How do you even respond without sounding mad?

How do you even respond without sounding mad?


haha i know you are but what am i

You don't. You mute them and possibly report them so you don't have to see them ever again and carry on to next the game.

Not as ez as ur mum

if you respond you probably are mad

trying not to sound mad only proves that you are being mad

>being passive aggressive that you just report them instead
mad as fuck

I always say "but it was bg"

I dont think you can sound mad if you just type WP or some shit

It depends on a lot of factors, but since I'm a poor sport what I say isn't going to be friendly.

>reporting over ggez
hahahah you soyboys are an embarrassment to every male. kys

you don't respond

the need to respond means you're emotionally invested

there is no valid case to use this ever

Youre a fucking pussy

All you ever type is "was fun". Nothing else. Not responding is almost as bad as taking the bait. They're going to assume they got you if you don't say anything and their smug attitude will continue. The simple, neutral idea that you had a good time may even make them mad in return

you say "gg ez" before they get a chance to.

1v1 me fgt

Esto es el fin faglord
That way you sound like you are severely retarded, not mad

just don't lose lol

Give em the winky-face

why not

Thx U2

gg was closet


Lmao like ur mom

team rata

"ez" is what mad people tend to say so let them be. Mommy will deal with´em at dinner.

>GG EZ said the guy who switched team mid game and has the lowest score
I will never be not mad

Hit em with the "?"

People say this at the end of a match so either you move on with your life or you go out of you way and add them just to tell them how naughty they are
Fucking killyourself

Getting mad because you lost is a human reaction and in our nature. Only subhuman trash would try to act calm after losing.

i fuck youre dad faggot

"no, u"

Just say gg and only gg every time. Onky plebs overthink this shit or get mad at gg ez

lol u mad af

I usually respond with "too bad you're still a nigger".
It nets some pretty good salt 75% of the time.


I'm not a sore loser.

Thx u2

Reported for hatecrime

You also say "gg ez"
The idea is actually, if you're in the loosing end, and you expect a gg ez coming from the enemy team, you try to say it first, it negates the effect.

>ggs :)
The smiley is essential they'll think that you're too retarded to notice their bm

t. gg ez faggot
ur mum is ez af

heh fucking kill yourself niggerlover



fucking britbongs

We are a multicultural company and we don't tolerate racism, discrimination, homofobia, transfobia and women.


Yeah mad cuz ur mom had to leave so early haha ^^

You don't Alternatively you compose a bunch of stupid binds and spam them all game.

gave me a good chuckle there

say gg ez before them.
it is a fucking game grow up kid

You don't respond and report them after game.

"Well played"

accept the defeat and learn something from it, you fucking faggot without honor.

Unbeatable German defence.

Always be the one saying it even when you lose

I type GG EZ at the end of every game regardless of me winning or losing
It helps to deal with the butthurt

I hope I get you on my team next game plz carry me

The only correct answer is:

:^) or ;^)

Either nothing or "Ok"



gg ez

*switch team*

>playing multiplayer shit

What does ez mean?

stop using our language

You don't. One of my friends always writes this in Siege no matter if he was top or bottom of the team, or if it was a close match. I can't tell you how many people I've seen get overly mad at him just for saying gg ez.
if you really want to respond then just say something really random like what does that have to do with the price of fish. Something to throw the other person off, you know?

Just respond with "k" it gets them super riled up for some reason.

13% of the time

Wow irony the post

That just shows you're butthurt

The only winning move is to not play PvP.

if you react you've already given them what they want.

I have friends I dont talk to anymore b/c they only played games just to circle jerk each other off to end game reactions to them typing GG EZ, they lit wanted to have a 2 min convo after every game match about how mad they think they got the other people when they typed GG EZ ,or any time of of the streamers they where watching got a reaction from a rando, the autism was strong with them guys esp when they started calling each other cucks like it was cool.

>talking in an online game


You're so cool. I hope I can be cool like you some day. :(((((((

By being the first one to post it.

You don't. You wouldn't want to interact with people who act like that.

>someone from the losing team says 'gg'
doesnt work like that, big dog

>mad? ;)

only viable option


gg means good game, which it wasn't, but your mom was easy af nigger

the angry (you) makes this the ultimate tactic.
>whatever, reported ;^)

mad for you baby ;)

GG EZ and u mad are such powerful trolling weapons that i'm glad overwatch was brave enough to try ban them

i dont like overwatch and im a big fan of the toxic behavior in online games, but gg ez and u mad are so imbalanced they need to be nerfed

i get heated at someone saying gg ez even when they lose. its too powerful. first person to use it insta wins

>An action has been taken against a player you reported

>having such a bad case of social anxiety that you can't play multiplayer and play it off as cool
You were the long haired neckbeard in school with no frineds and arrogance cranked up to the max, right?

you add dumb emojis at the end of whatever you type, like :P or :D

Name 1 (ONE) game where they tell you that they did something with your report.

You must be a miserable person.
End it user, kill yourself. It's better that way.

Nope. This works now, and your bitching only makes it worse. I'll get on my alt and report you again if I want, you insecure fuckboy, and you can't do shit.

>people ITT laugh their ass off to get people mad with ggez
>get ultra mad when someone says they report them
Can't make that shit up.

if someone destroyed you and says ez you just have to accept it, but it goes both ways. Don't shy away from saying ez when you win


the worst thing is, the more players in the server, the more powerful it becomes. as soon as someone invokes a "u mad" against you, the whole server knows that you are probably absolutely seething and focuses on you. your next move could completely cuck you and theres very few ways out of this.

>really close even match

But what if I never win?