Hokuto no Yakuza

This looks fucking amazing. Is it coming to the west?



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Fucking better be

>Hokuto no Yakuza
That's not what it says.

The demo was fun

Next year probably

Still don't know exactly what it is. Is it North Star crammed into a Yakuza game? Is that it? That sounds pretty cool.

As if any EOP knows the original title of the series. Honestly, one of the reasons this isn't coming over is probably because they've written themselves into a corner title wise.

>anime mad max
japanese originality ladies and gentlemen

It's basically a yakuza like world but in the universe of hokuto no ken, so for example heat moves are hokuto style finishers, minigames range from driving classic casino and poker to playing baseball using a pillar and batting ennemies driving towards you with their car, it's really fun

It looks open world but more meaningful.

I'm sure you'll get it right after this.


Who even owns the rights to Ken in the west, anyway?

What does it actually say? I know Ryu ga Gotoku is "Like a Dragon," and Hokuto no Ken is "Fist of the North Star," so is Hokuto no Gotoku "Like a Fist"?

Ffs these Yakuza games look fun as hell but I really get bored of beat 'em up games.
Would I still enjoy the game even if I don't really like beat 'em ups?

>a corner title wise
Fist of the North Star: (Subtitle)
Wow, that was really hard!

Loved the demo on the JP store. I just hope it gets released in the west.

Like a North Star.

No you dummy, it's "Dragon a North Star."

hahaha never ever gaijin

>Implying you even know what this is
>Implying you were even alive when this was being published

Sure dude, that's what it means.

Protip: The Ken in the title is the fist. So the Hokuto is the north star.

I wasn't talking about Hokuto no ken, dude.

Probably not since that is what you do for the majority of the games.

I need this

Like a glove.

Souten no Ken > Hokuto no Ken

>Is it coming to the west?
haha no

This is one of the few games that make me regret not being able to speak moon.
That and Japan having EDF 5 already

"like a northstar"

Played the demo. It was alright.

How do you feel about that EDF/starship troopers collabo user ?

>Dragon Ball FighterZ
>Yakuza style Fist of the North Star game
>mfw there's still no HxH game


souther fight when


HxH is the shittiest manganime on the planet fuck give me a Card Captor Sakura musou before this shit

>Hokuto Ga Gotoku
>lit. Like a North Star
Wow fuck that was hard
And then just add a note about how it's a Yakuza/FotNS crossover on the back.

I sure hope you guys are joking. It's not coming to America for the combination of licensing and no demand.

It's been proven time and time again. There's not enough demand to justify localization of anime/manga based games, and no matter how many of us pre-order, the games will become marked for clearance.

Honestly I can see this happening. JP and US licensing are two completely different ball games.
If not they could at least do an Asian English release on Play Asia

There better be some of the insert songs from the show man. I want a remix of silent survivor.

EDF5 is easy to play without moon knowledge

Because they always localize the shit nobody asked for, lilke that 7 deadly sins game which is an ugly fucking sin itself, like who asked for that game ?

It probably will be released in the west... In 2020

>There's not enough demand to justify localization of anime/manga based games
Fucker we've been getting a metric ton of anime games over the past few years. Also demand for FotNS over here is way more than you think.


does it use the new Yakuza engine or the old one?

Give me a quick rundown on this, why is it so terrible

The old one, it's 60fps

Is Kenshiro the only character who's getting a model swap option with their Yakuza counterpart? It'd be fun to swap everyone out on a second playthrough with their Yakuza counterparts if possible (Raoh with Ryuji and so on)


IIRC Nishiki is Shin



Aside from the driving these are just the same minigames from yakuza zero

Like a Big Dipper


Careful, you'll make their heads explode.

It should be "the", too. Not "a".

I'm so fucking happy some user recommended that I watch Akagi because I said I didn't understand Yakuza 0's and Kiwamis Mahjong.

I still don't but still that shit was so gud.

>have seen over 300 anime
>never seen north star
Calm the fuck down. Its 20XX. I'd rather air master than this

Title is not an issue, just like Hokuto Musou was not called Fist of the North Star Warriors in the west, but Fist of the North Star: Ken's Rage instead. If SEGA tries to bring it overseas they wouldn't try to scratch their heads trying to shoehorn the name "Yakuza" in some way into the title for brand recognition, Fist of the North Star gained some weight overseas in the past 10 years.

There's some shit JRPG on Playstation based on the 90's anime, in japanese of course.

>mfw there's still no HxH game
I'm still mad about the PSP game. It controls terribly.

