Five years and almost no worthwhile or memorable exclusives

Five years and almost no worthwhile or memorable exclusives.

Other urls found in this thread:

What. Went. Wrong?

SSO was quite good, to be fair.

You know what is exclusive? That space we take up in your mind all day.

tfw too smart to win

>Xbone E3 announcement
>always online
>mandatory voice and motion peripheral
>can't even play used games
You had to be a complete Microgoy to defend it

>Sup Forums shills the fuck out of the pile of shit that is Windows 10 but shits on the Xbox One X
This place needs to die.

What is this, 2006?


Sup Forums doesn't understand this.

Firstly those 2 arent even remotely connected other than coming from different divisions within the same company. Secondly, nobody on v is 'shilling' win10, its just that its literally the only option if you want to play any games at all. If Linux had better gaming support you betcha every other thread would be a 'what distro does v use' thread.

I'm talking about the Windows 10 Store, you can shill what you play all you want but you have to be some kind of idiot to shill the Windows 10 Store.

I remember GoW 4 and Sunset Overdrive

But suddenly that PS Play on VITA still makes them PS3 and PS4 exclusives.

>play anywhere titles
>b-b-but they're exclusive!
If you can play them anywhere, obviously they're not, Mr. Stand-In.

>Xbox Anywhere titles can be played on both Windows 10 and Xbone without having to buy them for each platform

>Sonnyggers are basically defending the fact they have to pay twice for their games if they wanna play them on both their console and PC

>not every body can afford a PC to be able to play the games that are play anywhere titles
Thats not true at all. If you can afford an Xbone and all its shit, you can afford a moderate gaming PC.

i have the slimmest bit of hope for halo 6, but as of rn i am wholeheartedly regretting buying an xbox one first this generation
as much fun as forza 5 and horizon 2/3 were they were the only good exclusives xbox has had this generation imo (gears 4, forza 6/7 got raped by microtransactions too quickly, same w halo 5)

Why does everyone talk shit on the xbone for no exclusives? Microsoft is the most user friendly when it comes to video games, letting you play all xbone exclusives on pc or console, and even letting you play on both if you bought digital.

They also have game share, game pass, digital refunds and BC to name a few other things.

I can play my 3DS games anywhere, are they no longer exclusives?

BC is probably my favorite feature, never had an XBOX so I missed out on all those games. Though I thought there were 1,300 games available, not just 400+


An Xbox One S is usually on sale for $250. It may not be the most powerful console, but it at least plays the games. I doubt most people are willing to buy an X just like how barely anyone bought a Pro.

The funny part is sony cucks would never get a gayming pc and can't play those games anyway. It's xbox exclusive.

Halo 5 and Horizon 3 are two of the best games of the generation though

Is there a reason to keep my Xbox One? I have a good gaming PC and recently got a PS4 Pro for dirt cheap.

i sold my ps4 for an xbone because i wanted to play forza and halo

realized i never played any of the weeb ps4 exclusives or glorified movies like the last of us

how did halo 5 get raped by microtransactions? they literally released ALL of their DLC for free.

>the last of us

That's a last gen game. And based on some of people here, it's no longer a PS3 exclusive as it's on the PS4 now.

I'm hanging onto my PS4 in hopes that Spiderman won't be riddled with QTEs. That's the the only game that I can think of that interests me from Sony this year.

Netflix works bretty gud on it.

>racing game
if games from the two genres that haven't improved at all since the 90's are "the best of the generation" you may be an x-drone

req packs... too many hours to get decent reqs for warzone, my buddy did the calculations assuming you bought packs smartly and the number of hours to get legendary reqs consistenly was just obscene

I can't even think of one.
did they release a Halo yet? What about Forza?
Do they market their ganes or what?

Xbox thread
>LMAO no exclusives they're all on PC!
Windows 10 thread (only OS with these Xbone ports)
>LMAO he actually installed Windows 10! What a cuck! Windows 7 master race!

Switch thread
>Soy! Ahahahaha! Soy! Soy!

Pisstation 4 thread
>SONY ALWAYS WINS! *WHIIRRRRRRR*! 80 GORRILION SOLD! BEST EXCLUSIVES! *posts chart filled with multiplat games*
The Sony fanbase is pure cancer and I can't wait for Kojima to bankrupt Sony by using every last one of their funds on dumb bullshit without even finishing Death Stranding


I work a mediocre job, support myself and have never had trouble buying video games. What are people doing with their money that they can't afford to drop some on a decent PC/multiple consoles to get a wide range of titles?

i guess i didn't even really play warzone. seemed like a weird diversion from an already excellent multiplayer mode.

