Is this true?
Video Games are Not Art
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they will never be art in my country because that would mean developers could put swastikas in their games
This cannot be a real article.
Yeah, but art is usually created for/ put in them.
A city isn't art, it's an area of land that has art in it such as architecture and museums.
>one man's shitty opinion
No thanks.
>Lantz added that the video game that came closest to reaching the level of art was definitely Banjo-Kazooie
Banjo-Tootie fans btfo
Reminder that this article is satire.
Remind OP that he is a faggot.
>Experts say DELET THIS
For fucks sake...
A city could be art.
No fucking shit. People like you are the reason trump got elected.
Yeah, video games are primarily made for children or manchildren
>the onion
Bye, felicia
>wanting art critics and art majors in something you do for F U N F U N F U N F U N
whoever wrote this probably goes on Sup Forums
Oh look. It's this dipshit argument again. Ask yourself, is a museum art? Is a fucking art gallery art? No, it's a place that has art IN it. Is MTG and yugioh, and other card games art? No retard, there is art on the cards. Are video games art? They are not you goddamn sperg. They have art IN them.
I know what you've never been in.
so funny anytime I hear someone call a game a work of art because it's such a trite medium. Whatever floats your boat you "artists"
>Sup Forums makes fun of video games 500 times per minute
>this is fine
>(anyone else) makes fun of video games
>569 angry replies
Sup Forums is 90% angry replies about anything.
it's funny because this article is basically stealth-Sup Forums
>shitting on indie games trying really hard to be taken seriously as art
>praising a classic pure platformer
>(((Expert critic))) sees this
>Oh my goodness let me get my credit card right now and buy this modern work of (((art)))
>Oh yeah videogames aren't art btw lol how dare you, biggot
Are we talking art or "art"?
Art's dead and fucking everything is "art"
Plus the probability of vidya being art is low as fug due to the scale of the project, and letting vidya be "art" would mean that you can put shitting dicknipple swastikas
>Pictures are art
>Music is art
>Interactive pictures with music aren't art
>art is mostly shit
>art is art
>videogames are mostly shit
>videogames are art
there. done
The unwavering law of what is and isn't art is as follows: If you feel the need to say it isn't art, it's art.
Video games are art by definition. They are a piece of media that is observed and conveys a perspective or experience to the observer.
That is the definition of 'Art'.
The better argument would be that the majority of video games, much like the majority of movies, books and music are not good or original artistic endeavours. However to make this argument would require admitting that video games are art (they are) which the pretentious tools who think art is defined by their own narrow perspective on it will never deign to admit.
First of all
Who cares?
Second of all
The article is satire.
>Sup Forums reads a screencap from a parody news website
>Acts like someone killed their dog
Like Clackwark
>implying I read the article
I was just answering the question that OP posed. The question of whether or not vidya is art or not.
Vidya is art and the parody article exists because many actual people in the arts communities have displayed similar sentiments (after all, that is who it is parodying).
Who fucking cares. Calling something "art" these days is practically an insult, anyway.
1) What is "art"?
2) Why are people so interesting in having games defined as "art"?
>the number of people falling for this
Art requires benefactors.
Video games do not have benefactors.
Video games do have investors.
Investors means it is a product.
A product is made to drive profit.
Art is made to express.
Video games are not Art.
Yes, there is a decent chance that video games will never be art.
I think that CERTAIN videogames may be art. But which ones are those? Certainly not those whose primary objective is "entertain the player".
Video games are art the same way movies are. You can have passionate video games AND AAA games meant to make money
Can anyone guarantee that just about every permutation of any original story that can possibly exist in this world, has already been invented in some form or other by the present day? Everything's objectively a cliche but life is subjective.
Also the "matrix" will be a very real thing in the future.
This is art.
Art is worthless. It means absolutely nothing.
The fuck? video games can convey all kinds of expression in media, it depends on the content.
Art can be replicated, mass produced, packaged, and sold as a product too.
It's an industry all the same
People who argue against video games being art are irrelevant and moronic fossils, most of whom will be completely marginalized and forgotten by the time they're 40
yeah, experts that were in their 30s when the NES came out. They'll never understand because they don't want to. In their mind, video games are still on the same level as Pong, a game that pretty much was a little diversion.
>that last line
made up for the whole article desu
The people who care if video games have a title that is meaningless and applies to a piece of shit on the street as well as a masterpiece painting need to find more important things in life to care about.
>experts say
It doesn't matter if something is art. Art has been a meaningless term for the last century.
the article itself is satire but it's satirizing an opinion that a shocking number of people still uphold. stop being dense, frogposter.
ah yes, the brainlet headline sites use when reader activity has bottomed out
It's true but Roger Ebert explanation was the correct one in the end
>Is this true?
Yes, because you can't use video games to launder money through insider trading.
Yes, stop asking for them to be art. Everything will be better off. Last thing we need is validation for the retarded journos.
good, if they can't be art maybe hipster indie garbage will stop
every reply on Sup Forums is angry
>What is culture industry
Art is any and all human expression of ideas or feelings. It doesn't have to be "pretty" and the ideas don't need to make sense to you. We have art that is literally people waving their arms and legs in an (usually) organized form, that is dancing. Art also can and usually is mass produced, sold, and generates profit.
