I just finished Bioshock 2, and I thought it was an amazing story. Discuss what you think about the game.
I just finished Bioshock 2, and I thought it was an amazing story. Discuss what you think about the game
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I marathoned all the games for the first time last year and I genuinely thought 2 had the best gameplay. Melee only big daddy is fun af
2 is a 9.4 out of 10 for me. Best game in the series and the best conclusion to Rapture.
Bioshock 2 was not fun. It was, for me, a buggy shithole. Couldn't use my gamepad, if I altered keyboard controls they stopped working. Bodies ragdolled through floors. And many more stuff I don't remember. Anyway, I really hope they updated it. I'll have to try it again, been wanting to replay Bioshock
If only the moral decisions weren't such a bore
>Game gives you option to be bad or good
>Punishes you (in the long run) for choosing the bad option
If you have it, and haven't played it yet, play Minerva's Den, it's even better.
Minerva Den > Bioshock 2
My favorite out of the three, better gameplay and morality system. Defending the little sisters were always fun plus they look adorable not like the goblins in the first.
It's the best of the three. Great game.
It suffered a little bit because the setting wasn't as exciting the second time around, but overall it was FAR better than the first. I remember not being excited for it at all, because the idea of playing as a Big Daddy sounded stupid.
It had such fun combat, and some of the best ability progression I've ever seen in a game. I loved how weak you start out, and how you are able to kill other Big Daddies in a single freeze/smash combo by the end.
should I replay with the remaster or the original PC release? They fixed the animations for 60fps but butchered the art style and lighting right?
I didn't like the sotry. It's not bad but for me it felt just to somehow tie all the levels together. Horrorr feeling present in the forst game is gone but overall best gameplay of the series.
BS2 story is shit.
Drilling niggas is fun though, not to mention traps.
Correct. I would go with the original.
Minerva's den was a little disappointing to me, it just felt like a little more of Bioshock 2 (not that it's a bad thing) but seeing this hailed as the best expansion I expected more.(If you had a mission that was outside in the sea would've been pretty good.
My favorite in the series, I liked some aspects of the story in the first one a bit more but overall I liked 2's story more.
what if the Thinker was someone else?
BS2 had the best gameplay out of all of them. It was just so much fund getting ready for everyone coming to fuck up your little girl with the tools they gave you. Had amazing progression and good progression of options as the game went on. I like keeping BS2 as a pocket recommendation for people who don't play many videogames and ask me about what to play.
The story was nice. Nothing spectacular but it did a good job at what is was trying to do. I still felt like shit after killing the one Rosie that turned out to be the guy you've been following on the audio logs the whole time. without even realizing it at the time.
Objectively better than the first game in every way.
This is wrong though. Gameplay-wise it's just more of the same, and the story is nothing special.
The """twist""" is so apparent that I thought it's being treated as obvious knowledge and I just missed the tape that spelt it out verbatim.
>game has good/bad morality
>leaving the guy who had turned into a big brain and was in pain 24/7 alive is considered the good option while fulfilling his request of putting him out of his misery is bad
He's a Rumbler actually iirc
actually the best ending is for killing all 3 and saving all sisters. It sucks you have to kill the black lady to get it but if you spare her, kill the other 2 and save all sisters you get the same ending but Lamb doesn't die and that's bullshit.
story was cool, learning more about rapture was interesting, but just like 1 it gets a little bit boring near the end.
it took me a while but I enjoy infinite's gameplay the most. I still love the whole trilogy
>not killing the guilty and sparing the innocent
fuck off shill
I loved it. Easily the best of the three bioshock games, and the gameplay was so much fun. You have a bunch of tools to experiment with, and it's one of those games where it feels like you can go wild and make your own fun.
>some of the best ability progression I've ever seen in a game
Could you elaborate on this please?
those we couldn't save
Actually that one is smoke and mirrors, user. It doesn't count as a good or evil act killing him. I know because I got the best ending and I mercy killed that fag asap
If Bioshock 2 released as Bioshock, it would be considered the greatest unaminously. It does away with the tedious 'survival' elements of Bioshock, which really just replaced useful supplies such as bullets and health with shells and needles. Neither games are particularly scary, and the sequel is more subtle. Bioshock primarily uses jumpscares, Bioshock 2 uses ambient Splicer dialogue (the spider/crawler splicers especially), albeit there are a few jumpscares. Ironically, nothing stands out to me in 2's level design like how Fort Frolic does, because Jordan Thomas (FF level designer) was the Creative Director for the sequel. Maybe because Bioshock 2 is consistently satisfying, and Bioshock has greater highs and lows. Ken Levine assisted on the sequel, so his and anyone else's claims that it is non-canonical is laughable backpeddling. As for the story, Lamb is a much more nuanced character than Ryan. Levine's influences of Ayn Rand show in his writing: Atlas/Fontaine, Lamb and Ryan are mouthpieces for political commentary without genuine characterisation. Lamb's contrasting collectivism is also hypocritical - Audio Diaries and Lamb's actions demonstrate that she is all too happy to abuse her following for her utopia. Another nice contrast is that Ryan wanted to hide from the world and create a utopia, Lamb wanted to show the world a utopia and depending on, she succeeds. Eleanor's mindset matching the weather is as contrived as Jack's mindset summoning a nuclear submarine, and her happy ending is genuinely touching, unlike the first's cheesy good ending. Having seven endings is superior to three, on that note. Multiplayer was likely the result of studio interference, but I enjoyed it for what it was - different if flawed. Protector Trials were an interesting way of gating behind the scenes content, and clearly Levine thought so given Infinite's similar side-content.
