Pink rath is nowhere near the worst monster in mhw. What's the issue?
There is no pink rathian.
She is just blushing because hunter senpai noticed her.
would you?
Use flash pods, cut the tail. I can kind of understand dying to Nerg's dive if you don't understand how to avoid it, ditto to your first Teostra fight, and Kirin can be a dickhead but Pink Rath? You had to have beaten Diablos to even get there and he's much quicker and much more dangerous.
Yes. For bragging rights if nothing else.
Like that old man they caught in Florida for raping an alligator because "If you want to eat me, you better not fuck up or I will make you my bitch." That guys my favorite kind of fucked up.
What weapon are you using OP?
Funlance master race here.
Still haven't beat her? Give up an quit playing video games, you clearly suck at them.
She's just a rathian that's easier to flash bomb, she's easier than vanilla most of the time.
Never cared for funlance.
Like vanilla Lance better. Old reliable.
what's the best hammer set?
Man you can fucking roll backwards in World, if the breakdancing is somehow still a problem with that then you have issues
Just always stand to the left of her face and the only thing that can still maybe hit you is a charge
I like normal lance too but I feel like I'm not really packing much attack, just kinda doing triple poke strings and hopping.
World is the only good MH game. Anyone who played the previous trash is a braindead nintendumb.
Yeah, just you wait to fight Kushalka OP.
Honest question, all my gear looks like shit because I base it around weapon elemental damage, if weapon is poison i use nostly poison damage gear.
Should I focus on regular attack and just use the base elemental damage?
Also one weapon im using is pukei pukei glaive which i can now change to a blast glaive or keep going deeper into poison.. which one is better?
I stopped using poison weapons in low rank, there is no point in them as monster got tougher
Everyone seems to prefer blast for end game glaives but I'm having fun with paralysis.
Black Diablos...
How do I get tempered monster quests? I just killed xeno jiiva and apparently now I must hunt tempered monsters?
hammer or great sword?
my uni
how the fuck do you even avoid nerg's dive. I just killed it but carted twice because of that fucking dive. Everything else is telegraphed clear as fuck and easy to dodge.
Is there further removal or armor upgrades past HR 65? Like, when you reach 75 can you upgrade again?
I've jammed and unloaded my gunlance plenty of times in that. So yes.
It's piss easy. He would only dive when all his spikes turn black, and would stay flying for a while before diving. Usually enough time to run away or shoot him a flash pod unless you are cornered, in which case it was your fault.
Just get white sharpness. Pink Rathian and Azure Rathalos were only hard because their weak spots are smaller than the other versions. White sharpness prevents bounces, making misses less penalizing.
If you want to really trivialize the fight, farm Bazel and get earplugs 5.
I thought this was a dessert form of a Rathian or something. And she still looks edible upon enlarging the image
Fuck you OP I'm hungry now
me too
The only bullshit monster in this game is Diablos.
All rath variations are easy.
Once Nergigante has hardened black spikes on all four areas of its body, it will perform a dive bomb attack.
This attack is signaled by Nergigante rearing back on its hind legs and roaring before flying into the air and diving at a player.
The best method of dealing with this attack is sprinting directly to either side and performing a leaping dodge just before Nergigante begins its dive. Due to this attack's massive area of effect, normal dodges are not (always) sufficient for escaping damage.
This attack breaks off Nergigante's hardened spikes and it must begin growing them again.
I just block it. Guard up and Lance makes the attack a joke.
Fuck yea Gunlance
Screamer pods make the diablos fight easy
Can it be blocked with the HBG?
I feel like the more I play the shittier I get.
Wondering this too. I've found some tracks but I don't think I've seen a single one in the last 15 hunts or so. Even the elder dragon quests don't have them.
>The designation as a subspecies is somewhat of a misnomer, as Black Diablos are simply female Diablos in heat. Their shell turns black during mating season to warn other monsters of their heightened aggression and hostility.
I'm a newfag to the series and just jumped on with MHW. Gunlance is by far my favorite due to the design and how well it clicked with me, but so far in when I use it it seems to make stuff ridiculously easy. I'm sure I'll eat my words soon but I'm thinking about switching it up.
Eat her?
glad you found your weaponfu, user. It took me 4 games and a Rajang for me to find mine.