Who is your favorite Pathologic character? For me it is the Haruspex. I haven't played Clara yet though. Anyone played the board game yet? I just got it but haven't had time to read the rules yet.
Who is your favorite Pathologic character? For me it is the Haruspex. I haven't played Clara yet though...
I liked Changeling better than Haruspex because of the mystery and not knowing who you are or what your purpose is while as Haruspex you pretty much knew your exact purpose and what your goal is since day 1
maybe it's because im a girl
Yeah by the time you're finished bachelor you have a good idea of who the Haruspex is and what he's like. There's a lot of good steppe lore though and I like playing as someone who isn't a complete outsider. The game has really great pacing: as the days go on the game gets crazier and as you progress into different characters the story gets stranger.
>IPL promised new version of a beta every month for backers
...and nothing
Is 2 going to be released in this year? I really doubt it
Artemy is best boy, but it's a shame that only the Bachelor route got really fleshed out.
The board game is really nice, but good luck finding 3 other players for it.
Back in september, when they announced the Tinybuild partnership, they seemed confident for Q3 2018 at the latest. Now however... Well, better to have no news at all than bad news.
And as you said, it seems like the promised beta access was just swept under the rug.
>...and nothing
And you expected anything else? You clearly don't know IPL very well.
>Is 2 going to be released in this year? I really doubt it
God only knows. Does not matter either: the game is going to be out when IPL deems it ready.
Although it may also be cause by the fact that the remaining characters were comparably underwritten.
But even if we ignore that, Daniel is the most fun - maybe precisely because he is actually the most flawed one of the main three. Daniel is in a dire personal situation, in many ways he is a fuck-up, but he has a sense of humor and air of really amusing arrogance to him. Also, even though ultimately I did not side with him (that is to say, even playing as him, I chose Haruspex's ending on my first and most "honest" run), his general outlooks are beliefs are closer to me than any of the others.
Compared to him, Haruspix feels drab, and Klara is just certified, annoying loon.
As for nonplayable characters, my absolute favorites were Capella, Lara and Julia. I also always had a thing for Fat Vlad, as I love the tragic stories of patriarchs in the vein of I Live in Fear.
Anyone has those guides for new players? I wan't to start playing this evening but I don't know what edition to get, for example.
> I wan't to start playing this evening but I don't know what edition to get, for example.
Get Classic HD
Ok, I assume pirate? Or is there a god version on steam?
Nvm, I've found it for 7 bucks
>I don't know what edition to get
Changlings ending sucks ass.
Haruspex is dumb enough to let the Oyun of the Abbatoir trick him 3 times into killing himself.
Bachelor literally just fucks everything up.
Wtf there are no subtitles in this game?
Why would you need subtitles for such a text-heavy game, you double odongh.
He's right, some scenes have only voices, like the very first scene, it's a problem for us esl.
Thankfully the voice only scenes are few, in the steam forum someone posted the transcriptions of those scene, check it or find that page through a google research.
Are you ready for THE BULL in the remake?
Tell me about Oyun, why does he wear the mask?
Or perhaps he is wonder why you would shoot a man before throwing him into the pit of Suok?