Why don't normalfags like Dead Money?

Why don't normalfags like Dead Money?

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dude stealth lmao

They can't blast their way through everything.

>tfw you can 1-hit kill everything there with punches
weaponusers btfo


It's pretty obvious OP, you need to actually read the reviews instead of just going WOW ITS MIXED
>weaving around bear traps in stealth all day
>two types of enemies

>Why don't normalfags like Dead Money?

Because they're morons completely devoid of taste.

>enter Stealth
>it doesn't matter because Ghost People are bugged and have infinite PER

normy's don't know how to optimize their builds

The story is literally all it has going for it, go to the PS4 if you want narrative experiences.

>able to be a master of everything
another thing that ruins fallout and elder scrolls

I really don't recall this being particularly hard, just stabbed them then chopped them up on the floor, didn't even have high melee. The holograms were much more annoying.

What's a creative, fun build that I probably haven't tried?

I liked it.

>tfw actually followed the story's message and left all the gold alone

At this point you should have tried every build, the game is just shy of a decade old.

the fucking radios.

fucking nigger radios and hologram emitters

Perhaps a crit build with this ?fallout.wikia.com/wiki/AER14_prototype

I had crits almost every single shot with it


No, don't lie, who does pure explosives when early game conditions you to think literally every other build is superior?

>Go into New Vegas
>Want to be a dick ass raider because thats my Fallout fantasy
>90% of the time I can demand payment for a job
>Canballism actually gets you through a few dialogue choices.
>Being hated by everyone feels good

>Play Pillars of Eternity
>Want to be a bandit because thats my medieval fantasy
>No option to deman payment for shit, character has to volunteeer his services like a moralfag then just assume payment at the end of a quest

Why did they have to fuck it up?


I always end up playing moralfag characters even when I'm a thief, so I didn't notice that about Pillars of Eternity

because its easier to give people more points than they will ever need than to just give STR/Gun characters an option to shoot/bash off locks

To be fair, for Fallout NV it requires a lot of of optimization and abusing game mechanics.

For example, you can pick the skilled perk which gives you +10 in every stat for minus 10% exp. However the effect stacks you reselect skilled when you leave the starting area, asking you if you want to reroll your stats. It will stack a third time if you do Old World Blues and you get to reroll your traits. Its the only way outside of duplication to even get close to max stats in everything.

But it takes so long to max everything that at that point it no longer matters what your levels are because all of the quests are done and all you gan do are some repeatable shit and just wander around Mojave while listening to Let's ride into the sunset together.

I don't like any of the dlc for that game

How come?

I love Old World Blues.

Honest Hearts would be better if it were longer. I love the Zion map.

>However the effect stacks you reselect skilled when you leave the starting area

Not him but Ah, I think I noticed that before. Nice to know what actually happens. I thought it was weird that would already have almost 50 or over in my selected stats before I left.

To be fair, that engine is terrible for stealth and even worse for pursuits. I had to force myself to fight instead of running when caught because they forget about you so quickly after leaving their cell.
It gets good once you get into the casino though, but that part is far too short.

They do, normalfags love New Vegas in general.
The reason intelligent people hate Dead Money is because it's the worst DLC in a terrible game


Honest Hearts>OWB>>>>>>>Lonesome Road>dogshit>>>>>>>>>>>>Dead Money

Gameplay wise none of the DLCs are very good, and Dead Money is downright atrocious, but Graham is one of my all time favorite characters., so he puts HH above the others for me.


Also i wish there were more chancesof using sneering imperialist in conversations.

My fellow mormons.

>specialize in guns


You find snub pistols and MOTHERFUCKING BARs soon enough though.

You encounter like, 3 enemies before you encounter a Dean Domino stash or the police station

>Also i wish there were more chancesof using sneering imperialist in conversations.
Same here.

Honestly if I had any skill to splice together reactions, and make appropriate additions and changes to quest dialogue I'd try and make a mod that splices in a few instances of it being used.

