Earthbound or Mother 3

Which one I'm your opinion is the better one?

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Earthbound. Mother 3 lacked any kind of atmosphere or quirkiness. It also did away with a key component that made the series great: an underlying thread of cosmic horror.
And the ending was shit.

Mother 3. 2 feels more like a pure parody, whereas with 3 I think the creators managed to bring to fruition something more ambitious. I think the music is better as well


Mother 3
Gameplay is just much better, Earthbound is a bit of a slog at times
Also Mother 3's story is much much better

Earthbound is better. I only wish there was more main character dialogue and interaction. Mother 3 is all sad and shit. What the fuck were they thinking?

3 > 1 > 2

>1 over 2
you have fucked up now


>a fully clothed woman who just so happens to have a provocative figure is now porn
There's an in-between, you know?

If nothing else, I think most of us can agree that 3 has the best combat. The rolling hp is more relevant with the slower speed and the rhythm combos are a lot of fun

EB > 3

its a pure game, do not lewd it

The game is about loosing your innocent

Maybe Mother 3, But Ness remains pretty much unchanged during his "growth"

>name your dog
>your dog is useless
>get a bike
>two people can't ride the bike thtupid

At least I can write /ss/ as my favorite food so ness's mom forces it on pokey if you visit the house with him in your party.

This, Ness is nothing more than a vessel for the player to experience the game through. Even Ninten had more character development though his and Ana's sudden declaration of love for one another.

I'd loosen the innocent ifyouknowhatimsayin


>what? you dont like /ss/? toooo baaaad
Remove that.

i really enjoyed mother 3 but something about earthbound makes me like it more


2 is better than 1 is worse than 3 is worse than 2

3 > 2 > 1
But I respect anyone who's 2 > 3 > 1

Well I know what I'm going to do on my next playthrough.


Earthbound > Earthbound Beginnings > Mother 3
1 and 2 are very, very close though.




Does anyone remember the fangame Mother Savior? That shit was fucking autistic.

>tfw there haven't been new Kumatora x Lucas /ss/ pics from Maniacpaint in eons

Damn, only a second

why did paula get so damn fat

Don't need to move around much when you've got psychic powers. And Ness likes 'em big.

I used to think that 3 was better, but then I properly finished Earthbound. I only made it up to the desert on my first time.

Yes, Mother 3 plays better, but I don't think it plays better enough to make up for lost atmosphere.
The writing in Mother 3 is also better, but not really in a way that I like. Earthbound has very unique atmosphere, of simply going with the flow. I think character-sprites not being very expressive adds to it, player is left to make their own interpretations of the events. Meanwhile the Mother 3 sprites emote very hard.
Neither of them are standard JRPGs, but due to Mother 3 being more advanced in tech, I'd say it feels more generic of the two.

>tfw elevator lady has her own page at paheal

I got up to Fourside in my first playthrough before getting bored. Does it pick up from there?

Yes. The following bits are very good, some great jokes and bits that feel really other-worldy.


Mark of an amateur translator right there.

This is like the difference between PM64 and TTYD.

If you like minimalistic storytelling you prefer M2/PM64, if you like a more emotional story, you prefer M3/TTYD

Personally I like Earthbound a lot more. Mother 3 is too gay for me.

Did you reach Paula's kidnapping/Moonside?

I was hoping for more cosmic horror/weird things that the series is known for, so if that's the case I'll try it again.
No, I just arrived in Fourside.

I'm actually replaying both right now. Finished Earthbound and just started mother 3.

Earthbound has some really cool scenarios, like the cultist village and that time the Spook kidnaps Paula, not to mention the last stage and final boss, which are probably one of the best in all RPGs. Despite its flaws its all around such an satisfying adventure. I'm excited to see if M3 will be able to top that

It's a great feeling that a game series is so good that it's even a discussion which one is better.

If I had to say, 3 felt like a much more concise and perfect game but has the disadvantage of not being as unique as Earthbound. The wacky enemies are all contextualized within the plot in a way that makes more sense in 3 but it did remove some of the mystery 2 has to the point where it actually feels like you're a kid dealing with alien threats and the adults can't be trusted or won't believe you. It's a close call, but Earthbound probably gets it just to how often I was surprised with the direction. Mother 3 has lots of twists and turns but in a way that it's meant to like a first class children's film. Earthbound actively feels like it was written by children who saw the planet through a different lens. There's nothing else quite like it.

I wish they remade 1 so the gameplay was so shitty.

Keep playing.

Mother 3 has a slow opening, but it's good once it starts up.

Why is her bottom so big?

>I wish they remade 1 so the gameplay was so shitty.

Holy shit, this. I tried playing it but it's unbearable how everything is so archaic.

>I wish they remade 1 so the gameplay was so shitty.
Have you taken a look at the 25th Anniversary Edition? It's fanmade but improves on pratically every aspect of the game while ironing out it's major flaws.

Tomato's easy hack makes eb0 much more tolerable. Doesn't change the basic combat being boring though unfortunately

I just realized that the reason the Happy-Happyists
want everything blue is because your face turns
blue when your under giygas' influence

>>name your dog
>>your dog is useless

Funny how you could be talking about Earthbound or M3 here

Not him, but I tried it and it's still clunky. The overworld control of the charater is terrible, and battles progress insanely slow

whats the name of this chick anyways

Literally just "elevator lady"

If Porky physically couldn't be killed by Lucas and co, why did he feel the need to retreat into the Absolutely Safe Capsule?

He'd lost his mind.

bad writing


According to Itoi Porky was mentally still the same cowardly kid who left at the first sign of trouble during Earthbound.


Boney is the fastest character. Far from useless. He's the item user.

Imagine that ass on your face hahaha

>no skills

Yeah, he's by far the least useful member in the franchise.

You really underestimate how useful items are and even just his basic attacks.


I never managed to get the music combos to work in mother 3.

Earthbound probably.
Mother 3 has better art and characters, but the pacing is fucked at certain parts of the game.
I think Earthbound's writing has got more bite to it. It's world is directly lifted from the real world, so it's much easier for characters to talk about down-to-earth problems and situations for some observational comedy. The setting also makes weird things stand out more, rather than shit being some fantasy thing like in Mother 3.
Also OST of Earthbound is much more experimental and weird which is cool too.

>Axel Rosered

Were you playing on an emulator? Those tend to fuck it up


Sniff sniff hum snuff sniff.

Is Axel Rosered the Shadman of expansion/weight gain porn?

Gas all brrap posters.


