What's your biggest worry for this game? Will it be worth the $60 price tag?
Kirby Star Allies cautious optimism thread
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Probably not but I need am excuse to dust off my Switch
Fuck no. I'm sick of kirby games looking and feeling the same ever since RtDL.
kirby gas always been the same thing
>Worth $60
>plus amiibo tip
The 3DS games weren't even worth their price.
I want this game but i'm really disappointed the multiplayer is local only
Maybe I'm mistaken, but I think something as simple as bringing back some of the 2.5D portions from Kirby 64 would help. Simple tricks like having us travel AROUND the outside of DDDs castle or walking up a 360 degrees spiral tower added an illusion of depth to the game, making it feel more like a grand adventure rather than simply traveling on a flat plane from point A to B with minimal bends in the road.
They definitely looked and felt very different from each other before. Don't know what you're smoking.
im excited we finally get helpers back, but that doesnt mean the rest of the game will be superstar tier.
i just hope it wont feel rushed but im fully expecting another nsmb 3d kirby game.
Look at all these retards that can't appreciate a good game
Kirby will always be fun because of the wide variety of options standard gameplay gives you. Nsmb never got that.
Anyone that says the new games are slow clearly haven't played DL3 or 64, where Kirby was a tank and it was still fun.
King Dedede doesn't support this optimism
Everyone's raving about going into space, but I'm cautious about what comes after Jambastion and how many worlds there'll be.
Adventure, Superstar, Dreamland 3 and 64 sound and play very different from each other and the variety in the visuals couldn't be more obvious.
Also I truly believe Kirby OST's have gone downhill since RtDL. I can't put my finger on it but Kirby has lost a lot of its ADHD fast as fuck tight synth arpeggio style
now I just hear weak ass orchestra music trying to go for a sense of harmony or something in the beginning of the game.
seriously compare Crystal Shards Dreamland music to every first level ever since RtDL.
I also hate how insane current Kirby games rely on their Leitmotif. Don't get me wrong I love that sort of stuff
but it completely ruined the final boss theme for me because it all just goes back to the same 2 melodies I've heard like 50 times throughout the game.
Kirby music used to be different imo and I could say that about everything else.
It still has fantastic music though
I said ever since RtdL, I still love a lot of the music in it
Looming Darkness is amazing but also something i don't really hear in recent games.
the Robobot version is better.
I hated that you were forced to be Kirby in this, like DK Returns forced DK with no switching.
it's so slow and sounds boring
there's barely anything interesting going on instrumentation wise.
>30 fps
you're slow and boring
Meh, it's kirby. Really doesn't need it.
>tfw don't care about 30fps because it hasn't stopped me from enjoying any video games
i pity you
>bragging about having low standards
Kirby GCN would have been the last great classic-style Kirby game, at least most of its soundtrack wound up in RtDL.
If you have low enough standards, you can enjoy anything
i didn't say it was a good thing, i just said i didn't care
if it was sub 30 there would be a problem
they keep linking to the website that still isn't updated despite the game releasing in 18 days
obviously they needed to limit the FPS for zero 3
It sounds like the same song on Ritalin, but with random bleep bloops cluttering it. I can definitely see what user is talking about.
lol bye fags
Why did you brap post? There's not even an allusion of an ass? Are you really that retarded or am I missing something here?
Maybe he was trying to reply to
Nobody's bragging about fucking anything
every gameboy kirby ran like shit
Kirby's adventure ran like shit
Kirby 64 wasn't 60
get off your fucking high horse nobody cares
I've got to disagree with your first level music point, Triple Delxue's struck me immediately because of how jolly the instruments are; it's definitely slower than 64's Pop Star, but I don't mind that.
The fucking 3DS games run at 60fps there's no reason this shouldn't.
>visually rudimentary game has nonsense performance cap
>it’s brought up in every tread
>nobody cares
God damn, you’re dumb.
It seems like plenty of people care.
Looks great.
