What the fucking hell went wrong

What the fucking hell went wrong

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Still better than 4

No proper ending. Everything else was great.

how many times will people make the same threads over and over again?

No story
Chapter 2

2/3 as long as it should have been in terms of non-recycled content, the story just falls off at the end as a consequence of th-

Director spends too much time dining in Hollywood to finish working on his game.

it was great

sorry, go to a survive thread and pretend it's good some more. we won, you lost

Too easy. You can literally beat most missions with the empty magazine clip.

>boss fights are very unmemorable
>venom snake barely talks, fucking hell
>repetitive as fuck
>recycled missions
>extraction simulator
>dumb as fuck ai
>missions made easier with companions
>fucking can’t skip the helicopter scene between missions
>literally empty world with absolutely nothing to discover
>failed fob feature
>mg online died after a week
Biggest piece of shit released this generation to be honest

Venom being a mute.

I always believed Kojima chicken out because of sponsors. The shift from GZ to TPP was ridiculous.

Gameplay wise, it still has the creativity of MGS in tact. But I feel the PW angle was the wrong way to go.

Are you telling me you don't want MGS getting celebrity voice work for no reason

Open world meme.

I have nothing against an open world setting per se, but doing it "just because, Lol" is fucking retarded.

90% of all the maps in MGSV are God damn empty.

Captured dozens, or even hundreds of soldiers and sent them to motherbase? Too bad, because you'll only ever see like 6 of them at any one time!

Miss that sneaking action you've been longing for? Fuck you! Enjoy your soulless 10 minute horse ride in between enemy encounters.

Want something else to do? Uh, pick up flowers or some shit, I dunno.

Nothing went wrong. It's the best metal gear game. It just doesn't have as much plot or story as the other ones.

Also, Venom is the best Snake. Deal with it.


its a fun game

to bad reddlt0rs expected another movie

>>boss fights are very unmemorable

only MGS2 metal gear fight was comparable to the Sahelanthropus fight, and really it was as good either

MG: Survive Kojima edition

This. I couldn't stomach playing 4 a second time years later

Nothing, the game was great.

>Muh nostalgia

Konami didn't let Kojima finish it.

There's a whole chapter at the end that got cut.

If I wanted to base build and manage I would play an RTS or some shit. PW started that crap and TPP continued that crap.
There's just too much shit that doesn't feel like MGS at all to say it's a good Metal Gear title.

Kojima was just about to start working on interiors and the ending when Konami pulled the plug

I never minded this. I interpreted it as him being kinda thrown off and confused by his surroundings thinking he has amnesia or something. It makes sense.

Venom getting killed in MG makes me sad, though.

Gameplay was great, story was shit, especially that a random medic could be indistinguishable from Big Boss

>open world
>lvl design

I love feeling the phantom pain of an incomplete game.

Once I started not caring bout GMP and stealth the game got way more fun. I liked how I cheesed the first half of the game with sniper rifles and the enemies start equipping themselves with crazy armor.


If it didn't have the name "Metal Gear Solid" on the front, MGSV would have got a luke warm reception at best.

It's name carried it to underved praise.

When it works, it really fucking works. But those moments are so sparse and spread out that it ruins what could have been an amazing game.

The should have made it several Ground Zero sized maps, with dozens of enemies, instead of 2 empty ones with shitty busy work like picking up Diamonds or whatever.

barely any interiors, and the few there was were just the same rectangular room

I just read a day or two ago that Konami kept throwing money at Kojima for the development of this shit fest while he kept wasting it on hiring such expensive VO like Kiefer and also taking them out to dinners, is this true?

Welcome to Sup Forums newfriend

Tbf that pretty much is rural Kabul, but they should have gone all in on Motherbase fleshed out the interiors of each platform.

The kicker is that with all the MGS V assets they recycled in survive, there is literally no contrast. They never did anything major with those assets to present them in a new way.


It's just odd after all the hype about hiring a 'big name' actor to voice "Big Boss"
Also makes some cutscenes awkward, well, notably, the now infamous jeep ride. Other than that it probably wouldn't have helped the story any to have him speak more, but it's hard to play the game and not find it just a little off.

Until they get the answer they want.

Until then it'll basically be the same thread with the same replies every time.

There are other rumors too. Like Konami coming in to view the game that was supposed to be winding down in phase, but finding out that Kojima just kept adding more shit on.

Hence why they grounded him. They ordered him to finish whatever he had by release date instead. Hence why the game releases unfinished.

The game was fine up until the fight with Sally. The game felt like it was half-done at that point and the season 2 fakeout was the absolute highpoint of the game followed by the plummet to rock bottom when you realize what chapter 2 is. Chapter 1 was a perfect illusion of a full game and then Chapter 2 reveals there's nothing and then the game just ends after forcing you to do the tutorial again. Fuck me, if they added a single boss for Chapter 2 it would have been at least something.

Probably. I mean, development probably began directly after PW was finished in 2010. The game was announced in 2012 so Konami must have had plans for it to release in 2013, but when they didn't happen they got pissed and gave him a few months more to release it. By 2014 it still wasn't done so they released GZ on it's own to at least make a bit of money for 12 more months. TTP still wasn't done by March 2015 which is when they decided to fire Kojima and just do what they could in 6 months to salvage the game.

Then it would be even more jenk. Where the fuck would you have ended it before?

There was obviously supposed to be more content. Like the extra cutscene on the collectors edition DVD with Eli, and Sally-Gear.

So the story probably would have went on beyond that to who knows where? Maybe explaining how big boss ended up using child soldiers and such? That's what i always assumed why those African kid soldiers were so integral to the story before the ending out of nowhere.

