Website Refuses To Cover Kingdom Come Deliverance

>"It didn’t come up during the call-in show yesterday. Saw a few people talking about this off-site and thought it might come in the chat room."

>"Anyway, a couple of us looked at it around the time it came out and didn’t find it interesting enough to pursue. The head guy’s shitty views certainly don’t help, but I doubt we’d have covered it either way."

Soyboy journalist (pic related) reveals his true colors in not wanting to cover a hugely popular game, which, need I remind you, has already sold one million copies, with over 500,000 alone being from Steam sales

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Giant Bomb living in this spaz's head RENT FREE

oy vey

gee maybe its not his kind of game i dunno

why is this soy boy mad about OP bringing news about a biased gaming site? OP is doing good work. gertsmann lost his credibility.

Nobody likes their daddy ecelebs being called out

Oh no no no no

he's been doing it for like 4 days in a row now. Its not like this is news to anyone.

So it's up to you to determine what is and isn't newsworthy

That's the only way to reliabilialy convey information to everyone though. I see it first time today for example.

No, it's up to me. I command you to please continue posting these threads

Why are you mad that someone doesn't want to cover a game? if they're not interested they're not interested, it's not a public service.

There are far more important matters to worry about than just one e-celeb's stupid views. Get your priorities right.

Yeah like loot boxes!

Oh wait that's old as fuck news nobody gives a shit about anymore

soyboy sucks as an insult. cuck was much better. at least it was grounded in an actual phenomenon instead of being scared of plant estrogen.

more like non-videogame related issues you fucking shut-in. go outside sometimes, see the world around you.

The epitome of blue-pilled.

Okay I did and the world is awful

Wow, so this is the game that's going to make this shitty industry implode, huh?

hey i took a bunch of red pills from my mom's toilet medicine closet, now i feel kinda weird. when do women start liking me?

no one is talking about this game anymore besides this same thread spam. go home shills.

Fuck this board is such garbage nowadays.