Can their franchises be saved? What if they merge with someone?
Can their franchises be saved? What if they merge with someone?
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Mergers and buyouts usually result in fewer IPs being used, not more. Remember that businesses want to compete with each other, not with themselves.
They're a yakuza property now. So unlikely.
it'd be cool if they sold Castlevania, PES, and MGS to Sega. I think they'd do better to serve those games right and make them with more of an arcade sensibility
What I wouldn't give for a return to the Suikoden franchise.
Is this just a meme? How involved is the yakuza in pachinko and stuff nowadays?
>leave konami to me
I don't know much about how corporations work, but I'm pretty sure Konami is decently larger than sega. If anything konami would buy out sega and hold their franchises as pachinko and mobile game hostages.
>Metal Gear has been raped barren
>Castlevania was half heartedly forgotten after a couple of shit 3D entries
>Silent Hill was triple raped until barren
Let them die.
Axelay 2 would save Konami.
No, they can't be saved, they are led by retards. And they will never merge with anyone because said leadership is too proud
nigga, like 20 people would buy Axelay 2. No one else would even have a clue. You have good taste though
they just need to remake the first 2 metal gear games to save the damn franchise, just make another silent hill like the others but with nowadays graphics and make another castlevania game like curse of darkness, that's just it.
My dad had good taste in buying it for me.
>give them to Sega
What, so they can appear in kart racing games and never get a new entry in the series?
Actually, the Japs would probably give a shit, they still like shooters and things like that.
Axelay did get into Otomedius, after all.
>implying konami make games anymore
Metal gear survive and bomberman R are the first ones since mgsv in 2015.
Make a Castlevania not in the Lords of Shit timeline
You might buy a company at first to eliminate competition, but now any profit from its IPs is now yours. Why woudn't you make use of them?
What games do they still have? Seems like most are dead, without a new game in years or given to other developers to make.
Bemani is still thriving
give me a new Frogger game for fucks sake
sega is as bad as konami when it comes to ignoring their historical ips, they've been shitting out nothing but sonic and yakuza games these past decade
Only arcade. They need a console releases, I played only DDR and IIDX for a few years.
Because you already have more profitable IPs. A small dev might have 5 IPs that they can make games for on a low budget and get a small profit on. But when some big name dev that has 200 IPs, of which 3 are super big sellers comes along and buys them, why would they do anything other than keep making those same big 3 super sellers?
There's e-amusement cloud with IIDX and SDVX.