>master race
Master race
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still cheaper than gtx1080
>master race
its like what the switch is to consoles
I got a gaming laptop last year for 1000 bux and it will run anything I need for the next 10 years.
>gaming laptop
just burn your money in a big pile, it'll last longer
>10 years
Requirements shoot up at the start of every gen. It should be able to run games for the next 3-4 years but then you'll need something now.
oh man the denial
do you travel a lot?
>Has a curve screen and sli 1080s on a laptop
Why? This thing screams that it was made for people that want to showoff how much money their dad has.
>gaming laptop
>the next 10 years
Maybe if the starts are aligned. Laptop hardware rarely survive for very long due to shitty cooling. You'd be lucky if it still works in 5 years.
looks like one of those multi function printer in the thumbnail, I had to look it twice to figure out it was a laptop
Hey now! Children with divorced parents who happens to be drug barons or oil sheiks deserves laptops too!
>switch is to consoles
Seeing how the switch is a console your post makes no sense.
Congratulations! You played yourself.
>*looks for the most expensive car ever*
>wtf cars are expensive
console retards everyone
its a shit tier console, nicely memed my fellow 9gagger
>free shipping
>free shipping
gaming laptop are a meme (i owned some asus rog before when the top models were still 1500$ tops), but damn, now that i have a desktop pc, how do i miss laying in bed playing vidya. Vtm: Bloodlines on my gaming laptop was one of the comfiest vidya experiences.
Lawyer Engineer
>tfw when I was just playing vtmb on my dell latitude
it's literally made so acer can say "look at us"
no-one's dumb enough to buy it and no-one expects anyone to
were a meme*
your fault for buying heavily gimped tech, laptop components are more or less even now.
this is the laptop im running with now amazon.com
You could kill a damn elephant with a slap of that damn thing. Jesus Christ
there were only like 200 of those ever even made. its more of a collectors item, the thing needs two fucking power bricks to run at full power.
>bought a new msi laptop during black friday that's thin, great battery life for ~$1300
>1070, same processor as OP, SSD+HD
traveling all the time for work sucks but at least my laptop doesn't fucking have PREDATOR on it
i assume people who buy OP's shit don't actually leave their house right? i can't imagine pulling that shit out in public and having everyone stare at it
At the time, it was the best you could get from a gaming laptop. I don't doubt laptops are catching up, but at what price? I can get a top tier desktop pc for 1300$(or rather i could before the bitcoin meme, but well), how much for a laptop with similar power and longevity? I'm gonna buy/upgrade a new pc in september and if the prices are right i could go back to comfy gaming laptops.
MSI or ASUS, forever.
In terms of power, laptop GPUs are almost equal, but you'll have to pay more. It's not worth it unless you travel frequently.
^performance comparison, if you're interested
Both make better laptops than Acer.
And I have an Acer netbook as well.
Anyway the best laptop brand is Vaio.
>but you'll have to pay more.
nice fucking meme bud
I don't travel much, but i study CS in college and considering much of the stuff we do is on the computer(even books are kindle only), it's all very tedious with a desktop pc. The higher price is worth it i guess if longevity is guaranteed(the old rog i had had to be changed every 1-2 years).
Considering bitcoin and coins in general are dying, hopefully we will see normal priced cards soon.