>Post your 3 by 3s
>Make your 3 by 3s by going here: bighugelabs.com
>Judge and be judged
Post your 3 by 3s
Other urls found in this thread:
3/3 HL2, Tetris, Turok2
CBFD 9/10
HL2 10/10
Medievil 5/10
Tetris Meh/10
Which tetris? 4/6
1/2 for F.E.A.R
Half life 2 is a pretty shit choice compared to the original considering how padded it can feel, and the shit writing.
1/1 for System shock, really underrated compared to the sequel.
1/1 for donkey kong
The rest feels hand picked to compose the shittest taste in gaming.
AVP2 9/10
Deus Ex 5/10
SW 8/10
UT 8/10
>The rest feels hand picked to compose the shittest taste in gaming.
You know a 1/1 implies you havent played anything from the chart right?
i never played it to completion, because it was shit. Simple.
Hello Sup Forums
cant be bothered to crop properly desu
so how many hours a week do you actually play tetris?
1/2 Medievil, - HL2
1/1 Sonic Generations
What's the middle game?
2/2 Quake Live, Gmod
3/3 MGS3, Braid, Portal
4/5 Max Payne, Demon's Souls, MGS, Terraria -Doom
rank up
0/0 welcome back rasslefan
0/0 I guess, not sure if 6 is one of the Quakes or what, don't think I played original Road Rash enough to judge it
2/3 I'll always be suspect of Terraria fans
0/0 can't ID 1, 2, 6
What? No it doesn't.
What's wrong with me?
>write post
>attach pic
>hit post button
>this pops up
Goddammit. 5/6. Sup fellow grandpa.
Oh, another one.
1/2. The matter with you is that you're still too Nintendo centric. I find it difficult to believe that anyone with a Pokemon in their list isn't desperately clinging to childhood. Despite not liking a FPS since Descent I still at least tried Deus Ex for chrissakes. I quickly got bored and stopped playing, but I at least tried it.
Look at these try hard hipster.
My 3x3 is pretty Nintendo-centric but I also have a PC that I use just as frequently as my consoles to play games
Choose a good Pokemon game at least.
You should be going by liked/played. No shit you're only going to finish games you like, idiots.
Oh sorry was I supposed to choose the most popular games and not the one I personally like the best?
>that second 3x3
What? Just because he has a bunch of NES games on it? A highly mainstream console to begin with?
Why not Platinum then?
It's like D/P but better.
4/4 Morrowind, HL2, Medievil, Turok 2
2/2 Shadowrun, System Shock
7/7 Melee, DKC, Undertale, Sonic Generations, Megaman X4, Metroid Prime 2, Sonic Colors
2/2 AVP2, Deus Ex
I know I have pretty safe tastes. Idk, I think my problem is I just wind up liking everything I play. I am Vanilla Man.
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What do you think that 1/1 rating was based on if not liked/played?
Really dude? Fucking Brawl is one of the best games ever made to you?
I didn't play platinum.
One of my favorites, yes. I loved the adventure mode. Also have great memories playing this game with my friends in middle school. It's mostly nostalgia i think
4/4 +HL2, Morrowind, Tetris, Fear
1/1 +DKC
3/3 +AvP2, Opposing Force, UT
1/1 +Quake Live
2/2 +Cave Story, Portal
1/1 +Doom
2/2 +Warcraft 3, Kyri
1/2 +RE2 -Yume Nikki
1/1 +Mario Bros 2.
1/1 +Super Metroid
2/3 +Morrowind, Super Mario World -FFVII
1/1 +Skyrim
4/4 +Stalker, Morrowind, Dead Space, BF1942
That's your problem.
Is braid that good?
It's not for everyone, I like it mainly because of its time travelling mechanics.
Ghost Trick doesn't belong there.
+ Tetris, Medievil, FEAR, Morrowind
- Conker
+ No Mercy
++ Metroid Prime 2 Echoes
+ Sonic Generations, Melee, X4
- DKC, Colors
++ Chaos Theory, Deus Ex, Unreal Tournament
+ HL, Opposing Force
Good shit
+ Mount and Blade, Quake Live
- Conker
++ MGS 3, KH II (Tho why no Final Mix), 999, Ghost Trick
+ Cave Story, White 2
- Journey, Braid, Portal
+++ Demon's Souls, MGS, Nier
++ Doom
+ Katamari, Max Payne
- Don't Starve, Terraria
++ MotB
+ Civ V, Warcraft 3
- Skyrim
++ Yakuza 0, S3nK, Ico
+Resi 2
- Pajama Sam
-Kirby, Zelda, Zelda II, Mario 2
++ FF Tactics
Haven't played anything else, looks cool.