Open world ruined it. If it was a more traditional style MGS with 10-15 Ground Zero size levels it could've easily been one of the greatest games of all time

Konami mandated a PS3/360 version with no additional resources, resulting in the current-gen version being gimped by previous-gen limitations.

Everything else is just hand-wringing. All major problems stem from that core issue.

It worked amazingly well for Hitman™

Not even kidding, I fucking love that game.

>Game about becoming a demon
>If a kid gets hurt (even if you didn't do it) it's game over

the engine is the only great thing about this game.


no you see big boss was a super good guy all along and solid snake sucks sorry for confusion

This. Also why are there no difficulty settings? And fulton is way too OP, don't need to hide or worry about bodies in fact you're encouraged to fulton everything.

Was Ground Zeroes easier or harder than TPP?

>big boss
Have you even finished the game?

stealth is pointless. multiple the amount of enemies x10 and the 6/10 becomes a 8/10.

fuck mother base and the phoned in multiplayer.

Making the game a sequel to the handheld game.
Making it open world.

do they make these anymore?

Harder, especially those extra missions but still pretty easy.

I found it a bit harder as you're more confined and had less weapons/items at your disposal. Also the AI seemed a lot smarter in it compared to TPP at least.

Empty world with nothing to do. Literally small outposts copy pasted every once in a while. Gameplay consists of landing at a random place, sneaking into these outposts, killing someone or fultoning them, and then leaving. Rinse repeat a thousand times. There's so little content in the game they had to make you redo the first chapter's missions again but on a hard mode. Story is fucking stupid.

yeah hes technically big boss in mg1 my dude
pretty stupid to waste the last mgs game on a plothole that didnt even need to be addressed

It was much shorter. It's just the prologue

But over all, probably similar.

It's better though, because it's much more focused. Like it's fucking cool as shit sneaking into this heavily armed military base. It's MGS at its best.

Then the full game was 2 empty maps. Thanks a lot Kojima.

Don't make me fucking repeat myself user, we've had this thread hundreds if not thousands of hours.

>Skull Face is a shitty antagonist whose motivations barely make sense, who constantly lets Venom just slip out and the only MG bad guy who straight up dies to his own Metal Gear
>Kojima opting to base the majority of the plot on vocal chord parasites when the nanomachines of 4 were so harshly criticized just feels like self-parody, since they're even worse
>none of the new characters are interesting past the arbitrary role assigned to them in the plot (antagonist, technobabble spewer, guy who has to be evil because he kills himself later, deus ex machina, etc.)
>Eli and Mantis were laughably underused to the point where there was zero reason to put them in the game, even with the cut mission accounted for
>the Venom meta, even though it works, is unnecessary since at the end of the day it just rehashes what we knew about Big Boss from previous games - he's an asshole
>Venom is also the equivalent of a mute Jesus Christ who tries to teach children and keep them away from the battlefield, and then later ends up agreeing the to becoming the leader of Outer Heaven, the exact opposite of that - the meta goes full retard

I could go on for much, much longer, but I think you get the point if you bothered to get invested in MG lore and aren't a brainlet.

No ending, barely any voice acting/story cutscenes and most importantly, awful stealth. Enemy spotting and worse stealth than in any other MGS to date.
When you turned the enemy outlines off, you got spotted still quite a bit because of the really bad stealth controls.

Every moron who still treats the MGS franchise like genre fiction when it hasn't been since 2 should be banned from Sup Forums on the grounds of being mentally underage.

DOn't forget to pick up your MB coins today :3

>no difficulty

The fuck were they thinking, especially when all the other main titles consistently had that option.

Why is it that at least 90% of the complaints regarding the story boil down to "I'm too retarded to listen to the tapes"?

>Konami owns Metal Gear, Silent Hill, Bomberman and Suikoden
>all those game franchises I love deeply

why was I born in this timeline

why is konami the worst fucking company

big medic, parasites, quiet, codetalker, and ocelot. The only decent characters in the game were Kaz and Huey.

Oh yeah, I forgot that the addition of the tapes was a general bad idea and it doesn't work nearly as well as it did in Peace Walker. PW in general did a lot of things better than V which in and out of itself is fucking mind-boggling considering the target hardware.

It fell into the "every game has to be open world now, even if the previous games never followed that genre" trap.

not sure, but I didnt really enjoy it. the endgame was kinda a cool idea but turned really weird and grindy. I tried to play it after a 6 month break and I put the controller down before even starting a mission. I guess the core gameplay was just bad?

it's repetitive as fuck and there's really nothing interesting to do in the game, huge empty open world with nothing unique or interesting. It has good controls compared to other MGS, but thats it.

>It has good controls compared to other MGS, but thats it.

You can't fucking obtain the amazing mental prowess that allows you to be able to hold two or three buttons together without your brain imploding in on itself? The controls in 1, 2 and 3 were all perfectly fine and worked within their frameworks, arguably better than V does in its.

Released only 75% finished, Kojima's vision of "you" being Big Boss ruined the story and made Venom someone that had almost no presence in the story despite being the main character.

Honestly the game would have been great if they had just stretched out act 1 and never had an act 2.

I'm saying that because people hold MGSV's gameplay (controls) over other MGS games, and my favorite MGS gameplay is 2 and 4.

By perpetuating the meme that V's controls are the best in the series, when you could do more shit gameplay-wise in any MGS from 2 to 4.

MGSV gameplay, in my opinion is just generic TPS gameplay.

yeah except it controls like no other game on the market

Splinter Cell Chaos Theory came out a long time ago, user.