The Knife Spear is a low Melee skill weapon purpose designed to kill Ghost People

If you can't reliably kill them with it you're just bad at the game

there's no fucking ammo for either, and they're shit against the ghosts and holograms

the BAR is also inaccurate as fuck

They kill Ghosts just as well as any other weapon, idiot. You drop their health to zero, then you switch to a melee weapon and attack the "corpse" until a limb comes off. There, now it's actually dead.
Nothing kills holograms, you need to disable the emitter.

Sounds like you have a serious case of the gits

because its a artificial time waste: the dlc

>actually switching weapons to dismember a corpse

No offense but it's not actually that difficult to do it legitimately in NV. Just make sure that you don't max your skills out before you get access to the skill books and get the comprehension perk, and start with a moderately high intelligence stat.

>and they're shit against the ghosts and holograms
Holograms are fucking invincible. You shoot their projectors which blow up in one shot. As for Ghosts, the Police Pistol with high guns and Bloody Mess will literally rip their heads clean off. It's beautiful.

then use Dog you fucking moron. it's like you WANT to be called a faggot.

the ironic thing is you can absolutely blast your way through everything in the dad money because you get one of the most full retarded op guns at the start of it, that combined with the perk you get from dog/god makes the dlc ezpz.

Stealth and explosives. Sneak in, put mines down, fire a gunshot to make people come running and they run over your explosives. Or reverse pick-pocket grenades and such.

It takes about a quarter of a second if you use hotkeys. You aren't that much of as a casual, are you? You know hotkeys exist, right?

>being so retarded you think I'm him
Just shoot them again

Or better yet, shoot them in the head so it cripples and explodes long before they actually reach 0 health and collapse in the first place

>there's no fucking ammo for either,
there are god damn VENDING MACHINES that SELL AMMO FOR NOTHING. what the fuck do you think all the 80 zillion casino chips lying around are for??? not to mention you can craft more chips with the perk christine gives you, AND you can exchange cigarette cartons for yet more chips and more ammo.

The villa sucks, the cloud sucks and the radio bullshit.

>You drop their health to zero, then you switch to a melee weapon and attack the "corpse" until a limb comes off.
or you just get dog/gods perk that does it automatically

Shooting them again wastes ammo and weapon durability.
Their head might not cripple before their health runs out m80, and if it does the point is moot.

>what the fuck do you think all the 80 zillion casino chips lying around are for
Cashing in for Pre-War money and making mad, weightless bank

Turning into drugs and weapon repair kits

Post some nice speech checks

>mfw getting banned from the casino
>mfw unlimited chips for the rest of the game
>mfw unlimited weapon repair kits for the rest of the game
>mfw no face pleased enough

The build where you spend 11 days straight glitching your level higher until it resets to 0 so you can get all but a couple perks.

His face is priceless.

I have played through Dead Money 6ish times and have never once used stealth.
I don't think you CAN stealth around Ghostpeople, it's like sneaking past Tunnelers. They just have telescopic homing laservision and instantly see you.

Why doesn't Sneering Imperialist work against the Legion?

im convinced everyone that didn't like this dlc just gave up as soon as their items were gone and just tgm and tcl'ed their way through it skipping everything.

>Their head might not cripple before their health runs out
Ghost People are more than durable enough for their limb health to run out before their overall health

Even if they do, aiming at their head is easier because it kills them quicker and lowers the limb health when they're on the ground. Centre mass is for dorks.

I don't understand this, when I was doing my testing of random shit for a max stats build, I played through DM with 100 stealth and I literally could not be seen by any enemies when I crouched.

Hell I could attack a ghost person, run around a corner and crouch, and they'd lose all track of me, after 5 seconds I'd go from Danger to Hidden.

I can't figure out if Sup Forums is just retarded, or if something I was doing broke the game.

Because the Legion is civilized, if brutal.


what would be the point of lockpicking if you could just bypass it with a stat thats also useful elsewhere?