++ Prime, Super Metroid, Xenoblade
+ Smash 4, BamHam, Shovel Knight
- BoW, MH 4 (Don't hate, more ambivalent) Diamond
+++ FFVII, Fallout 2, VtMB, MGS, Prime
+ Morrowind, Mania, SMBW, Ocarina
+ Rayman, Monhun, Brawl, Cuphead, MK 8 Deluxe
- Skyrim, Pearl, Skyrim
-- TWD
++ Stalker, Dead Space, New Vegas
+VC, Mafia, Morrowind, BF 1942
that was a Major problem with 3x3 thread.
same shit and every obscure game called hipster and 3 fucking nips games and enjoy been a weeb.
Screw that. Those thread should be for expending backlong not to feel your micro penis getting hard with "9/9 awesome taste bro!".
we had some nice 3x3 recently if some lake originality they at least have different genre themes and platform to be fresh.
Some motherfuckers like this wrestling user
the zero gunner 2 and sky gunner guy or our friend D2 here have some crazy ass shit people should definitely check.
How do these work exactly?
By the power of good taste and imagination.
lurk more
+Fallout 2, VTMB, MGS
-FF7, Morrowind, Sonic Mania, OoT, Metroid Prime, Mario World
+TLou, TWD, SSBB, Cuphead
+NV, Stalker soc,Dead Space
-Morrowind, GTA VC
+Kotor 2, SS2, MGS2
-SMT SJ, Psychonauts
2/2 Arx fatalis, system shock
7/7 I would really like to play AvsP 2
+Kotor 2, MGS3, FNV
-Witcher, P3, Deus Ex
Why shmups? Never played them. Don't they last just 30 minutes? Unless you go full autism and want to memorize all the patterns or 1cc.
I read you put what games you'd play on a desert island, so I understand puzzles which are different every time (why no strategy games then?), but not shmups
Middle is Skate 3.
use befunky.com/create/collage/ if you're having trouble with bighugelabs
not sure where all the Brawltards came from
Most people don't treat smash as a fighting game, so they don't notice the subtle differences between melee and brawl. They are basically interchangable to me combat wise, but brawl has a better character selection, also I grew up with brawl not melee
I am, thank you. About Brawl, I grew up playing SSB on some friend's house, but never got my own video game to play it. Years went by, and I was a kid obsessed with Super Smash Flash, until I got a Wii and got to play MY copy of Brawl. That was a dream coming true. Story mode was great too.
>0/0 can't ID 1, 2, 6
1 is mountain blade, 2 is Attila Total War, and 6 is Majesty kingdom sim. If you are ever going to try any of them do yourself a favour and pirate Majesty 1, its a wonderful game
This one is slightly better. Couldn't really find images that worked well with this thing.
Replied to the wrong thing.
the middle game is sven co-op, a goldsource mod turned into a free standalone game.
Good taste sir
how does this thread work?
I post my favorites or most played, right?
Replace Bloodborne with god hand and it's perfect
Post your favorites, rate others.
Just your 9 favourites yeah
6/6 +MediEvil, FEAR
3/4 +Melee/Project M
4/4 Never did get around to the road rash games.
1/1 WC3/WoW?
WC3, never played wow
Are you a girl?
How is that rating system?
Anyway as I don't have access to my PC here is a 3x3 arcade edition
I will also try this new rating thing. "/" is for never played. "-" I don't like it "+" for I like it.
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can't into morronwind and I prefer First turok try Tetris the grand master series. +++ fear.
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+ + +
I like you a lot I need to find someone to play FPW with. sid justice was my favorite.
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stop been a nintendo and a nostalgia faggot the world is vaste. ++++DKC and Sonic colors +++ Sonic gen and mmX4
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>no quake 3 arena
you died on me user. +++chaos therory and Deus Ex and AvP. stop been a PC fag too play on others system I sure you will find some awesome shit in portable system or arcade (check outriggers)
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/ / +(but outdated)
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at least you have xcom i guess same as the guys before you extend you world.
We meet again
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tagged picture with screen shot.
I like you.
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sengoku rance is a porn game right ? what are the good point about a porn game to deserve a place as your favorite game ?
Hi user physical fag reporting have a great week.
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>ORIGINALU ZERUDA nes is a master piece
it's the epitome of shit game and level design.
tell me more about hebereke and why do you enjoy it.
D2 you should play more you are out of touch mate.
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>What's wrong with me?
you should add armored edition batman so we can understand you are a nintendo faggot. get out of your safe zone for fuck sake.
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Nice but nothing original your rating show you had mostly Nintendo a PS1 and a pc long time ago.
+ + +
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I wouldn't put games that are less than 6 months as my fav of all time.
GTA VC swap music with hammer music and enjoy the game again.
>tfw you don't even have 9 games that you like
I hate both of you so much
>we know the devil
Thanks for reminding me of this, I'll go play it now
i play some other systems, recently i have been stocking up on PS1 games, and honestly some of the shooters there might make my list. I just find it hard to fit more games into my schedule, with PC shooters, i'm able to play it an hour at a time and than leave it to play later. Console and arcade games tend to suck away more time.
