>build 2000 dollar gaming PC
>play nothing but roguelikes
Build 2000 dollar gaming PC
Let's not forget poorly made n64 emulators
t. butthurt switch owners
>build 2000 dollar gaming computer
>all the good games go to the PS4 and not PC
>when PC finally gets those games, the PS4 would have gotten something newer and better
>fully regret my PC once I got the PS4
whats wrong with rougelikes faggot
Wait until the BASED Ryphecha saves us from the plugin nightmare like he did with PSX and Saturn.
2k? how fucking poor are you, really?
>Build $2000 gaming PC
I'll never understand this.
I have a 7700k and a 1080ti and only spent $1250
Damn tendies get blamed for everything
>buy a 150$ video card to fix a 5 year old pc
>play nothing but 2d fighters and japanese 2d porn games
Think i nailed the balance just right.
I guess you're just better at hunting for deals than I am. When did you build yours?
>moved out of parent's place at 22 without any outstanding qualifications or even education past high school
>still the same person with less money and less time for vidya
I don't know if this is any better
>built a 6870 and phenom IIx4
>played minecraft for months
>built an i7 and a 1070
>play Elona for months
Pissed off that one graphics whore I know to no end.
Like a month or two before the big price jump.
>have shit computer and a bunch a games i wanna play but cant run
>upgrade PC and never touch the games i wanted to play
>continue to play kof98 on fightcade
somethings really wrong with my brain
Guess the extra storage and the 2 1440p monitors would definitely bump up your total cost, especially if those are 120hz.
But I definitely hunt for cheap prices like a fucking jew.
Even that $1250 for a gaming PC is a bit overkill desu.
The extra SSD I already had, it was in my laptop. But yeah the monitors were pricey.
Roguelikes and Elona are the peak of game design, so don't feel bad.
>1080p at 60hz
I did that in 2005. All the best components at the time and I pretty much only used it for Diablo 2.
>Had lonely 20th bday last month
>Dude in the picture looks like me
Fuck you OP i was gonna forget before you showed up
>Have always preferred consoles since I started gaming with the Sega Genesis/Gameboy
>Play a few PC games here and there
>Got older
>Went consoles 100% simply because the time and money involved with PC gaming is not worth it and I can get a good experience on consoles anyway
Anybody else? I've pretty much seen Sup Forums bash consoles to death since I've been here for about 8 years and it never changed my mind to convert to PC gaming fully. I still play consoles entirely.
I will always love CS 1.6 and TF2 though.
OP here, we can just turn this into a speccy thread if you guys want. On unrelated note, what board are desktop threads on now? Don't see them on Sup Forums anymore.
>build 1500 dollar PC
>only play seige, browse Sup Forums and use youtube
is this a good deal?
I'm sorry user. Happy birthday.
Yeah but Siege looks good on ultra. Overwatch also looks super pretty.
Comprehensive list of games on the PS4 that PC players want to play:
I used to play Overwatch too, got bored and went to Seige.
It's overkill, I know.
I'm 100% satisfied with 60@1080p.
The super GPU just helps maintain a very high frame rate, so even if I get drops, I don't stutter.
Honestly my PS4 was gathering dust until I caved and bought MH:W. M+KB for shooters and 144 hz / uncapped framerates is just so much nicer than PS4.
I only boot it up to play Mystery Heroes to get the weekly arcade loot boxes.
What's the specific CPU?
i7 8800. not the k verison
I spent $2100 and first thing I did was keep playing only diablo 2 for the next mouth.
This was 3 years ago i now play fo4 heavily modded.
Would 2000 $1 PC's be better than 1 $2000 PC?
>buy 400 dollar console
>play nothing because it has no game, shitpost here with threads like this instead
>pay extra for internet every month
>buy 1080Ti
>play only Age of empires 2, Heroes 3 HD, Jagged Aliance 2 and RoTK XI
money well spent
Imagine having 2000 $2000 PCs. Bet that would be enough to calculate reality in 4 dimensions.
>build $1,500 PC
>play a lot of different games on it
Feels Good Man
>2000 dollar
>gaming PC
>With current part prices
>i5 8400
>gtx 1060
>only play tf2 with fps configs and no hats mod anyway
Guess its good to have decent parts just in case some new game looks fun, right?
>Build $1200 PC
>Spend thousands of dollars on steam games in a year
>Spend as much time if not more on my PS4
>Move out of parents home at 19 because they thought it would mean I'm less of a loser
haha nope, sorry mom no gf or bf yet.
What game?
for 2000 dollars, you could stayed in a luxury hotel in a tropical country fucking foreign whores and snorting coke off their asses. But instead you chose to spend that on a PC.
this is why consolechads are the only respectable gamers.
>moved out for a few months
>realized it was absolute dog shit, had less time for myself, became the definition of wageslave
>moved back in
>still living at home to this day
>able to save up money, work less and save for the future
Ideally, I'd still like to be on my own but at least I'm able to save money this way and the rent I do pay goes to my parents.
>build $1200 PC
>pirate $5000+ of software and games
You faggots are all doing it wrong.
>spent 2k on a computer 5 years ago
>haven't had to replace anything outside of a graphics card
>only play MMO's and the odd single player RPG
Meh. Not a waste, but no ideal either.
>build 2000€ computer
>Play nothing but games from 96 to 04.
>built 2000 PC
>run emulators all the time
>1080 jerks its self off in the corner while the CPU does all the work
Bitch exorcist Rio 4 or 5 i think.
I don't quite remember, but it's different from the other games in the series since she's no longer raping innocent tentacles.
>PC chad
Spends 1200$ on a PC. That’s it. Everything else is free. 700.000 titles and counting. You can then use it to mine bitcoin while you’re asleep. Making you a billionaire 6 months into owning it.
>Console virgin
Buys PS4 for 150$ divided into 12 monthly payments. Each game is 60$. Playing online is 60$. Sony allowing you to live: 60$. Buys 1 game, goes bankrupt, can’t afford to eat for three weeks anymore.
Total available games on PS4: 12
>B-b-but muh Bloodborne!
>Spend over $3000 on new pc, more screens and a stand for them
>Use it just shitpost in more threads at the same time
It's gonna be worth it when monster hunter gets released for pc
2k is overpriced you mongrel.
Dude I get 2k a month. I could literally buy 12 2k computers in a year, plus 2 more for bday and christmas. That's 14 2k computers A YEAR.
>Mommy pays the bills
Ok so your parents hate you. Maybe if you weren't such a loser they wouldn't have thrown you out.
Guy is pretty cute, if he got a decent haircut and didn't dress like a homeless person he could be normie tier easily
tfw 40 tabs open at all times
console faggot or he has a lot of SSD's
what? No counter argument? Where are the sonyfags??
>spend $1200 building new PC
>spend thousdands of dollars on steam
>still play nothing but free to play games and hearthstone
i might be retarded desu
>buy pre built laptop
>don't even have steam account
>emulate the shit out of old games
Fuck gaming today. I could count on one hand the newer games I'd like to play.
just 10 more years to go user
>tfw moved out when I was 16 along with all my siblings but one
At least I have a pretty good job.
>Roguelikes and Elona are the peak of game design
I wish you many little girls, user
Are you me?
That's exactly how my birthdays look like. Just me and my parents sitting around the table, eating cake.