>John Romero has to work a 9-5 in a gas station
>Adam Sessler was forced to find work as a pizza delivery man
>Numerous notable Japanese devs have been forced into mobile Hell
How do we save them, Sup Forums?
>John Romero has to work a 9-5 in a gas station
>Adam Sessler was forced to find work as a pizza delivery man
>Numerous notable Japanese devs have been forced into mobile Hell
How do we save them, Sup Forums?
Does she have a penis?
what else is he going to do lines of coke on?
I bet he gets really juicy tips on the regular.
Sessler is looking pretty happy there, does he need to be saved?
John Romero owns his own gas station memorabilia museum
That's not Adam Sessler, it's the bald guy who fucks all the trannies.
Source or GTFO
are you gay? rhetorical question because you are obviously at least bisexual.
based christian
Adam Sessler really let himself go
Source for what - the trannies? I can't link the specific vid because such movies are generally not listed on trackers by the male actor. His name is Christian.
>that's not adam sessler, it's adam sessler
Morgan's aged like milk!
>That's not Adam Sessler, it's the bald guy who fucks all the trannies.
What's the difference?
she still has nice titties but I wonder what happened to her hair
Fucking hell
>TFW also Christian and also bald
It's a weird world. How many bald Christians are there?
Poor Sessler.
The one that has AIDS right?
Sup Forums likes to watch tranny filth like this but then has the audicity to call others mentally ill.. baka
Morgan "Manjaw" Webb is still a qt
>knows it's tranny filth
>implies it's the other people in the thread who watch it
sess seemed like a really cool guy 15 years ago
a shame about every life choice since techtv
>John Romero has to work a 9-5 in a gas station
No you idiot he collects gas station works
so did they fuck
look at those dead, beady eyes man. That dude is messed up
shouldn't he have a fanbase? why isn't he just streaming on twitch people will give him money for no reason
Why does Adam Sessler always look he's got a turd half way out his ass.
Those eyes and that stare make him look like he's aching to get his next hit of something.
Adam and Sessler
I just love how it's either Adam Sessler or "The bald guy who fucks all the trannies."
I keep laughing at the fact that it can only be one of those two bald white guys.
he hasn't punched any Nazis that day
They're the same guy.
Lisa Lipps - Big sausage pizza
It's not a tranny.
stop sponsoring minorities.
its lisa lipps btw
she was never as good as angelique,minka,wendy whoppers, or letha weapons but decent
is there at least anal sex in it?
HAHAHAHA keep the memes going.
Why is Sup Forums so obsessed with transsexuals?
Adam Sessler is not even a game developer. You just wanted to post that stupid picture.
Because they are all fucking faggots