I want to buy a console for my boyfriend's birthday, but I can't choose between a Nintendo or a PlayStation...

I want to buy a console for my boyfriend's birthday, but I can't choose between a Nintendo or a PlayStation. Which one has fun games to play for two?

You get a 2 player package with Nintendo so if your short on the sheckles, Switch.


Who cares. Post more ducks.

You can play the Nintendo with your boyfriend without buying another controller, so get that one if you want to spend less money.

I thought the PlayStation came with two controllers too?

xbox one pubg bundle
pubg is the most relevant shooter right now unless you wanna count Fortnite BR which is just trying to second hand cash in on PUBG's success

Why are you losers playing video games? Just fuck your boyfriend.

Just because I'm a girl I can't play video games? Wow okay

tits or GTFO

Cheetahs can run
Eagles can fly
Girls can try
But that's about it.

I wish

Get a Playstation for him. It's the best platform on the market. Though if a girl is playing, you might like the multiplayer stuff on Switch more.

You're not that "Thundersword" guy's girlfriend are you?

sleep tight ducko

what you're a woman? I thought you were just some fag. that's honestly worse, I think you should leave.


switch, pretty easy. snipperclips, mario kart alone are justifiable purchases for comfy coop

Get a switch and buy snipper clips.

>faggot replys incoming

>unironically not seeing a packaged console wars

>Not pegging your boyfriend
You really are a fucked up bitch. I hope he leaves your ass.

homos should be sent to the work camps

How many good boy points is worth a console? Just curious. Does he have to sign a contract too?

>putting consolewars above womynposting
stupid wojackposter.

If you want to play with him, switch.
If it's just for him than the ps4

why are ducks such fags