>Wasn't alive for HnK
>Thinks HxH is good
Jesus fuck off

How will Shenmue 3 even compete?

Looks cool, I hope there's lots of stuff to do in town though. New stuff I mean, aside from the usual minigames that every Yakuza game seems to have.

Kamuy ga Gotoku when?

By having a character that looks straight out of Grappler Baki in it, enough muscles to compete with the HnK cast.

That looks unbelievably ugly

So much wrong in that picture I can't even begin.

Will this game finally resurrect him to save Sup Forums?


he is the once and future king of Sup Forums

If they wanted to they could easily just put a little sticker or something on the front or a blurb on the back mentioning it's from the Yakuza devs but even then Binary Domain didn't have something like that.

It'll be.
Yakuza has just blown up in the West and Europe is HnK-land.

Akagifags BTFO
Thread theme: youtube.com/watch?v=imJzuorRRtQ

>Tonegawa's spin-off is getting an anime adaptation
Fuck yes



>Yakuza has just blown up in the West
The games haven't even sold 1 million copies in the west.

looks like an early ps3 game


0 did

>give me a quick rundown

no it didnt

>Sure dude, that's what it means.

>Yakuza, known in Japan as Ryū ga Gotoku (Japanese: 龍が如く, "Like a Dragon")
Go fix the Wikipedia article user, clearly you have a stronger grasp of the Japanese language.

Someone also made an Amazon version since you're posting the Rider #1 version.

He's clearly talking about the "so is Hokuto no Gotoku "Like a Fist"?" part. Stop being retarded.

Wow, I actually want to buy this but I can't read moon.

Will this get an English sub Playasia version ?

please localize this SEGA, and fucking localize Ishin god damn

>Will this get an English sub Playasia version ?
Asian releases not getting localized somewhere else usually don't have the luxury of English subs so most likely not. Those are rare exceptions rather than the norm (Kamen Rider Climax Fighters, that one SAO game, Dead or Alive, and Demon's Souls are the exceptions that come to mind). Play-asia also doesn't localize games, they just act as an intermediary for selling Asian versions of games and they're doing the LRG kind of thing where they release some indie games physically from time to time. We'll see what happens after Yakuza 6 comes out in the west since they're focusing all their efforts on advertising that before telling us anything else like if we're getting this, Shin, or Kiwami 2 for example.

Keep posting your crude MSPaint comics.
Akagi is bulletproof.

>Stop being retarded.
Oh the irony.

Reread the original post until you figure out what stupid thing you just said.

then why remove the tripcode, akagi?

>Japan getting new Yakuza around December this year
>YK2 in January 2019 for west
>FotNS in the summer or so
>New Yakuza for March 2020 in west

The usual 1 year and half wait.

Already confirmed to be a massive flop, only 11 chapters making it as short as Yakuza 1 (even the PSP spin-offs were longer).
Gameplay is nothing good sadly, even compared to a PS1 Hokuto no Ken game it lacks any new gameplay mechanics or additional depth, how sad that a 2018 beat em up game still doesn't even stand close to something like God Hand or Urban Reign (PS2 games from like 2005).
Mini-games are all lazy rehashes, the buggy racing is well... buggy least to say.
Well... what about the city? It's shit too, extremely small with nothing really to explore, laughably the game retains everything from Ishin and Zero yet takes the most cancerous thing from 6 to this game (hold down X to run).
And the best of all, they charge 9000 yen for this, I'm not surprised that Sega only expects this game to sell 200 thousand copies, even Yakuza 6 sold a bit better and it was the biggest flop for the series in years.

Are you retarded? There's nothing stopping them from just calling it "FIst of the North Star" and then maybe adding a subtitle.
They didn't call Hokuto Musou "North Star Warriors," why would this be any different?

Alright, you guys, let's be realistic.
What are the odds this gets subbed?


I'd say maybe a 50% chance? We've got the fact that the 35th anniversary was just last year so they're still doing new stuff from that and Europe loves the series so if it gets localized they'll at least get it most likely. Heck, Sega might just localize it after 6 comes out here anyway because there's no need to worry about burning anyone out on the Yakuza formula due to it being a completely different series altogether so it would feel like a fresh game for everyone.

Personally I would sit around "cautiously optimistic".

Pfft, who wants this trash? Have fun playing your rehashed brainless brawler while we get the definitive edition of the best game Sega ever made.

like 90%
hokuto no ken is to europe what dbz is to black people

Honestly I think it has a good chance to come over.


naisu desu ne