Leaked Death Stranding gameplay, watch at your own risk.
Leaked Death Stranding gameplay, watch at your own risk
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it's literally nothing.
this is good
>Still no gameplay
>No explanation for anything that's happening
What is even the point?
video games really are art
The game will be shit just like everything Kojima has excreted over the years
The giggling annoys me
Did you see that at minute 0:42? Is that Psycho Mantis?
Wow this amazing. Can't wait to play it. I can't believe we have advanced so far in technology.
is this real or a mod
It's real.
>[YouTube] Kojima and Norman Reedus dance in the rain celebrating Death Stranding? MGSV The Phantom Pain PC mod (embed)
jokes aside, Quiet was the dumbest fucking most useless cringeworthy character ever
I feel bamboozled
>you can import models into the fox engine now
>shit like this is possible
what a time to be alive
The Norman Reedus PT Silent Hills model is in MGSV? Why? That's obviously an in-game quality model and not the one for the cinematic.
How far along was Silent Hills?
Someone should put in Vergil and Dante for this scene and play the DMC3 battle music from their first fight.
Thanks user this makes me happy to have woken up this morning
>still no gameplay
I hope we get some soon. we should have gotten some sort of solid idea of what it'll be like already. Probably at e3 this year.
>No explanation for anything that's happening
Good. It should stay like that until the game is released.
It's strange how people defended her inclusion so vehemently.
There was supposed to be some kind of PT crossover at one point. There's also a deleted support item that let you use a Lisa decoy (they even publicly demoed this in Japan), as well as the final game having audio files from PT playing on a radio.
>Kojima really put himself in his game again
I don't doubt it'll happen, even though this is a joke. The fucking ego on that guy.
nice image
it's not that strange, for the most part people here defended her because she made the social justice crowd upset
He talked about the concept of death stranding at tgs? He had art of him, Guillermo, norman, and mads jumping rope. So it's basically a given.