What are some games with good and humorous American voice actors?
What are some games with good and humorous American voice actors?
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Code of Princess. As a game it's pretty average, but the localization for it was great.
Right you are Ken!
Get it on!
Let's go!
tfw will never be a part of the Babagonoosh family
Sextra Credit
How did MXC end up so fucking good?
>crude but surprisingly clever humour
>gooks falling down
The perfect storm
This was my first fap.
Anyone got any HQ torrents of this show?
Pretty sure it's all on Youtube if you've got the itch to watch
why? it's all on youtube
Its all in entirety on youtube
What was the best game and why was it Log Drop?
>Awesome rack on her though!
>Aw, tru dat!
God Hand.
but does it look like shit?
it''s a 1980's japanese show
of course it does
It looks like it did when I watched it on a CRT like 15 years ago
MXC is a show that aired in 2003 that was made up of clips from another show that aired in the mid-late 80's, what the fuck do you think?
Is that so? I hear it was a spiritual successor to Guardian Heroes so I thought it would be interesting to try.
>Not sinkers and floaters
>not brass balls
>not dash to death