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this is probably the most autistic part of half life too, it gave me eye floats for a week

2/10 ableist entertainment

Never understood what was their purpose.

inb4 the real one

big brother surveillance but really they just target practice

Imagine Britain right now, but with drone technology

Scratch that.

Imagine Britain in like 10 years. Just videotaping you constantly as a nanny state, actually making pornography illegal.


Alright, you can go. huhuhu

I'm pretty sure if they snap your photo and get away, then they will send extra troops your way.

IIRC one of those fuckers drops a battery for your suit but it only occurs once. Made me kill every one of those things for nothing.

they're surveillance drones. they float around watching everything.

I still love this game so much but everyone calls it shit now. Feels bad.


Why didnt the combine arm those things with mgs?

this triggers the migraine

They had lasers and grenade launchers originally but that shit got cut for some reason. There was also variant that would fuse together like a magneton or some shit.


They are for surveillance. Plus they are easy to knockout, which would give regular humans weapons.

The first time I played that game, I honestly thought for a minute that it took a picture of you when you exited the train so you could buy that picture later if you wanted to as a memory of you entering City 17 for the first time.

i feel like this idea was probably used in Concerned

city 17 the amusement park btw

Jesus why is all the good stuff cut??

Would be more beneficial if it could self-destruct explosively.

the battery has a random chance to drop.

no, pretty sure there is an absolute fixed number of combine soldiers in the game. there are one or two areas of ravenholm with infinite zombies, and then the antlions, are the only enemies in the game that aren't hardcoded, afaik.

>no, pretty sure there is an absolute fixed number of combine soldiers in the game. there are one or two areas of ravenholm with infinite zombies, and then the antlions, are the only enemies in the game that aren't hardcoded, afaik.
You are probably right. My only guess then is that they are there as soft targets to annoy you, their only real attack being the blinding flash.


Sure shows that Varg ain't no native speaker.

What are you talking about?

Valve playtesters.

the synth scanner concept developed into these guys (which replace the normal scanners in the 'open rebellion' chapters of the game), who WERE originally supposed to be armed with some type of machine-gun weapon, and have an energy-shield, but had to be toned way down for game balance purposes.

they do! not sure if it's only when you're using a mounted gun or if it's just some strangeness with the damage level required to activate the behavior, but they do have a kamikaze attack you will probably see at least once or twice in a normal playthrough (only does like 5 damage though iirc).

To give a canon explanation of how the Combine is tracking your movements and keeps sending soldiers at you.

I don't get it. Is this supposed to be ghost from destiny? Why does it look so shitty?