Why did kojima add the monkey? (please no racist responses)
Why did kojima add the monkey? (please no racist responses)
It was a very odd choice. It didn't add anything to the scenes, just something weird to tack on. I guess that's what I like about MGS 1 - 4.
Subliminal ape escape influence maybe
Every game needs a comic relief animal, like the Darpa Chief, Stillman and Sigint.
He sold you guns
to prove that he could
But none of those characters were animals, user...
To make Metal Gear Solid:The Movie last even longer.
Humans are animals.
it was way more entertaining than that guy who had diarrhea
Niggers need something to relate to
One of the motion capture actors (Raiden's?) did a good monkey impression. So he wrote in a monkey role.
Kojima is a shit writer and his attempts at shoving comic relief characters are proof of such.
Johnny's diarrhea, that stupid fucking monkey, are only there to add some funny moments... and those elements fail completely at doing such
That and they felt Drebin was lacking something.
>Having characters in a dark depressing story that otherwise uplift the mood are bad.
Fucking stop.
It was a reference to niggers existing
Because he's a hack
>japanese games dont have forced diverci-
Niggers, same thing
Combination of them finding Drebin boring and a guy in a mocap session acting like a monkey.
Maybe he was inspired by old stereotype of a street performer with a monkey?
I'm pretty sure they just knew one of the mocap actors could do a decent monkey and decided to throw it in.
Reminder for the niggers of what to do: serve the superior white race
For me it's the SILVER pants that really fucked with me
to show that even if niggers shave their hair and lighten their skin, they are still animals