>game doesn't autosave
Game doesn't autosave
Other urls found in this thread:
Please get beaten to death, Barneyfag
(remove the first period)
>autosave can crash your game
sasuga todd
fallout 2
You still on about this? You already had your five minutes of fame, let go fren.
Quick post the pony porne to enrage barneyfag
>Posts here
>Doesn't post in Thems Fighting Herds thread
You're a real fucking fag
Not until they all fucking die
They'll be dead in 200 years, bro.
Who is your favorite pony barneyfag? tell me your secrets.
>encouraging the degenerates
please kill yourself
>200 years
That's not soon enough, time to carpet bomb Hasbro and the pony convos.
Fuck off, the images that were posted don't have ponies in them you fucking idiot
thanks, i guess
Um read the rules sweetie
That thread was pruned because mods are fags who think a fan made turn indie game inspired by horses inherently is horses.
BF its time to stop this shit. I know your life is miserable and all but think of some new material man.
>falls for obvious bait
At least you said the magic word this time.
Nailed it.
Hey Lee, what do you think about Them's Fighting Herds? It's completely unassociated with the My Little Pony franchise btw.
>game only autosaves after a huge decision you only made because you wanted to see what would happen
The final "fuck you" in the series of fuck yous presented by Fable 2. Shit-ass game.
These fags never change their bullshit. Why should I?
t. brony fagit
> Hate bronies because they're autistic cringe lords
> Love superior just as, if not MORE autistic and cringey
>ponies get BTFO
cry about it
Pssst, barneyfag is just a brony sockpuppet
lol this
Dude, please. It's not healthy. Just let it go.
Lee, would you say your experiences in SPED classes in high school had a significant effect on your mindset as an adult?
I will when they let go of their obsession with shows made for really young children.
>forum posts from literally whos is supposed to convince people to not like MLP
Most of us have dude. It's a slowly dying fandom.
MOST, but not ALL. That's what matters the most.
Wer mit Ungeheuern kämpft, mag zusehn, dass er nicht dabei zum Ungeheuer wird. Und wenn du lange in einen Abgrund blickst, blickt der Abgrund auch in dich hinein.
Words of wisdom, my friend.
No, kill yourself.
No. Die.
Humanized ponies are p cool to be honest. And the schoolgirl spinoff is nice.
He's just mad that his prime minister is a bigger global laughingstock four American presidents put together.
You should hang yourself.
No it's not you fucking pedo
this entire thread
Reminds me of Hakumei to Mikochi. It's my AOTS.
Fucking hate this shit gurgling site and its culture.
>pic related post
How many levels of irony is he on?