The console is a piece of shit it has no exclusives, no reason to buy it, in fact there is no good reason to buy any console since the last gen

X1X+Switch+Laptop is the best combo.

Halo 6 and Metroid 5 are my most wanted games of next year. I just hope Nintendo does something with the 3DS next year because them stating its future is uncharted territory just makes me confused on what their future plans for it is. I agree on who gives a shit on Sony.

This, I feel like I'm losing insight reading the constant "XBOX IS DONE" posts in these threads. I play games on my PC, Xbone, and PS4 consistently.

wholeheartedly agree there, arena mode and competitive (breakout especially) was so much fun... we'd play warzone pretty often cause it gave a lot of exp and was fun most of the time, but it just sucked to get good reqs and higher tier cosmetic items

>d-doesn't c-cccount!!!!!

lmao enjoy your Souls rehash and weebshit

>being this angry
Fuck off soyboy.

t.shitch owner


>Xbots latching on to Nintendo like parasites
Nobody likes you. You're irrelevant.

SSO and D4 are two of the more original games of the gen.

lmao I think 2018's blown the fuck outta last year already and that's saying something

This is a board dominated by third world filth that primarily play FIFA and PS4 is the only major platform available in their shitholes.

Which version? If you're using backwards compatibility, want the better performing version of console exclusives (Xbox/PS4 only games), or playing online multiplayer games, yes. Too many people cheating on PC games to make them enjoyable. I use my One X fairly often, but play my Switch more. I do not own a PS4 or Wii U by the way. I hardly use my PC for gaming anymore (refuse to "upgrade" to Windows 10) and have optimized it for work as opposed to gaming.

Eh, my Xbone mostly for gaming, and for playing 4K Ultra HD Blu Rays. My smart TV handles Netflix. None of the streaming/social media shit on Xbone remotely interests me.


I own one and I just use it as a 4K Blu-ray player now

Not that user but I'm primarily a Nintendo fan and Xbox consoles are my second home. Fuck Sony though.

Did you forget or something?
They were gonna rape their consumers dry and wouldn't stop even after they finished
They back-peddaled so hard because of the huge consumer back lash and are only doing these things to get consumers back that they lost by being greedy.
I am all for what ms has done but i at least realise why they have done it and won't fall for it. If they did all this at the start without the whole reveal fiasco, i would have went for an xbox no question

>Nintendo was failing
>so they latched on to PC
>Xbox is now failing
>so they latch on to Nintendo
Fucking pottery.

They can afford a PC if they are willing to pirate. Should be pirating to begin with.

Sony just stopped caring since the Pro came out. Their console is almost featureless. It does have a good baseball game, though.

Fine. But I dislike the minority group that still try to meme Wii60 in 2018. There was a time in place for that, and it's over. There's no Wii60 or Sotendo.

Should Microsoft kill this program/the Windows 10 store? It's a very pro consumer feature with the crossbuy, but it's made the Xbone a bigger laughing stock than it's ever been.

Kek they don't care bout you at Microsoft bub

nobody except assblasted sonybros care about "muh exclusives XD LMAO"

They should just buy Valve and integrate Steam and the Xbox app.

i feel like no matter how many games the xbone ever gets, Sup Forums is going to say it has no games until it gets a couple of exclusive japanese games

This has been the worst generation ever beside those that came before the nes.

I own Xbone, PS4 and PC and I use my Xbox the most.
Xbox live is just better.
I use my PS4 mostly for single player games.
I kind of use my PC but most people still use console more for certain games.

>Xbox One was ahead of its time
Is that why the XBOXONEX is a thing now?

>B-b-but SONEE
Every fucking time

Death Stranding is guaranteed to make its money back, in addition to having a higher Metacritic than every Microsoft game ever released.

Switch thread
>Soy! Ahahahaha! Soy! Soy!
To be fair, they do this on their own accord.

It won't be higher than every Microsoft game ever released, because the original Xbox and 360 actually had critically acclaimed first and second party exclusive games. That said, it'll probably get better reviews than any current gen Xbox exclusive as the only one to break 90 on metacritic is Forza Horizon 3.


ReCore, you dirty Soy nugger.

I wouldn't personally miss it. Normal people don't buy consoles strictly based on exclusives, they buy what their friends have so they can play together. Lonely soynyggers can't understand this concept.

