name of the character/costume used and the Secret Mission stars.
- Cannot perform a Critical Hit on Shadows in Hard mode at all. I refuse to believe that it works in my copy, I could always pull it off in the original, and ever since I bought the HD collection that it simply has not worked a single time.

Oddly haven't encountered a single bug.

- Grappler doesn't pull enemies in. It just doesn't.
- Wrong bloom color or super enhanced bloom effect in certain boss rooms while playing in Bloody Palace; I've had Arkham's arena incredibly bright, basically pink, and on separate occasions Cerberus's area was green once, and purple twice.
- Sometimes the BGM does not play, I think it's only happened in BP.

you can further use google to see more of these

>inb4 those are negligible to make a difference anyway wah wah wah

not going to buy. i doubt it's much different from that ps3 hd collection

theyll get my money if it comes to switch

Wow, this post has completely changed my perspective on the HD collection by pointing out the fact that attack that I hardly see anyone use doesn't work correctly and a bunch of minor shit that barely effects the game at all is slightly different.

The HD version looks better tho, different lightning

>there's nothing wrong he's just bullshitting post proof
>w-well that totally dosn't matter though c-cause I don't notice it!

Full. Fucking. Kek. Straight up drone.

>supposed to be near pitch black because the power is out
>PS2 version reflects this
>HD version you see everything as if the lights are up and running right next to Dante and Jester

And another drone joins the battle.

I seriously hope DMCV dosn't happen because any issues it might have will be completely brushed under the carpet by faggots like you.

It'll be a week one mod.

All I truly want is an instant gun switching mod for DMC1.

Yes. I never noticed it in my hundreds of hours playing the HD collection, and now are only noticing it because you have pointed it out years later. That should show you how important it is.

Damn dude, that cherry picking

did I not tell you the hd collection was fine for people wanting to get into the franchise, you stupid faggot? I'm just telling you that I'm not gonna spend money on shit I already own and is shittier than when I bought it

you want a good remaster? get hexadrive to do it

Okami HD is better than Okami on PS2
Anubis is better than Anubis on PS2

not these half-budgeted and poorly made iso dumps trash that capcom releases

shit I probably would have a better time justifying buying them if they were straight iso dumps

>very dated and watered down after playing MGR and Bayonetta
>implying that about platinum garbage of all things
That's shit taste, user, not "dated" shit

I don't know who you think you're replying to, but I never replied to a post that said
> the hd collection was fine for people wanting to get into the franchise,
No need to get so hostile, you dumb asshole.

DMCfags have no standards.

>I seriously hope DMCV doesnt happen
And just like that your cover is blown faggot. Confirmed for a falseflagger and not a dmc bro

Swear DMC1 had this or maybe it was just weapons

I too hope DMC5 never happens because Capcom might slightly fuck up the color of Dante's shoes and then I wouldn't be able to buy it because it would become a shit product.

>playing on huma
>not mentioning the fact that if you dont time the devil trigger just right like 4 times during that 1.5 second animation you wont get nearly as much damage output, let alone the stagger effect

Not sure why I would buy this again when I already have the ps3 version

oh? Ok

so whoever the faggot was that wanted the change list, fuck you and go buy a good remaster for once, one not made by a couple of czechs working out of their mother's basement

its DMD

distorted real impact kills anything AND gives you a lot of style points too

>good remake
Come on. It took them forever to fix ZoE2 on one system and then they stopped.
And you call DMC HD bad? Pathetic

>implying you weren't always Vergil just pretending to be Dante

All you have to do is mash DT. If you fuck up the timing you still get significant damage instead of all of it. It's still braindead shit.

You're thinking of the weapon switching between Alastor/Ifrit with R3. Even that's not exactly instant.

again, I swear you people are probably retarded

I specifically mentioned Anubis on the PS2, and HexaDrive only handled patching Anubis, trying to fix the gigantic mess that the aforementioned czech dudes made

they also made Okami HD from the ground up
and wind waker hd from the ground up

I recently played dmc4 for the first time and I enjoyed it, so I'll probably get it a while after it comes out. It did kind of feel like I was playing dmc4 wrong the entire time though, any tips for someone just now getting into this series?

Name three games that do this.

>trying to fix the gigantic mess
On one system, and didn't even bother touching the other half of the collection.
Fuck off, you giant hypocrite.

I don't think you understood my comment at all.

they're talking about Virgil in DMC3 Special Edition

But I will be playing it
I bought the other versions already, and really just want to play a non broken DMC3 on PC already

hexadrive doesn't allocate budgets and decide which games and versions get patched, konami own zone of the enders you hungry hippo

stop being this retarded