*insults nobles*
*insults nobles*
*runs like garbage regardless of hardware*
*gets abandoned by the devs a week after release*
*no niggers*
why is the combat in this game so terrible?
kuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuurva GOD BLESS YOU HENRY fuck off you filthy beggars show some christian charity
kurwa retard
Henry ... had a hard life
When is the next patch? I want to play it, but after the botched 1.2.5, I'll rather wait until 1.3 and hotfixes for that.
because you haven´t leved up enough, it get´s better if you do
just go to the commander and keep training until you have unlocked some special moves
henry is czech though
*brainlets cannot comprehend the game*
The game is EXTREMELY cpu driven. So much so that even hyperthreading helps a lot (20-30% increased fps when enabled).
The game really wants a 8 core Ryzen
1.2.5? I'm still on 1.1 and didn't receive any new updates.
this makes me want to get a new tower so i can actually install that ATX mobo i got.
>intelets with their dual cores begin crying
>m-m-muh efficiency
czechs don't use that word though
It works fine on my i3
It's not phenomenal, but keeps a steady 50 fps on full HD with high settings
Except the fucking do.
We do
bullshit, even on my i7 7700k i have drops below 40fps
Technically, the game is just a big clusterfuck. Who knows what actually impacts the performance. I can stand in place looking at the sky and it will randomly go from 60 to 50-45 for no goddamn reason
I get 60 fps at all times on max settings 1080p
it's frustrating for you because you're a brainlet
Runs fine on my gtx 690.
Maybe you people need better pc's
t. No core
More like german
I get ~45 FPS on my 3 year old mid-range laptop on medium to high settings
all Slavs do even the Sorbs in Germany
That's not what he said he stupid strawmanning faggot
Your character is shit at combat because he's the bumbfuck son of a blacksmith
Go train you cock guzzling moron
Show me a combat oriented game where the combat doesn't get better as you unlock more skills
I'll wait
From: Console users
Game runs fine m8.
do you think we could have a few more cutscenes in the game?
Patrician, no need to worry when owning a console because developers catter to you and not the other way around.
Czech used w instead of v up to the late 19th century.
The only refutations I could think of are games where there are no skills to unlock and the game remains the same for its entire runtime.
Works on my machine, upgrade your 3570k.
Mediocre game. Went back to playing Witcher 3 after finishing this and saw what a good game was.
mine works fine besides some minor pop in.
get a better machine peasant
*blocks your path*
Im pretty sure it runs better on my i7 870 with hyperthreading turned off. The cpu is ass though with a stock speed of 2.93 and overdrive of like 3.6 i think.
*bashes yer head in with a mace*
Dark Souls
he insulted millions......
>he thinks 45fps is good
How's your first month on a PC been?
No specs, no argument.
Please see
Literally how New Vegas works.
>gives trophies
Sheeeeeiiiiit henry mufucka you be slayin dem ballas. You a OG nigga
These two are faggots. Combat never gets better. As soon as you get a decent armor and a few perks you start one shotting everything in your path. Even the eneemies with full plate/mail armor die in 1-2 hits after depleting their stamina bar with a few swings.
Stop talking bullshit please. The game has a few nice things like setting, characters and parts of the story but the rest is just unfinished turd.
Arguable, spells could be considered skills and increasing your stats gains you access to more weapons/spells which are usually pretty cool towards the end. You start with access to basic weapons and/or spells, and by the end you have a repertoire of some of these at an advanced level.
You havent started questing in the northwest part of the map yet have you?
did they even test this game?
Why are Slav men so ugly but Slav women so hot?
Nigga im 30 hours in and almost finished with the game. Just need to do the last siege and im so fucking bored with i just took a break.
I think the biggest hurdle for newcomers is overcoming the urge to constantly attack and be aggressive. Most games reward aggressive play, whereas this game tends to punish it. Aggressive play is still totally possible though, just requires the right gear and a bit of experience with the combat system.
That once happened to me with a door in a house and I couldn't leave.
Both of these happened to me too brothers
>VA is English, Henry looks exactly the same as him
Anglos BTFO
he's ugly cute. his inbred-ness is endearing.
How do I go from Ugly to Ugly cute?
this guy looks like a hobbit
if you are otherwise handsome but you have one ugly feature you might make it
Fuck off. The combat in this game is fucking great
How do I know if i'm ugly?
If you are asking then you are
stay jealous ugly soyboy
>disable auto lock
>play stabby stab
>kill everything old style
all the women in the game look derpy and weird
Oh. That sucks. Should I kill myself?
>you'll never be a slav
>just a boring western european gaul
No. Become wealthy, then NTR some chads.
No, you can still do some useful work for society, like sweeping the streets or cleaning toilets.
Riding along listening to Princess mononoke soundtrack... "Journey to the west" starts playing and in right moment pic related happens... Jesus christ the best moment in vidya since a loong time.
Clock your shit m8, i have old gtx780 and 4570k @ 4,7ghz and it runs smooth as butter (except a handful of few specific instances)... and even the 4-5 tips under 50 over the course of game really dont matter at all since its slow-paced single player RPG, not a competitive online shooter.
lots more makeup, lots more plastic surgery
Ey cucks, have any of you fucks run into Wolflin after killing him? I finished the Robber Baron quest, killing that nigger, and then a short while after I ran into him again at his camp. Is this just a bug or just Warhorse taking the piss that he might actually be cursed and came back to life?
I get a constant solid 90fps
>listening to any music that's not from the game you're playing
done fucked up kid
Get triggered murrican. Here in eastern europe we have relatively uncorrupted gene pools and therefore dont suffer from million different types of la creaturas.
>"did not contain a single drop of blood; his heart was the size of a peppercorn; his lungs corroded; his intestines rotten and gangrenous; he had a single testicle, black as coal, and his head was full of water."
La maldición de sangre del viejo mundo...
take it easy, tente-en-el-aire
It doesn't matter when slavs are subhuman anyway.
could you put this into something a little more understandable, like say a food analgy?
I'm getting 144 fps @ 4k on my five year old laptop with 750M.
forgot pic
thats only 1080p
nice bait you jelly little shit, my settings are all at High.
well yeah offcourse
it's down upscaled using nvidia control panel settings
down upscaled
yea this stuff.
>set all the settings to very high
>game looks like Runescape for 10 seconds.
How is this different from SSAA?
>feel nostalgia
>de install from SSD
>re install to HDD
>pic related
>Only spend team sneaking and stealing
>lock-picking, pick-pocketing and stealth are all in the 20s
>strength 6
>swords 4
gee i wonder why i suck at fighting...
you dont even need to sword fight if your stealth is high enough, just run till their out of sight then hide in a bush. I do it with bandits and robbers.
But steel is heavier than feathers