Why all the hate for this game?


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It's not Metal Gear Survive.

No Ending.

impossible unrealistic expectations were not met

Lurk more.


It sucks

Sup Forums hates good games all the time.


In spite of the way you were mocking me
Acting like I was part of your property
Remembering all the times you fought with me
I'm surprised it got so far

Things aren't the way they were before
You wouldn't even recognize me any more
Not that you knew me back then
But it all comes back to me in the end

If you think an empty open world where every mission is the same shit that belongs in a cheap Korean sweatshop MMO is a good game then you're a fucking idiot.

At least you could do a variety of shit to complete those missions, it was a fucking playground. Metal Gear Survive has you loot and poke every mission with no variety whatsover.

open world was a mistake. A bad mistake.

this exact thread was made yesterday please fuck off

people wanted disgusting fanservice

>this obsession
I never even mentioned survive.

If you don't suck Konami's dick, you're a fucking communist

Fans who are used to a certain kind of game getting something completely different

Clusterfuck of a story
Boring empty fucking desert as open world
Bland missions
Samey locations

This shit pisses me off even more considering the gameplay elements are fucking GOAT.

I had a good time with it. Despite seeing its flaws it's the only game that managed to keep me glued to the screen in 5+ hours sessions in a long time. I understand why people would hate it. The final mission (chapter 1) was blatantly cut down to size. You have a whole mother base to back you up, snake even says "I'm gonna need backup for this one", and you still fight Sally alone? That's some hot bullshit. Same goes for the jeep ride and the disjointed chapter 2. Something went wrong during developement but I don't think Kojimbo has all the fault. The man has been making MGS games since the 90s, I doubt he doesn't know how to manage a project with his track record.

Because the underaged children that make up 95% of this board fear if they don’t have the most contrarian opinions that will somehow make them “reddit”.

I thought the story itself wasn't as bad as people make it seem. It's downfall is the presentation.

>"open" world / base-building gimmicks that drastically kill the pacing of the gameplay. And the open world is fairly limited and always funnels you in anyways.
>reused mission assets slightly rearranged to make the game seem larger than it is
>ruined beloved characters (Ocelot) and some boring/uninteresting new characters (Kaz is really the only likable person in the game)
>storytelling (not the story itself) is slow and minimal
>minimal cutscenes (only 18% of the average runtime is cutscenes, were as MGS1 was about 35%, and each going towards 4 had more and more. I agree 4 had too many, but 5 had too little.) It's like finding a needle in a haystack once you finally get a cutscene.
>Pacing is just God awful. I mentioned it before, but for a MGS main series game, the pacing of the events is horrendous. All of the other games have a continuous flow, but 5 has so many STOP, DO THIS FIRST moments. Forced base-building, forced weapons upgrading (instead of just collecting weapons), forced to play repetitive missions.
>THE FUCKING HELICOPTER / loading screens
>non-linear story. Up front it is not that big of a con for some, but to me the open world doesnt fit MGS (except maybe on PSP spin offs, but it doesnt translate well to main titles.)

They fired the director halfway through development and then released it. Ever wonder why after Act 1 90% of the missions are variations of previous missions?

unfinished and empty

Because they're optional? Because Act 2 is exactly like Peace Walker's Act 5? An epilogue, after the villain dies and you have the fight against the Metal Gear?

>the standard for MGSV was so low that it being only as good as a PSP spin-off is considered acceptable

I feel like I shouldve played the previous games, but I dont have that kind of time. I just now finished with the first few missions and shit is so confusing and weird. The human torch walking around, floating kids, robot zombie things, do characters in this universe have super powers or what?

It's a main game and MGSV was a direct sequel to it, you fucking retard.


Forget the first hour of the game. Gameplay wise the rest of the game is 100% different. All of the epic linear gameplay has been ripped from MGSV. So only continue if you love repetitive missions in an "open" world with base-building elements.


Could have been a 10/10 if it was a linear progression of open areas, like one Ground Zeroes after another. Instead it was open world, which cripples the pacing, story, and level design. The result is the best MGS gameplay in the worst MGS experience.

It kind of is, if you only play missions and never deploy into the open world.


Bad game

MGS fags are complete and utter retards. Some unironically believe that the older ones have "great stories".

My problem with Peace Walker and MGS5 is that nothing revealed in those games made any difference to the story.
Peace Walker was only important to MGS5's story, and MGS5's story changed nothing.

Think about it. What did the Two Big Bosses twist mean to the greater story? Literally the only plothole it covered was Big Boss surviving Outer Heaven's explosion, and that was not really a big deal since it was already assumed that someone else picked up him body and brought him to a safe distance.

Fucking pointless games.

People spent literal years beforehand psyching themselves up to the point where it was inevitable that they would be let down

This right here is the reason so many games nowadays are disappointing. Instead of making everything have a purpose and structuring levels with care, developers would rather just dump the player in a huge map with a thousand collectibles. It's more a checklist than an actual game. The only open world game in recent memory I've truly liked is The Witcher 3, and that game's strength was story, with characters and music also being great. The open world didn't add anything to it.

I dont even know who's trolling/baiting whom any more.

Metal gear survive is shit and anyone that says it's good should kill themselves at least for mgs v you didnt have to pay 10 dollars for an extra save profile yeah sure mgsv had micro transactions but the game didn't practically shove them down your goddamn throat mgsv is the better game

mgsv had one save file only, genious

What I'm saying is that it didn't try to make you buy one genius

the biggest gripe with these games is all the technology introduced in these two games is that they're so advanced, when in MG and MGS they were relatively new things

Except you could easily back up and swap folders. I think both games are shit, but Survive is shittier and nothing more than a MGS cash grab.