>x-com apoc
Damn bro
0/0 how long do I need to play Last of Us for credit here
2/4 I avoided Burnouts for some reason, I don't know why, been a long time since I liked a racer
4/4 I am not ;_;
I don't know, I see it very frequently in these threads lately.
Thank you.
Your memory is correct, I'm honestly surprised. Shooters do most of the same thing that puzzle or IIDX does for me, in primarily serving as a sensory overload and trying to make order of chaos. I don't agree with the "memorization" argument against them. Some require more memorization than others for portions of what they do, and those are the ones which I generally dislike the most (Radiant Silvergun, most Gradius, I can appreciate some R Types for its style but I generally play those the least, this is also why I don't generally like the Dodonpachi games as much as other Cave shooters because learning where the hidden bees are is an actual exercise in memorization and you won't get anywhere in those games if you ignore it). With shooters, the negatives consequences to bad play are immediate. So you mention strategy games - I don't really so much dislike the ones which I bother to try, but invariably I'll get to a point in them where some tiny mistake I make doesn't manifest in full game failure until hours after the fact. Same thing for a given Warcraft style game - thirty minutes of buildup only to be obliterated by something which you couldn't see until you're already dead. Shooters generally give immediate feedback to all actions which I find sorely lacking in most all other games.
>sengoku rance is a porn game right ? what are the good point about a porn game to deserve a place as your favorite game ?
It's a strategy game with an insane amount of content and replay value. I'm talking about finding new stuff after playing for hundreds of hours. I couldn't give less of a shit about the porn itself.
games I either love very much or have spent many hourse on, had at least 5-10 alternatives, but I put in what first came into my mind
I like this on the most, damn perfect, have yet to play KC:D though and I've never played ARMA 2, only played 3
How the fuck does that rating system work? What an autist way to do things you got here.
so many weebs in here
I love the real time combat.
I think it's the best x-com game.
played and liked / played
It's been stated several times in this thread alone.
damn it. I forgot BF1942. It replaces thomas was alone in this: Good taste.
'number of games liked'/'number of games played'
It's quite simple if you use your brain. Games liked/games played.
why would Todd Howard like Spore?
Thank you.
4/6, standard but quality taste
3/5, RE6 has to be a joke
4/8, kind of shit taste
You are right ?
I am not saying it bad I was a multi FPS fag too and I enjoyed them alot.
Why outrigger ?
just check for yourself and it even better played with a twinstick if you can grab one. the game support KB/M natively on dreamcast anyway as the arcade had a trackball too and you can set up online easily if you have some friends around.
Why don't you try some DRPG not the fastest game ever but I am sure you will find something in them.
PC is a the most rich platform for gaming I am sure you can find something else to play.
Yes you are Just look at those 0/0 mate
I still like you.
Is there an all age version like nips do them?
tell me more! how is the plot what the gameplay look like.
I can check further after that as I see the game a lot around Sup Forums.
As Sup Forums like food analogy your 3x3 is like drinking water.
Gayest ITT
gays have far motley taste than that
that just faggot generic shit.
tell me more why the hate user.
>Just look at those 0/0 mate
I know, I know. My time to sit down and play things just for the sake of novelty is practically non existent by now.
If I were paid to play games like some worthless Youtube asshole I'd look to threads like these first. I sort of think I'd provide unique and substantiated opinions to be noteworthy in doing it but lol who the fuck cares.
1/2 (- Sonic Colors)
The rest I either haven't played anything or already rated in the last threads.
4/5 (- Nier)
4/4 why hate weebshit though?
4/5 (- MW2)
3/3 huge plus for Ouendan and TWEWY
hopefully AC7 will be good, I've been itching for some of that gameplay
now kiss
I care. those arcade trip with your friend were cool We don't have shit like that here not anymore.
As a family man I know that suffering but really take some times to play some more you don't need to play novelty. I still manage to play a Lot.
This arrive in the mail today gonna grab another when I will finish 3.
The sunglasses made me smile but the soundtrack and artbook were cool.
Day one of V3 had everything I ask for (soundtrack and artbook).
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after giving up NV I feel like I am missing something but couldn't get into it.
the ressentiment about Fallout 3 and zenimax in general maybe.
I prefere AC Nexus and I hope from will give us a new mecha porn soon.
Digimon deserve more love it always sad me normies see the franchise as a bootleg pokemon. I need to play the new games on PS4 as they have that unique touch hosoda and murakami manage to give to Superflat Monogram even the music is similar and those avatar on the chatroom and underworld remind me that alot.
Solo pixy to you.
Can you be more criptic next time ? people could recognise some games.
(I still like Q3 player)
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We meet again was psychonot and mgs 2 there last time ? how is radiant historia remake.
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do the DLC to anything good to xcom2 or just the same shit ?
what is middle right.
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It like I seen the same 3x3 again and again.
Hi !
I don't know why someone hate us.
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why crash 1 and not 2 ? that sunset riders is cool (Rip in pieces Konami) and gamecube nintendo are the best nintendo nice.
those people need to fuck at this point.