I'll have to begrudgingly agree. Paying for online that doesn't have high ping toaster PC players and cheaters is kind of nice. Can't believe I'm defending paid online, but it really does a half decent job of keeping riff raff out, and players have to think twice before exhibiting banworthy behavior in online games.

Digital distribution is anti-consumer.
I hope they buy Valve just to piss the valve drones off.

This, Nintendo and Microsoft are the only ones that have my favorite franchises and Sony stopped trying.

Exclusives don't matter. If people are too dumb to build(or now afford) and use a computer, they will buy a console.
Hell even between playstation and xbox, when in the shop they will just buy the one thats cheaper.
Only Sup Forums cares about exclusives. You're an irrelevant amount of sales, a rounding error.
So all you're doing is defending less games for everybody for a corporation that couldn't care less about you.

Why? I don't see anything wrong with it.

Sunset overdrive and the first Titanfall are two of my favorite video games ever. I think their both underrated but I realize that's probably an unpopular opinion.

Because the games are no longer "exclusive", tons of people are just disregarding them outright, yes, even people who don't have Windows 10 are laughing. If a game is only on a single platform, it makes it feel "special" to people and makes them want to own it. MS could release the best game ever made, but because it's play anywhere, therefore on PC, a lot of people will actually just not play the game at all.

posting best song

>Digital distribution is anti-consumer.
How so? Majority of games now can't be bought physically anymore. Especially indies which almost never get physical releases unless it's a game that was really successful years ago, and gets a limited physical release mostly just for collectors. Literally every company does digital now, and any user here saying they have never used any digital distribution platform (such as Valve, Humble Bundle, GOG, Xbox Game Store, Nintendo eShop, or PlayStation Store) is a liar.


Anyone else not get their Gold Quests and Game Pass Goal rewards yet?
Still haven't gotten the Play-A-Thon reward either, if I won one.

>any user here saying they have never used any digital distribution platform
I never have, I knew what trick Valve was pulling when they released Steam and I never fell for it. Once games stopped getting proper physical release I started exclusively pirating.
I have never used Steam, GOG, Humble Bundle, or any "service" like them, and never will.

You're in denial if you think it isn't going to be the best, most kino game ever made. It's going to beat OOT. Yes, It's going to have a perfect 100. That's how revolutionary Death Stranding is going to be, and it's a PS4 exclusive.

I missed out on everything xbox and now would like to experience them first hand, is trading in a switch to get a One S almost purely for the backwards compatability worth it?

They are exclusives, PC isn't a console and you can't play these games on any other console.

The only thing memorable about the Xbone is its controller and I got a real love/hate relationship with it.

Xbone controller has my favorite D-Pad of any controller that I've used in my life and have used it as a crutch to beat many sidescrollers and even obtain a few speedrun world records in them because it's so goddamn tactile and accurate

It's a flimsy piece of shit, shoulder buttons are prone to getting mushy and unresponsive. I'm on a third Xbone controller in just two years. If you like playing Megaman X games with Dash bound to a shoulder button, I suggest not getting an Xbone controller for it, you'll kill that shit so fast.

Playing D4 right now, mainly because it's leaving Game Pass on the 1st.

Doesn't matter. Every single game being on PC makes the console feel less "special" to own to a lot of people, and they'll actually opt for a PS4 or Switch instead. It literally doesn't matter if they have a PC or not, nor the fact that they won't even be able to play the Xbone console exclusives, the fact that all the games are not exclusive is enough to make a lot people not even want to play them.


>Halo 5
The best thing the Xbox has is a remake of Halo 2 and even that's only got the GRAMPHICS going for it

No, the BC list isn't too huge although more is getting added. Besides One S are only $250.

halo 5 is truly excellent, or at least the multiplayer is.

No it doesn't Xbox players are not going to buy PCs to play Windows 10 games when the Xbox One X cost less and PC players won't go near the Windows 10 Store with a 10-foot pole. face facts So(n)yboys, Microsoft missed the boat on PC and Valve took over with Steam. While there is an option to play these games from the Windows Store, they will never be popular because people will just play all of those games on the Xbox One.

I don't have a gaming laptop, so it's fine with me. Who want to pay twice as much for a graphics card now anyways?
Plus, I won an XBONES, I only buy games for it now.


It's just as bad, if not worse, than Reach MP. And the campaign took a huge shit all over the lore, but to be fair, Halo 4 started that disgusting downward spiral.