Are they really not gonna have one? Literally no games.
Are they really not gonna have one? Literally no games
I haven't finished xenoblade chronicles and I bought it like 2 months ago. Go do something else with your life instead of playing games all day.
just sold mine and got a ps4, feeling pretty good about life desu
One will probably happen in April based on their past ones.
Why don't you just have both?
God it must suck being that poor
Who needs games when you can have cardboard?
wow,it must suck beeing such a retard.
I'd put money on the anniversary, still.
Even if they have one, it will be Wii U ports, ports of 10 year old games for $60 and indie shit.
I would like some Spike Chunsoft ports, so that would be ok by me
ps4 is a dead console
>still no hoollow Knight release date
I already played the wii u games, release fucking new shit
Shoulda known better my man
fucking christ I won't get anything new all year
Kirby and Mario Tennis are new. If you bought a Wii U, I would expect you to buy those.
It’s still hilarious that 3rd parties still will not release flagship titles on this thing.
These publishers must be rubbing their hands raw with the amount of money they are making on low effort ports of shit they developed a decade ago.
By the end of Feb, screencap this.
>hmmmm should we port xenoblade x, an acclaimed game that sold 1 million copies
>or should we port the another shitty musou trash game because zelda memes?
>or the shitty donkey kong game nobody gave a shit about?
>HOW ABOUT BOTH, let's not port xenoblade X lmao!!
nintendo deserves bankruptcy
Yeah, except it's totally not dead. I get it man, you only like 8-bit indie rehashes, please don't shit on actual gamers.
>not just having both
Man it must suck being such a poor retard
>Ever going bankrupt
Sorry buddy. Never gonna happen. They're currently worth more than Sony. Around 35-40 billion dollars They ain't going anywhere.
LABO was the direct, see you at E3!
They will when Switch falls off the charts this year and investors start jumping ship.
the Switch is literally the most profitable console of all time for its first year
The Wii-U didn't kill them so what makes you think the Switch will?
The fact that there's a Pokemon direct tomorrow is more than enough proof that there's a Nintendo direct coming soon.
>Actual gamers.
Holy shit off yourself please.
There isnt a Pokemon direct you retard
>>or the shitty donkey kong game nobody gave a shit about?
Say that again?
Yes thers is a direct but its just a reminder that you need to buy pokemon ultra flop, the new version of poke go, and the new game picachu cop or something nothing else
Where is this alleged direct there is no info about anywhere
It's not there because it's fake.
The fact that they've said nothing about a direct or announcement by now pretty much confirms Pokemon isn't coming out this year. So much for the second half of the year being stocked with Switch games.
I have both. Switch has been just collecting dust since the end of last year. Though I guess it's not NIntendo's fault they didn't get MHW
>Nintendo betraying it's fan
what a shocker
It's been a fucking month, jesus. Has Sup Forums ever been patient?
Bitch who are you to tell a grown up man how to live his life? Gtfo faggot and stop deflecting that Nintedo has no games.
Nintetards like you should do that , 720p in 2k18 with only garbage ports and newly added android games. Pathetic
Its been like 4 months since a real live direct though??
The youtube video about ports doesnt count lmao
It's technically STILL a direct.
Lol no
yeah i am mad as fuck too
literally got cucked by cucktendo
i wish the switch to fail now
they fucking disapointed
the direct was neccesary in december already
2018 is ded, only shit till now
they blew everything in 2017
just sold my ps4 and got a switch, feeling pretty good about life desu
If it has the word "Direct" on it. It's a direct.
>in current year meme
>we're actual gamers and you aren't
nigger it's time you left
low bait
try harder sonyfag
this but also has no games
What do Xbone and PS4 have? Literally no games coming out for months but nobody complains.
>actual gamers
Everything you say on /v us automatically discarded cause your such a massive faggot.
We're in March very soon. Everyone else got
Meanwhile on Switch:
Yes and what else is there after those 2 multiplats which came out a month ago? Only thing that comes to mind is GoW in April.
Youre mad because its true
It's always funny to see how much opinions trigger Nintendofaggots.
How likely is a new switch coming out this year?
