>dat one guy/kid that had Halo portable and Minecraft on his flash drives and played them on the school/library computers
Dat one guy/kid that had Halo portable and Minecraft on his flash drives and played them on the school/library computers
Minecraft on school computers? Underage
he must be smart then
I still have my copy of halo on pc
I played mineycrafta on high school computers and I'm 24
fucking underage babies.
my library had age of empires 1 and diablo 1 on every PC
found the third worlder
Dude I'm not OP, plus I'm 20
>That kid that brought SNES emulators and roms and played Gundam Wing Endless Duel against people on the same keyboard during lunch
>mfw remembering that Minecraft is nearly a decade old
>whole back row playing halo in the last class of friday during year 7
comfy times man
We had Counter-Strike 1.6 in every PC, somedays we also got Warcraft 3 or Half-Life Deathmatch
Battlefield 1942 boys
> tfw be that kid
> parents allowed me to bring my ps4 to school
> play bloodborn in front of class
> everyone wanted to be my friend so they would get to play but I blueballed them for ever
Wish I was back in elementary school. Back then friendships still meant smth.
>that one guy who brought in an IDE hard drive, opened up the computer, plugged it in, and booted up Diablo
Fuck you kids and not having to sit there and play goddamned Pocket Tanks every time you were near a computer. When I was brought on as a Sysop for the school I made a hidden folder in the network that was a duplicate our Graphic Design class's folder for the school website that had Unreal on it which then proceeded to dominate the school for about two weeks until they got tired of it and asked our teacher to remove it off the network. Was never punished, but it was hilarious.
When my older brother went to school, he had ordered 60 copies of Counter-strike, Red Alert 2, and Star Craft when he was working as a Sysop (the old Principal was a badass and he really liked my brother, they used to hang out and race Traxxas Tmaxxes) but the new principal didn't like that and they were never installed on any computers. We found them in a cupboard in the server room and I stole one of the CD keys (just the CD key) and put it into my Steam, which is where I learned to love Steam.
When I was in school, you couldn't get a flash drive big enough to fit Halo on without spending hundreds of dollars.
>implying minecraft isn't one of the best games ever
I remember someone at my school put the game Open Arena, an open source version of Quake 3, on a lot of the computers in the school. It was good fun to play during study hall in the computer room.
Yeah, those were fun days.
Not really. Life was pretty shit before 18
>he didn't 1v1 his pals in overwatch in middle school
Who /littlefighter2/ here?
> he didn't organize PubesG lan parties in the retard incubator
>in school one day
>get called to the principal's office
>principal tells me that I've been caught installing software onto school computers and that the punishment for this can include expulsion
>feign ignorance, but internally panicking because the sysadmin can do some 1984 shit with any computer and there's no way of knowing you're watched until you're caught
>turns out I wasn't caught when I installed Snood
>or when I installed an emulator to play Pokemon
>or when I played Quake Live for a week
>or when I installed Tor to read gaming sites
>or even when I telnet'd into my computer at home
>I was caught when I installed Outlook on a teacher's computer because she wanted to read her emails at work, and she told the sysadmin who did it
>swear up and down that I had no idea it was against the rules and I just wanted to help out a teacher out of the goodness of my heart, and not because I wanted a pity point or two on my report card
>let off with a warning
In retrospect, he was probably lying about the expulsion thing.
>tfw computer class in the 90s
>people are impressed by your typing skill
Being able to type fast was enough to make you a leet hacker in the 90s. To this day I have a feeling that I'm good at computers even though I know fuck all about them
>minecraft and flash drive
kiddie plz i had only icy tower and quake
>He installs it on the schools local server where students save there word docs etc
>Spend year 9 through 11 playing halo ce on our schools own lan server w/ the boys.
When I was in school my PC had DOS on it and I used floppy disks
>he didnt main based firzen
Same. I installed nes emu and played Tetris in library too.
he sounds cool
>install ut demo on class computers
>play locally with classmates
Simpler times.
There was a cutdown portable version available that was under 1 gig
Go to bed grandpa
Minecraft's been out for 10+ years.
If minecraft existed when you were still in school, you need to leave.
9 years, tops
Minecraft came out 9 years ago. If you graduated high school over 9 years ago you really shouldn't be on a gaming website anymore. You should own a house and be focusing on your career.
This was me but with Touhou games
I'm 28 and minecraft existed when I was in high school.
I'm 23, though.
Pokemon is like 25 years old. There are children on this website right now who were born when there was already 300+ Pokemon.
When it caught on big with the kiddos at large and wasn't just a fun little tech demo it was already late 2011/early 2012
Assuming elementary school (we'll say 5th grade) anyone who can fondly remember playing Minecraft on school computers is a junior at oldest
Underage b&
Bloodborne out in 2015. If you were in elementary school only 3 years ago that means...
You were still in high school at 19?
man that's was my favorite "ping" game ever
back when I made VLANs we used it to test out connections (regardless if we could ping each other and other net-data you can read to get exact readings quick, it was a very real representation of vlan gameplay between two parties)
lf2.net I think was the "cheat" that lets you pick Julian and every other character, including the enemies. Going Bandit only was balls-tough but possible.
