Here is a fun thread idea. Think of a game title. Got it...

Here is a fun thread idea. Think of a game title. Got it? Post it and now anons try and come up with a game based on the title.

Hollow Shell

You play as a Sup Forums shitposter trying to talk to people and not fail at life.

My game title is: Qlorp.

Chrono Cross

Some shitty puzzle game.

My title:
Dark Dynasty

>Hollow Shell
Indie pixelshit platformer/metroidvania
Nothing memorable or charming about it, but manages to run a fairly slick reddit/viral advertising campaign and develop a meager kickstarter following
Becomes babby's first metroidvania for an obnoxious group of adolescents who then incessantly post about it everywhere despite its overwhelming mediocrity and middling (or worse) values

Am i doing it right?

Ghost gunplay, you play as someone who can enter ethereal form and fuck shit up as a ghost, and in the real world you shoot people in the dick

Title: 32 Nights

A telltale game style retelling of the series Dynasty, but everyone is black.

Afro Zero

SRPG where you are playing as the ancient evil controlling his armies against the chosen one rather than the other way around.

Winged Guardian

4 men in goth dress run a business where they focus on selling goth accessories for vampire hunting

its a clicker game

Digestive Biscuit

February has had enough of the other months' bullshit and fights it's way through their stages to beat their ass in a side scrolling action game to become the longest month.

Title: Hold My Beer...

The sequel to Soda Drinker Pro, where it further deconstructs video games by giving you even less control. You literally just hold someone's beer.

Train Jammers

You play as a sentient tumor in a guys digestive system and have to work your way through his innards and out his stomach to choke the cunt to death.

Rad Bad AND Mad

Westernized Mecha game focused on PVP modes that never gain a big following.

Mirror's edge

Heaven's Pillar

A platform/puzzle game starring 90's 'tude characters named Rad, Bad, and Mad. Will play like Animaniacs or Ahh! Real Monsters on Genesis.

Rocky Speedo

Gay Butt Fucker 2000

Kingdome Come Equivalence

you play as a hermit crab constantly seeking out your next "hollow shell" to inhabit as you continuously grow in size throughout the course of the game. shells get rarer as they get larger and the game eventually ends when you can no longer find a large enough shell in time

the game features dark atmospheres and a dreary, instrumental soundtrack and is a postmodern exploration of the endless series of futile activities we engage in daily or something pretentious like that

A dinosaur who can only communicate in angry kickflips seeks to find the man who killed his dinosaur wife. Some how the game has ironsights on the skateboard.

Its a tetris clone.

Numb-er Count-er

medieval RPG with woman and nigger kings where you can play as a genderfluid atheist paladin

Edutainment mathematics 'game' set in medievel europe.

My title: Far From the Realms of Day

Warmind Divinity

So a sequel to Radical Rex?

christian history game

Shitty Western-indie developed SMT clone.

Train sim, but you play as a saboteur.

Samurai action game.

A turn based strategy game where you control a small squad of paladins on a crusade against demons

Space Opera grand strategy.

Typing game.

Mountain Myth.

Brothers Grim themed RPG

Connecticut Cross and the Secret of the Transcended

I mean, I think that's a fine response

The Human Condition

Artisan's Wake

Last D.A.Y.S. alive

Rape dating Sim

1850's themed action platformer with varying styles of boss fights


Freedom - The Liberation

One of those shitty seek and find games that women play

A immunity simulator but it plays like late game SimCity mixed with an RTS

I can picture you looking at a 2-d body, and the body will get a cut or catch a cold and you have to deal with repairing the body.

You might be thrust into a no win situation where you have to wait for a doctor or surgeon to save you.

You play as an artist that was in a come that has to quickly prepare for an art exhibit 5 minutes before it begins.

FPS with guerilla tactics, in which you try to free America from fascists.

Title: Stand For Tomorrow

You enslave anarchists in a Luigi's Mansion like game

ARPG with a time limit and a requirement to rewind to the start to finish ala LoZ:MM, the player also gets time manipulation powers similar to Blinx or prince of persia.

Mighty monster mash

you play as each of the few remaining members of Death Appropriation Yacht Squad (D.A.Y.S.) in a post-apocalyptic world they accidentally created by appropriating too much death as they experience their last days alive. it's a 3rd person shooter with survival and stealth elements, also yachts

90s fmv dancing game

Title: Gex 4

An Anime JRPG. Far future. A squad of battleteens called D.A.Y.S (dunno what it stands for) have to band together and try and save whatever anime planet from Armageddon.