Sony fanboys BTFO. They care so much about nintendo when nintendo didn't even care about them at all.
not happening
Maybe it's success caught most companies off guard and they are developing games now. I'm sure not alot of companies thought nintendo would release a hit after the wii u.
Nintendo Direct Mini =/= Nintendo Direct
Why do you tell lies on the internet?
Could they not just save the announcement for e3?
>using a chart that stops right before the holiday season for the switch where it got most of its sales
Wow good job faggot. You made a misleading chart. Does this make your mommy prowd?
We knows Switch sold 14 million in its first year. You can do simple math, can't you?
2018 is dead. They fucked up badly. Theres half a year without games confirmed basically with no direct. E3 might have like 2 big games for the holiday like they usually do but that's it. Unacceptable to have such a piss poor lineup.
The Switch hasn't even been out for a year you dolt.
Nintendo always does this, they will never not have droughts.
At least this time we have indie 8 bit shovelware to pass the time.
Nintendo already said that LABO was the direct.
Expect something new around E3.
It's been out for almost 12 months now. Anniversary is next week. Those charts go up to 11 months.
It loses to the Wii, and is unclear whether it beats PS4 or not.
Not sure about older consoles. So no, Switch isn't the fastest selling first year console of all time. Stop spreading marketing speil and misinformation you retarded fanboy.
>being too poor to not have both
Holy fuck am i laughing at your life
Q1 2018 saw nothing worthwhile release, and Q2 literally only has Labo coming out. Q3 fanboys might get lucky and get a port of Smash 4, announced at E3 ofc, alongside their new paid online.
You can forget about Pokemon and Metroid coming out Q4, those are 2019 games for sure.
Nintendo blew their load early with the Switch. They can't keep up with HD development.
E3 will be Pokemon + Metroid + a port of Smash 4, and you will see the fanboys lose their shit and pretend Nintendo won over it. Expect lots of shitposting, even though:
- Everyone already played Smash 4 like 3 years ago.
- Metroid isn't made by Retro, but fucking Bamco instead, and Tabata is involved again, so it'll probably be another Other M disaster.
- Pokemon hasn't been good since Gen V.
As long as the other companies refuse to do something equivalent to Treehouse E3 coverage Nintendo will win almost every single E3 by default. No amount of headline and bullshot pandering can punch up to actual gameplay.
>grown up man
you need to be 18 to post here.
nintendo has won two e3s in a row. cry more soyboy
>No amount of headline and bullshot pandering can punch up to actual gameplay.
Funny you say this considering how much you lost your shit last year over a Metroid Prime 4 title card, and a Pokemon name drop, you hypocrite. One dude on YT even cried.
Nintendo can shit on your face, and declare war in mankind, and they'll still win in your eyes. You're beyond hopeless.
Sorry that I like to play good games instead of interactive movies with nu-male politics.
Looks to me like you're playing no games right now buddy.
I said profitable, not fastest selling you illiterate retard.
Switchs cost about $150 to make according to digital foundry and they sell for twice that much.
Prime 4 and Pokemon announcements were meaningless, just there to make sure that people didn't throw a tantrum over the new 3DS stuff. The real great stuff was during the Treehouse coverage.
I have xenoblade chronicles 2 and fire emblem warriors still to finish and I have yet to 100% complete mario odyssey still.
Animal Crossing
I'm looking forward to kirby, the ones on the left are also already out so your image is outdated
Xenoblade X did not sell a million, 2 is literally the first Xenoblade to break the million cap
>Musoushit and a shitty JRPG from last year
>Sells faster
>Has more games
Keep crying
Please respond
>Has more games
What did he mean by this?
Or, you know, the actual fucking Direct they aired just before Labo was the Direct, retard
probably the best rpg in over a decade
>animu fighter
>botw clone
First Xenoblade was way better. I'd rather play a HD port of that than 2 again.
not him, and not necessarily agreeing with him either, but how many exclusives does the PS4 actually have? I can think of 5 AAA exclusives on the Switch and that's just in launch year.
XBC2 sold like 1.2 million in the first month. Its now almost been 3 months and we haven't gotten an update, but it surely passed 2 mil by now. Nintendo has been advertising the game like crazy. Good to see this game is the Awakening of the series.