2 > 1 > Infinite
Better than Bioshock 1
alexander giving his goodbye to me was good enough for me to not kill alex the great
>If Bioshock 2 released as Bioshock, it would be considered the greatest unaminously.
I think it needed to be a sequel. Bioshock 1 made mistakes, and 2 fixed them and built upon the foundation, like any good sequel would.
I feel like I'm being pedantic in mentioning that the story would be incomplete without the first game to precede it, but that's part of Bioshock 2's brilliance; it doesn't try to one-up the first game and outdo it (particularly in the story, twist ending, and gameplay elements, as you mentioned).
>played bioshock 2
>waited for a plot twist
>there's none
>mfw miverva den
I glad bioshock ended well at least for someone.
They fucked up the sound as well
We've discussed it to absolute fucking death. It's almost woven into our bodies now. What do you want to know?
How do I make the remaster not crash on me
The original port runs more reliably than it.
Bioshock 2 was the most fun of all the games, people look back on Bioshock 1 because the plasmid shit was innovative and felt cool and the story / setting was sick
But the game is shit to play, Bioshock 2 is superior gameplay wise in every way. I'll always prefer it for that reason.
This fucked me up. I distinctly remember mercy killing him and getting pissed about my neutral ending.
Ken levine distanced himself entirely from 2, dont think he ever even stepped foot into the office
Daily reminder that in the boss fight with Sinclair, he will beg you to kil him, if you run away, he will beg you to come back and finish the job so he couldn't hurt the Lil sister.
And if you die, he will repeatly saying sorry
Bioshock 2 is the most fun one to play, and personally I liked the characters more.
People give it too much shit for being a sequel and not having le ebin twist.
Only downside for me is that the game is kinda buggy and obviously a console port.
Fucking hell, user. I had no idea. Sinclair was such a great character.
Dinosaur DNA~
I think it is an abomination, a completely unnecessary, publisher mandated cashgrab that only serves to soil the name of the series; utterly unfit to lick the boots of either the original Bioshock or Bioshock Infinite.
But you do you, I guess. At least you had fun.
>and not having le ebin twist.
I never got why people considered Bioshock's 1 twist to be so good. It was way too fucking contrived.
Ok Ken
what part was contrived exactly?
The origin of the main character. Plasmid was pretty much magic at that point so anything was possible.
You don't get a worse ending just for killing him, though
>The origin of the main character.
you serious?
>ryan knocked up a girl
>handed him over to suchong for mutual benefit experiments in making a sleeper agent
the end
Oh man, you're one of those that think Atlas/Fontaine is the twist, aren't you?
Eleanor best girl
There is a mod for the animation at 60fps, go for that
What's impressive about it then?
Then what was supposed to blow my mind?
That you were mind controlled
>Then what was supposed to blow my mind?
Nothing was supposed to "blow your mind", the would you kindly twist just got blown out and beaten dead like "the cake".
It was mildly neat if you went in blind and didn't pick up on the code phrase until ryan finally tells you.
Yes, but as I said plasmid was magic at that point so that feels pretty artificial and not really clever or anything.
That's why I said in my first post that I never got why so many people treated it as the most clever shit ever written in video games.
Big Daddies are great. Great design and lore. Nothing in Infinite can compare. Series peaked really early, can't see much else for the future of the franchise except if they rebooted the shock series again with a sci-fi ray gun gothic aesthetic and like, set it on a moon base or something
>Then what was supposed to blow my mind?
It's a plot twist. People love them but most of the time they're actually pretty shallow.
>plasmid was magic at that point
do you even know what plasmids are, lore wise?
Hard mode: don't quickly google for the bioshock wiki
All the genetical modification and shit, maybe the method they used him wasn't exactly plasmid but my point still stands. The technology of the world was pretty much magic so you can come up with even the most impossible thing sans time-travel, which Infinite ended up doing.
There was nothing magical about it.
Suchong and co had virtually limitless resources and no ethical boundaries, so they went crazy. It's not really that different than the shit we, and the soviets were doing during the cold war.
OP, check Minerva's Den and if you haven't played first game do it, than go for Infinite and Burial At Sea. Whole trilogy is amazing and what they did in Burial At Sea makes B1 and Infinite 10000 times better.
I wasn't aware there were bathyspheres that only allowed people with an specific genetic code to ride them or brainwashed people who followed orders after hearing specific words during the cold war.
> or brainwashed people who followed orders after hearing specific words during the cold war.
I hope you're just being sarcastic.
>Whole trilogy is amazing
It really isn't, unless your entry point was 7th console gen.
>Infinite 10000 times better.
10,000 times 0 is still 0 senpai
>but the game i shit to play
how fucking so, it played decent enough and all bio2 did is the ability to use both hands simultaneously which made combat more "fun"
everything else however from story, characters, atmosphere, level design etc.. was done much better in bio1
I feel they could have handled playing as A BD better. You are far too squishy. I never once felt like a Big Daddy. I guess I can chalk it up to you being an abandoned failed prototype, but man, shit still sucked.
You can kill 1 of 3 and still get the best ending.