I kinda miss all the different stories in a Kirby game. I hope HAL's next Kirby game tries to be a bit like Super Star. Not gameplay wise since the games stayed the way they are for too long but like slowly unlocking more and more new stories like Meta Knight's Revenge or Milky Way Wishes.
I wonder what subgame you anons liked in KSS. For me it's the Great Cave Offensive.
I'm more confused on why it's 30 FPS than angry, really.
Why IS it 30 FPS? Is it the Switch? Is there something we haven't seen in the game that requires a bunch of shit on screen or something? I really don't know.
Eh I would say otherwise. Although Super Star had serious frame drops in the more demanding parts of the game, Super Star Ultra fixed that issue and made it a bit better. I wish Star Allies had 60fps, but as long as it offers consistent 30fps unlike the previous mentioned game then I'm ok with it.
yea and BotW and Mario Odyssey are the blunders of the century
because for some reason the same retards on Sup Forums on their broken record matter.
It's a Kirby game, the game is incredibly slow and requires less precision than even BotW and that's fine on 30fps.
Nobody's saying 60fps is nice but it really doesn't fucking matter in especially modern Kirby games.
I can’t really pick between them because they’re all quality stuff but my 3 favorites are Great Cave, Revenge, and Milky Way Wishes.
Do we actually have proof that it's 30fps? The youtube video everyone links to isn't of the release version of the game, and the staffers at its event were still saying that the game was 60fps
isn't nice*
my bad
it's probably a mix between the alpha effects in the game
and the 4 player coop abilities probably being a lot to handle on one screen while you see a million apples falling during the Whispy Woods fight
Probably got rushed by Nintendo because they got no heavy hitters this year until Christmas and that’s coming from someone who thinks the game looks great. Still worried me that we might only be getting around 4-5 worlds this time around which would be a huge disappointment when even the 3DS games had 6.
Meta Knight's Revenge, exciting and comedic at the same time because MK wants to get Dream Land's citizens moving.
Would anybody here be up for helping out with a mosaic for the Star Allies boxart? I posted about this like three weeks ago but I didn't have time for it, oops.
Probably because the game can't handle all 4 helpers + enemies on screen at once. It probably runs fine when it's just Kirby alone, but with all his helpers the framerate probably tanks and they have to lock the entire game to 30 to keep it consistent.
They all have different stories, Super Star was the odd one out of the entire series since it's a collection of short stories put together. Although I still would like HAL to do another one similar to that too. Star Allies also looks a bit different since the intro seems to start with Kirby investigating Dedede's antics, and only later in the story we start to see that the cult's ship land on Popstar.
Also if it ran at 60 in singleplayer it'd be kinda jarring to get an FPS cap in realtime
just because of how easily people can just join in.
This is what I’m hoping,
Those games are fully 3D adventures though, Kirby is a 2.5D platformer like the three main 60fps Kirby games before it. You think NSMB Switch couldn't do 60fps?
Star Allies could easily do 60 if they downscaled the models and textures a bit, it's clear that most of the models are higher poly than they need to be.
I'm taking Waddle Dee
yeah, nothing better to do
I'll take C3.
I can only get more excited.
I’ll take F4. Don’t expect much.
Can I do D1?
It’s 30 FPS, don’t do this to yourself. Why is it so hard to accept?
Maybe. I just haven't seen any definitive proof
Do you just want us to crop out the pieces and go from there?
Not yet fags, I was just posting that image to point out that I already have all the tiles.
But, wait, question: should we do it in this thread or a new one?
>only 15 images
nah we good
You may as well post a new thread to speed up the process.
How 'bout this: I'll make a new thread, but if that one's fucked I'm comin' into one of these threads
NSMB on any console is just a bunch of pre baked texture platforms with the occasional 3D model in the back.
Also my argument is nobody outside of Sup Forums gives a single shit about any of these things.
If anything i heard people say they'd rather have Odyssey being 30fps and look a little better just because Sunshine didn't need it,
though I certainly don't agree with it.