Image source?

Action platformer where you play as a boy with a giant mallet.

Slam City

Looks like swim qual.
Real neat how cammies can be used as a flotation divice.

Street basketball game where each character has his own unique stats and abilities like a moba

Cyberpunk esque detective game.

You are a grizzled detective in neo 80's Miami investigating the murder of several women. Your investigation leads from the neon laced high rises to the dingy ghettos to the swamps
And finally to the dark underbelly of Miami. You will encounter robots that want to be human, to Cuban refugees fleeing the collapse of the Castro regime, to world war 4 veterans who have never left the battlefield.

Rad Roach 3: bigger, badder & radder

Snatcher: Vice City

A stealth game where you play as a cock roach in a house. You have to learn all the people living in that houses schedule to avoid detection.


Dark Spaces.

Akemoto the apostate

I dunno what kind of game it is but I already have 2 GB worth of pics/webms of its characters to beat off to

a light hearted trivia game with an intense ranked mode with people vying to collect medals in select categories

Strictly text based hacking game

A tower defense game where you use light to fight off eldritch-like monsters and darkness

A jRPG with a wifu-bait harem in a fantasy MMO world. If your character is only given three lives in the game, and then its game over because dying in the game kills you "irl".

My Game:

something similar to Happy Wheels.

indie platformer where you play as two kids in a spooky forest or whatever


A VR cRPG where your goggles is a sci-fi google class tool and the main feature, allowing you to change menu screens with the flick of your eyes. The setting is cyberpunk.

Its a mech game. Mecha called Shells are giant robots that take over the world and nearly destroy humanity, protagonist finds a "Hollow Shell" that is not automated and has a pilot seat and procedes to wreak BLOODY VENGEANCE on the shells at large.

Asura' s Wrath but with actual gameplay.


Fist of the Northstar meets Manhunt.

Last Blood: Purity

A hyper violent 2.5D fighting game.
Gore Fist is the main character.

A programming game set in a dystopian cyber-future but you actually have to be a competent programmer to beat it.

>Lost Cause

The hidden Bushido.

Primal Kingdoms

erotic VN.

Good morning Vietnam

Yakuza but blaxploitation.

It's like Dynasty warriors but with gorrilas.


Boss Fight.

Would play the shit out of that.

Climbing the corporate ladder in a world where losing your job means instant, gory death. Think Hand of Fate.

Viktor von Vengeance

boring 2deep4me walking sim with no actual boss fight (or gameplay for that matter), but tries to pass along some "deep" pseudo-philosophical idea that you were the boss fight all along.

Something like those old educational games, in this case we'd be helping out an inept mad scientist try to invent shit

Rune Factory

So like I'm some dude walking around and I'm just too strong and I'm waiting for the boss fight but it turns out I was the boss the whole time?

If I had to make this game, id make it funny at least and not 2deep4me. Something like you said with walking simulator but walking forward beats bosses and shit cuz your just so strong.

>Hold My Beer...
a graphic adventure ala McPixel


p-please dont post best girl

something like Papers, Please, but in a radio station in vietnam during war. You have to keep high the moral of the troops, using fake news and songs, but under it you receive info about how bad the war is really going and the kids and women massacres and rapes in the jungle. Also, psichodelic drugs and shit.

Jackie Chan

You play a black mafia boss trying to understand why he has so many Duck Dynasty fans trailing him.

At least he got his wish, unlike the rest of us.

Title: Charles Cheese in: A Typical Adventure I Had Last Sunday When I Went To Get A Fancy Haircut To Look Like Brad Pitt

may i take that name and use it for a game?

Black out: A tale of two gods

John McGallow in: “Racism Simulator 2018, or How I Learned To Smikark Dogs”

A very random and wacky point and click adventure game or pixelshit performer.

Crazy Fall

2-d plataformer, the enemies are gay hairdressers with scissors

Bone Rodeo

vr parachting and base jump simulator

Proud Dad

Kawarigadoku Fables XIV Deluxe

You fight bosses and use their drops for weapons to fight more bosses. Kotaku calls it colonialism for some reason.

Finger Wizard

Whatever it turns out to be, make the MC's voice actor Brad Pitt.