Pretty easy to do considering money has zero value unless you've modded all the ammo and caps down to 10% of vanilla.

Because they are a highly centralized army and not just some coked up rabble like the Fiends.

me too user...

*tips maga hat*

Base game Ghost People have 0 PER, which the engine translates as infinite PER. No one told Obsidian at the time so it never got fixed.

YUP fixes it and gives them 1 PER

Citing facts makes mea Trump supporter now?

Fuck off, Sup Forums.
>Under the Legion's banner, civilization - unforgiving as it was - finally came to the Mojave Wasteland.

But this was done on the actual base vanilla game on the 1.4 patch.

Maybe there's a secondary glitch that happens when you have maxed stats, since my build gave me 10 SPECIAL and 100 of every skill, could also be a bug with one of the perks I had on top of that too, who knows, all I know is, I was playing completely vanilla and they literally could not see me until I had actually shoved my player model inside theirs.

>Why doesn't Sneering Imperialist work against [aggressive imperial power]

Dead Money is probably my favorite DLC I've played for any game.

>Its the only way outside of duplication to even get close to max stats in everything.
nigga please I'm just finishing up my no DLC run and I'm a few levels off maxing every skill

Yea, if you actually learn how much each SPECIAL stat adds to each skill, it's piss easy to max everything with a bit of planning, taking Skilled at all is entirely unnecessary.

But of course, if you DO take skilled, that's a very easy 45 skill points per each time you take it that you don't have to factor in to your calculations.

>Why doesn't Sneering Imperialist work against dirty tribals with lawnmower blades

It's a pure gimmick expansion compared to all the others, that's why

with all the dlcs the level cap is so high you can 100 all but 2 or 3 skills

All patches but no DLCs can get you 100 in all but like, one or two skills.

t. played on console and didn't have the DLC for a year and got 100 in everything except Survival

>that hard railroading at the end

No idea. Dead Money is by far my favorite DLC, my favorite part of New Vegas as a whole, and one of my favorite vidya experiences ever. The only real issue I agree with is the beeping collar bombs, the radios are usually just too difficult to find and not interesting or engaging to deal with. I disagree with everything else though. The ghost people are fine, the toxic cloud is fine, the hologram guys are fine, the game purposefully gives you just enough to survive without being OP because it wants to set the mood of being a rat trapped in a maze. Which it captures absolutely perfectly.

And gameplay aside I think everyone appreciates the themes, plot, characters, and general aesthetic of it. I fucking love Dead Money.

Untrue. Even with a half decent gun skill and some luck you can easily fuck ghost people to death with crits from the police pistol.

Because most of normalfags are gunfags
Chad meleefag, like myself and unarmedfags are king of this DLC
There is no better feeling than slashing through hordes of Ghost people, knowing they will stay dead
Also what said

>the game purposefully gives you just enough to survive without being OP because it wants to set the mood of being a rat trapped in a maze
Shame the devs didn't know how to capture this feeling for a good unarmed build, had no idea what people were complaining about when the DLC was new since I ran a really good unarmed build, even on V. Hard+Hardcore you don't feel any of that when your build is based entirely around knocking every enemy down repeatedly so they never get a chance to move on their own.

dont forget holochads

if dead money is the worst NV DLC then anchorage is the worst FO3 dlc

been playing TTW and I swear anchorage is just a drag to play through

is he wrong?

>the game purposefully gives you just enough to survive
give me a break. as has already been said vending machines, chips laying all over the place, and the ability to craft more make any sense of limited supplies completely worthless.

capitalist American dogs. They don't like if money is defamed in any way, even if it's just the title of the game.

Sadly I never used Hologun that much, and time has passed and I dont remenber how it worked, besides deactivating alarms and shit

Does it deals nice damage against Ghost people?

Best Weapon.

too hard

> anchorage is the worst FO3 dlc
>here, do half a CoD campaign and then get the best armour in the game.

>Dead Money with sawyer's mod
>Energy weapons main