I'm 29 this year and even I played Halo on school pcs installed off flash drives. How fucking old are you gramps?
I'm 23 and I was playing creative mode in the browser with buds at highschool
I remember a floppy versionof Quake. Just one multiplayer map and no bots.
>You should own a house and be focusing on your career.
The beauty of these things is that there is time between your job and going to sleep. Why would you take your work home with you?
What the fuck? I'm 27 and while Halo was in fact a thing when I was in school, flash drives were barely a thing until my Sophomore Year and our computers had no fucking chance of running Halo. Shit, we could barely run UT on most of them.
Depends, private companies are really strict about that shit, and maybe the school had some directives that told them they can't allow anyone else but the sysadmin to do 'em.
Shit was fun back in the day, using proxies and running cmd's because sysadmin banned the "right-click" button, fucking hell. No matter how 1984 shit they tried to pull, we'd always figure out how to fuck it up.
I always brought Touhou games on my flashdrives, since they could run from the flashdrives without being installed on the pc i never got in trouble
I own a house, im married, and i have kids.
You dont get it user. Youre here forever. You cant leave.
We used to LAN doom, civ 2, and age of empires on school computers. And NES games back in the pioneer days of emulation. Good times.
>one kid in class had quake 2
>none of us knew a way to install it on the network
>had to save up $90 since 256mb USBs were still a new technology and the game was ~180mb
good times were had, even with the shitty school kb+m
we also had pj64 running smash bros with a 2 sets of controller inputs on one keyboard. can't imagine the amount of dropped input, but that was great fun too
I remember back when i installed a N64 emulator on the school pc and me and my friends always did Mario kart and Smash Bros multiplayer
Wow, whate are you doing here, you fag?
>hardly talk to anyone in computer lab
>decide to install UT with nocd one day just so I can do something after assignments
>slowly get asked "what game is that dude" and put it on other computers
>eventually over half the class is playing
>actually talking to people and realize there are cool dudes in the class
>teacher apprehensive of me installing a game on all comps at first, but eventually lightens up since there were no issues, there was a gore option and even the slackers started finishing assignments quickly to get more UT time in
We would've had fun dude. UT was fun.
>not playing lemonparty, meatspin and tubgirl on the school computers
>Not taking a screencap of the desktop and setting it as the wallpaper
Life doesn't always go as planned. You'll understand when you're older.
I basically started a year late because my birthday fell on the very last day of the way they divvied up kids by age.
>installing it to each computer individually
>not installing it onto the school's networked drives so anyone could play on any computer in the whole school, basically turning every computer lab into a lan party
>install game on school pc
>play with friends
>teacher finds out we have been playing
>teacher actually played the game himself too and challenges us to beat him
>calls other people gramps
Literally kill yourself, you fossil.
>not prying keys out and swapping < and >, [ and ], ; and ', - and + the period before everyone had computer science
>he didn't play kingdom come in the womb
Yeah, I didn't know a lot back then. It could've been easier but hey, got to play UT in spare time and make friends.
I made a keyboard say "fuck" by rearranging keys and managed to get away w/ it by passing a speech check and blaming the previous user.
Nigga back then that shit might has well been rocket science, showing your classmates how to install a demo was alot easier.
>can't download anything at home because dial up
>take 10 floppy discs to school
>download n64 roms during class
>zip and divide them into several parts
>put all of them on floppys
>sometimes had to wait weeks to get all the parts
>had to do it without my asshole teacher or classmates noticing
Ah, good times.
>point in time during which school computersare capable of running n64 emulators
>Ywn be back in boarding school on a weekend.
>Ywn get to play in those impromptou LAN parties ever again, where the year 7s-12s all got along and the matches of AOE went for hours.
I miss it Sup Forums
lick my balls dude you can't tell me what to do lmao
I downloaded "who's nailin Pailin" too a USB copying the link location from tpb on tor to BitTorrent. Then watched it at home on my 360 because I had no net. Also downloaded South Park and shit too.
>his class didn't have quake 3 lan parties instead of following the lecture
>every computer in school had cs 1.6
>every monitor had a whole in the middle because of autonoobs
>Hiding it in a folder and not telling noobs where the game was located
>none spastics would find the game eventually from a search on the schools drive and join our schools lan server thing and we would accept them.
I'm 23 and when I was like 14 even the "normies" loved CE and source even going to lan cafes etc before we all got Halo3 then MW2 which basically every kid and their dog bought two copies of.
It's how I started on XBL like what 9 years back.
It was early 00's. Were usb drives common back then? I honestly don't remember anyone using one.
We played Trackmania and Dofus in middle school, and DotA + CS 1.6 in high school.
The network was fantastic, we got the admin pass and played lans from across the school.
How do we go back ?
I miss those times.
I copied Lugaru HD onto my flash drive.
>who's nailin Pailin
me and my friends were always trying to beat eachothers records and making new tracks to race on
Yeah but they were tiny and expensive, only rich kids had them
That kid who had cs 1.6 on flash drive and everyone played it on lan during project time
>playing EBF1&2 from my USB during lunch
Makes me wish 3 was made when I was still in high school.
My class's pc had Rollercoaster tycoon 2 on it
Tfw had the best rated park of the class with a constant 999 rating
I still dont know how i managed that