Sup Forums is a cesspool full of people who throw a hissyfit over the tiniest things and stir shit up until the narrative is considered common knowledge on here.
You're all in an echo chamber
That works.
We're getting at least six. Nintendo Dream said the space station, which is the third world, is the story's midway point.
Thank fuck. It’ll probably be something like 6 with a 7th world that’s really just the final boss.
>same length as shitty 240p 3ds games
Is Adeline gonna be in it? Fucking Pon and Con are, and nobody cares about those Lololo and Lalala knockoffs.
Maybe. Considering that there seems to be a lot of boss slots to take up in the last 3 worlds if you look at the fact that we’ve had a few bosses per world so far, and the fact that there’s a fair amount of references to 64 and DL3.
Never pre-order a game. Only buy a game after it's been released and you're confident you'll like it.
You probably have nothing to worry about this time, I don't give much credence to one line from a magazine.
Before I thought she was a shoo-in for the game, but it’s a maybe.
Although it’s a possibility that she won’t be included, I would be surprised if she wasn’t. And even if she isn’t, I could see them adding a DLC mode where you play though the game as her similar to Meta Knightmare and Dededetour, considering Luigi was goven a mode in Odyssey and Battle Royale was a stepping stone into DLC for Kirby.
>I also hate how insane current Kirby games rely on their Leitmotif.
Seriously, i'm already tired of Star Allies' motif and the game hasn't even come out yet
Looming darkness has that sweet drum track that most newer Kirby songs have been severely lacking
>these 60fps fags coming out of the woodwork
what took you fuckers so long
I can't wait for Kirby reanimated
It's just one fag trying to get a rise out of people.
All of these DL3 references makes me think yes, but I'm skeptical.
They've been here since 30FPS has been confirmed, where have YOU been
It's still possible, but it may be that they were ignorant enough to leave her out in a game that gives Kirby her ability.
But even in the worst case scenario, I suspect the curse won't linger. Seems unlikely they will be able to ignore her again and completely negate an outcry.
Alright fags, if you want to participate in the mosaic, head on over to this thread:
A reference is all but guaranteed at this point, but don't expect a meaningful appearance
i've been around for the past several Kirby threads and i didn't notice this much of it
i guess the Adeleine posters overwhelmed them
The amount of content will only let me enjoy the game for one weekend.
I'm worried about stupid linear gimmicks like the hyper succ from Triple Deluxe and the mecha passages from Robobot. I just want to play a nice sidescroller like Dreamland 2 or Superstar. I don't need running in spirals or other stuff feigning 3D. I like 2D. I also like sprites, but those will never come back due to 3D models being cheaper.
For this game I just hope the OST is good (didn't like Robobot's), the level design is nice and lacks gimmicks, the abilities are cool and Meta Knight and DeDeDe are playable.
Fucking neck yourself you inbred nigger!
Quick post the best King Dedede remix!!!
>there's no reason this shouldn't.
>HUGE graphic overhaul
>no reason
Looks like it will be all on one layer, unlike the 3DS games, but there will still begimmicky sections detached from core gameplay like you mention. Friend train, friend wheel, friend star, etc., the gimmick this time though is that you are required to play with friend characters (can be real friend controlled or compute controlled).
>we’re getting six worlds
>we’ve already seen 2 real mid bosses (whispy and kracko) and 2 bosses (ddede and meta) outside of the jambastion
>there might not be that many bosses left to show
Guys i’m scared
The models are higher poly than they need to be.
give me some suggestions on what to add to my editor
I want it to be as streamlined to use as possible
artist ability is already an explicit adeleine reference due the beret design.
How tiresome. I was trying to decide between buying Kirby and Ni no Kuni 2. Kirby has stupid gimmickshit again and overpriced for a sidescroller, Ni no Kuni is about 60 bucks and will have two DLCs, 20$/€ each, which I don't want to support. I was also interested in Radiant Historia, but that one lacks JP voice and apparently has a lot of otaku fanservice added compared to the DS original. I really have no idea what to play. Maybe I should just waste it on YGO cards.