Thanks Nintendo

Thanks Nintendo.

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What game?

Senran Kagura: Shinobi Refle.

English when please
the switch would be bought if it was english

>best girl
my nigger

>Romance adventure genre
>Its going to be a dating sim

Now all I need now is Hikage and Daidouji.

Ikaruga when?

Ryouna brings out my inner S.

ryona best girl

>not Shiki

don't care

What characters are available for this game so far?

Any Ryoubi footage as well? I wanna nut on both sisters.

>Not Hikage
All other waifu need not apply

Asuka, Yumi, Murasaki and Ryouna. If it really is using the same characters shown in the promo art for the upcoming pinball spin-off, Yomi will be next.

Holy shit those tits are big. She needs a breast reduction.

How much are the characters each? I planned on picking this up on release but decided to wait a bit.

You need a gay reduction.

Complex lingerie is why hentai is the best kind of porn.

The tits are where she stores all her ninja magic powers.

Fuck yourself with an active grenade


>tfw no Ryouna ryona

1000 yen each, including the base game with Asuka. I'd still wait a little while if I were you, I'm getting the impression they might do a physical release with all characters included once the DLC is done and that it might be localized then.

Please god if you are there let there be light, asses, titties, and thighs for men and lesbians around the world.

What kind of stupidity is this? This is way gayer than the average Undertale fanboi post.

If I wanted to get into this series, what game should I start with?

But she’d be super into it.


The ones for the 3ds are the best ones. And probably the best way to get started seeing as how those are the first in the franchise.

There's a remake of the first game coming out on PS4 soon, it has its plot but with the gameplay of the current entries in the series so it should be a good jumping-on point.

>pinball spin-off
tell me more

That lack of respect for the christian God.

Which Senran is the most fertile


Yoooooo how's the one for steam (versus)

They announced a pinball game for switch called Peach Ball last year. We've known nothing about it until a recent interview where they said it was almost done.

Not much is known yet, it's called Peach Ball: Senran Kagura and it'll be a Switch eShop exclusive like Shinobi Refle.

It does seem like they've been putting those specific characters in Shinobi Refle so they can reuse the (already reused) assets for Peach Ball, doesn't it?

I thought this was a yuribait series and now they're making dating sim of them? dropped.

Is this game only for JP?

It's not like Refle assets are all new in the first place.

Yes, Xseed are sjws now and won't localize the spinoffs.

They are gonna milk this horse even after it's dead

They originally made a point of the girls being independent and not lusting for cock in the first game with a healthy does of yuribait between some of them, but as the series went on and characters like Yumi were added, they gradually made them into more traditional waifus and this is the logical result.

>being this retarded
The game is less than a year old and they just haven't gotten around to it yet, not to mention they haven't even released all the DLC in JPN.

I want to harapan her and feel all her internal organs with my knuckles until she orgasms.

While XSEED has indeed somewhat gone down the shitter, this is what Marvelous said about the localization of this game:

>We wish to address recent news published in relation to a newly released title in Japan. Firstly, as with all our games, we will announce plans for the west when we have them ready to share. Nothing can be confirmed until we have a firm road-map in place. Secondly, SENRAN KAGURA games have always launched in Japan first, and it takes time for further launch plans to be made for other territories. Once we are ready to talk about a new game, we will make a formal announcement as we always do.

Note how they repeatedly say "when" and not "if".

Depends on the character.

I can't believe people are now defending xseed.

>they gradually made them into more traditional waifus and this is the logical result.
You know characters like Yagyu and Imu exist right?
And before Yumi was added there already was NewWave that had an self insert character the girls lusted for. Most of the "yuri" content like the promo art of girls toghether is only teasing to please the viewer.

I said they've got worse and posted actual info from a different company, you retard.

But dude if you dislike XSeed you must like NISA lmao

*Milk it nice and hard

Re:Newal is less than a week old and they've been teasing the localization since before release. It's obvious they don't want anything to do with Refle because of the focus on more lewd content.

>Fuck me like a hurricane
Is she quoting some song?

>westerntards making girls swear

Gross, there are few things more repulsive than a girl saying "fuck me"

>Re:Newal is less than a week old and they've been teasing the localization since before release.
What do you mean by that?

Wan Wan is number wan!

The only Shiki for me is Ryougi, fag.

>literally no doujins where ryouna gets the shit beaten out of her while being fucked
what's the point of having all these characters if no one uses them right

All Senran porn looks worse than the original

Xseed was pretty based in the Vita's early days and even a bit before that.

The lyrics would make sense desu

I'm pretty sure only Nan could do SK porn true justice, and even then it'd have to be pre-PBS Nan.

Reminder XSEED would literally translate this line as
>It's settled! You'll become my pet from now on!
Or some other shitty translation like that. Why haven't you just learnt nip yet, bros? Are you happy being an EOP getting sloppy hipster seconds for the rest of your life?

Because I'm not autistic

They posted an image with future releases and one of the silhouettes was Asuka's portrait from Re:Newal. Wouldn't surprise me if they were already working on it with how fast PBS localization was compared to the previous games.

This game would not be appropriate for the age demographic that is being targeted by this Fisher Price Switch.

> Why haven't you just learnt nip yet, bros?
because I don't want to invest time in a language I will never use outside of porn-games

Is it even proper English

For anyone who has bought extra girls in Refle, how big is the download? Is it an unlock thing because I've always thought it weird that the base filesize for Refle was larger than fucking Odyssey.

Slutty Senrans are worst Senrans

Most girls in this game would not be allowed to buy this game


You're not investing your time in anything marginally more useful regardless, stop justifying your own laziness.

Busy adults with important things to do, a.k.a. the people who played Nintendo's earlier consoles as children, are also being targeted by the Switch.

this isnt porn fuck this thread

>responding to obvious bait
Also, reminder that Gal Gun 2 is being localized for Switch, not to mention some VNs are in like Nekopara.

It's a blue board user, what did you expect?

This irorny is beautiful.

In fact, most girls in most Chinese Cartoon porn couldn't legally view the material they star in

I invest my time in engineering, because this is actually intresting
heck, I would rather learn italian then japanese

I still have Double Peace for Vita in its shrinkwrap. Mostly bought it for the ESRB misprint, though.

>getting baited by Senran Kagura in our Lord's yeat of 2018

>fuggin pinball SK game
Man this franchise just jumped a few notches in my books. I hope it's good. Digital pinball games have so much promise. They really have to make use of that to compete with physical machines, which have overall better physics (obviously) and a more enjoyable feel.

So how should it be translated?

>no Katsuragi dlc where she learns that fondling balls can be just as fun as fondling breasts

True suffering

Minori a worst! Worst! Worst!!!

Funny how things go.


Nintendo panders to everyone. That's a fact. :^)

mah nigga, she isnt a student now tho so there is that
I also would like to add mirai
>groping her loli boddy
>she calls me "baka" and tells me to keep going with that sweet sweet tsundere attitude

This thing too:


does the S stand for Semen?

>make dating sim
>only the worst girls are romanceable

>swimsuit and socks
Why do girls dress so provocatively?

It's a preorder costume for 2 I think.

Its Gal gun 2, slowpoke

Ryouna is a good girl and one of the best Senrans.

XSeed has done literally nothing wrong. You can't be bad for something you haven't done. Just because they haven't localized something doesn't mean they're somehow shit for it.