There is nothing that by definition excludes a video game from being art. Many video games essentialy already are art. They just aren't CONSIDERED art. And the only reason for that is that they have existed for less than what, 50 years? Compare that to sculpture, literature, dancing, painting, all of which have thousands of years of recorded existence. There just hasn't been enough time for them to consolidate themselves in human cultures and be considered a simple part of life. Hell, there's lots of people (and also most art critics) that have lived in a time where video games didn't even exist. The only way for video games to become art is for them to continue to be a part of human life for a considerable amount of time.
you aren't allowed to put swastika's in any media unless it's for historical/documentation purposes.
No one over reacted yet
I don't want games to be art. "Art" games are always bad.
>my posting career
is that autist goon PMAN still at it?
you seem upset about your PHALANX gay bathhouse membership getting canceled, you fucking blackpill millennial virgin sperg
I love how PMAN thinks trump is going to bust open da pedo ringz and kill the jews any day now and that he basically shares his ideas
the rationalizations are amazing
>homosexuality is the last stand of implicit white identity
k blackpill sperg
We must have had a new wave of faggots from neogaf or something with all the people here thinking video games are art. Video games CAN be art but not all video games are.
>A toilet with writing on it is art.
>The result of months of illustrators/animators, writers, musicians and programmers all working together to produce a final product whose individual components could all be classified as art is somehow not art.
No, it can't.
Art - real art - has to be made by hand by highly skilled individuals.
Mass produced products are the antithesis of the root ideological definition of art.
Back to plebbit with you soyboyboy. Only shitposting allowed here.
nice falseflag, you fucking bugman kike
Now you belong here faggot.
>leftist kike falseflagging THIS HARD
fuck off back to neogaf, you jewish cuck
only nergins disagree.
What's neogaf?
>experts say
experts of what? toilet seat repairs. You'd have to be a fucking retard to say this sort of shit.
Nah you must be a retard to take theonion seriously you fucking moron. Maybe you should check sources before lapping up everything you see on this shit board.
>>homosexuality is the last stand of implicit white identity
what did he mean by this
no really, i can't keep up with this shit anymore
Video games are a relatively new medium and someone who isn't well versed in what makes video games great from mechanics to art style can't be the authority on whether or not they're art.
I know the article is fake but just my opinion.
Videogames aren't art.
>Video games will never be art despite being a combination of various arts.
What about indie games? What about a game I made just for myself to express myself to myself?
That's not art.
Art is a work of great skill.
Hence why artisan is used to refer to master craftsman.
Technically it means artist who can also teach but it's inherited the old definition of artist.
It changed around the time the patrons of the arts shifted from the openly degenerate and opulent nobility to the reclusive and stingy merchantry.
it's partially right
nobody would ever consider games like flappy bird as art
some games come close, but they still deal with simplistic themes or have simple storylines
the best games are comparable to C or B level films
still nothing as rich or great as ancient literature yet
>everyone ignores the most important post in this thread
Does it matter?
>neckbeard loser virgins on Sup Forums think theyre art critics because they roleplay being a wizard on the internet
lmao video games arent art faggots
everyone else already knew that you dumb anime poster (speaking of a medium which isn't art)
yes and?
Literature has been a dead art for some time now. I mean christ, they are reaching all the way back to Artemis fucking Fowl for a new film adaptation, and that series was B-List even in its time. Nobody's writing the next "Pride and Prejudice" in the modern day. GRR Martin's Game of Thrones is the closest we have to a modern Tolkien, and people are waiting on pins and needles for each of his new books, there are no other books worth reading, especially for young adults, all their material is written by millennial hipsters with no sense of humor whatsoever
Music is in a pretty similar boat, where are the modern day Beethovens and Mozarts, they don't exist. Pop music has washed away the entire music world with wave after wave of trash even worse than before
Isn't all art diversion?
Bad bait
Yeah. You cited shitty genre fiction as a prerequisite to talking about literature. What about Pychon? what about Tao Lin? You're either a bait or a psued
I know that this is a satire article but he's actually right that Banjo-kazooie is more artistically valuable than walking simulators that don't use the medium to its full potential.
I was speaking in the mainstream sense. You used to have many well written mainstream book franchises competing for the attention of children and adults alike. Now most people will tell you the only book they have read recently is game of thrones or fifty shades. popular literature is pretty bare
avatarfagging is against the rules
What about Harry Potter? JK Rowling is our modern day Dickens
>I was speaking in the mainstream sense.
Oh I see. So nothing of value was lost
/ourguy/ Dave transcends your petty rules
>What about Harry Potter?
It ended, with the shittiest epilogue possible, rivaling even the worst fanfic, and then Rowling wasted everyone's time for years after with shit like Pottermore. Nowadays all she does is virtue signal about open borders from inside her giant empty mansion.
the people consuming the mainstream in greater quantities and with more rabid mindlessness, are then raising the next generation which will be even worse for not even remembering when it was different.
it matters what the mainstream does, i'm just not sure there is a way to right the ship at this point, standards are plummeting hard
The mainstream have ALWAYS been plebs dude. There has been a categorized dispute between what sells and what is art in literature for fucking centuries. High literature will always remain unaffected by what the masses consume.
3/4 of Sup Forums still has pleb mainstream demands.