What are the chances of a Persona 3 remake with the P5 engine?

What are the chances of a Persona 3 remake with the P5 engine?

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why should it be done? i bet p3 sells well


P2 duology with modernize combat first

small considering it was an option on one of their polls


So was P3D and yet here we are

It's pretty fucking obious that it's happening, if you haven't noticed they have been remaking all of the locations in p3d. They aren't doing that for nothing, if they wanted it to be easier they could have just used stages like p4d.

Yeah that'd be the best

>No annoying anthropomorphic mascot
>Great music
>Gameplay before the ten-hour mark

Easily best persona.

you best not be memeing me

I'm sure they will remastered P3 combine all story from FES and P3P and adds gay option in both gender to make game more fresh.

please stop
it's only gonna hurt more when it doesnt happen

A little over 50%

>been long enough since P3 for Atlus to get away with it among old fans
>P5 brought in lots of newfags and normies that have never played P3, but want more Persona with pretty graphics
>Would be a lot cheaper and faster than making a new Persona game and would probably make nearly as much $$$ as P5.

Atlus has been asking if fans want a P3 remake on their most recent customer polls, so they’re at the very least considering it. You did vote for it, right user?

Very likely.

He's not wrong, but I'm not sure it proves a lot.

The Answer's premise was so fucking retarded that I wanted to kill myself while playing it. Probably should have.

>levels and characters are all being made for dancing game
>Gameplay and persona models are done from p5
>Music and voice acting has been done for years
No reason not to release it, would take like 6 months to play test for bugs and that'd be it

Hopefully zero.

>another Poochie

>Dummy field
This ain't nothing man. Devs do this kinda shit all the time. They use a pre-existing location or item or character from a previous game and use its design for testing, as a sort of makeshift blueprint.

>Plus all the improvements to combat and social links
>Plus any other improvements that could be made, like fucking Tartarus
I'm not holding my breath for it, but it sure would be nice.

In this era of cash grabs anything is possible.
They're more likely to simply port P3 FES to PS4, switch or PC than spend the resources upgrading P3.

I doubt that would happen. ATLUS isn't gonna fork over the cash for a whole separate set of animated cutscenes just for FeMC.

Tbf, there's only like 5 cutscenes in the entire game, most of them 1-2 minutes.

>Sl all party members
>Actual demons and no recolored shadows faggotry
>Actual demon negotiation
>Toned down powerlevel overall
>Option to shut down aigis after her the ikutsuki manipulation
That would make it pretty good,along with changes to tartarus and the story before november
Also the whole "humanity wants to kill itself " is better shown in SMTIV

Hopefully zero.

>saw this a few months back
>got really excited
>just now figuring out it's fake


Nah. There are a lot more than you'd think. In Episode Yourself alone, there are:

>OP (FES)*
>Introductory cutscene*
>First day at school*
>Welcome to the Velvet Room**
>Fuuka's awakening
>Origin of the Dark Hour*
>Shinjiro's death*
>Ikutsuki's betrayal*
>Field trip
>Kyoto 1
>Kyoto 2
>Ryoji VS Aigis*
>Bad End*
>The Fall*
>Aigis 2*

Scenes denoted with * have MC in them. ** have Elizabeth, and also maybe MC.

Also, the general quality of these cutscenes are poor by modern standards and look terrible on HD monitors, so they'd either have to remaster everything or remake it all from scratch. Either way, they're not gonna spare the resources for FeMC considering they've barely acknowledged her in years.

This shit was a fake. A persona modder made this as a joke. He did not expected this shit to blow up either.
I fell for this meme to when people started spreading this

Very high.

Why do you think they're making the dancing game?

0 because it's already available as PS2 Classic on PS Store

Maybe if dancing moon night sells like hotcakes.

FeMC will at most be demoted to NEW MYSTERY GIRL WHO HOLDS THE KEY TO EVERYTHING that all of Atlus' games have nowadays.

So is Persona 4 and we got P4G, soooo...

Here’s a better version

They'd have to heavily expand on Port Island in order to have it on the same level as Tokyo. And that's on top of having to completely revamp Tartarus because it's total shit.

Personally, I think what they should do is drastically shorten the amount of floors. Originally, Tartarus was comprised of 263 floors, not counting Monad. Shortening it down to less than 200 would be a huge godsend. That said, having a giant dungeon composed of nothing but randomly generated walls is still pretty goddamn boring, so I think after a certain number of floors, a few of them should be their own little bona fide mini-dungeon. Completely different looks and feels with puzzles and shit. Kinda like small Palaces I guess. Sort of like a reward for going through the randomly generated floors. At the end of them, you fight the Tower Guardian, so I guess there would be twelve in all. The first one would only be one floor long and be fairly quick and simple to get through, but they'd get slightly longer and more complicated to more you progress.

What's the point? It had the perfect artstyle, the environments were more purposely less realistic and the characters used low-frequency textures to make them look smooth. Then P4 threw out that visual strategy and smeared the game with that disgusting motion blur filter

They need to fix Tartarus.

are personas demons or what

Its jarring how much better P3 looks compared to P4

>The obligatory remake Poochie is a mascot character

>They release FeMC as DLC
>Literally just MC wearing a skirt with his hair dyed red

>atlus doing anything besides pushing out ports and calling them remakes
I'd be surprised if they made the effort

>tfw they sometimes color MC's headphones on promo art red
>"Hey guys, remember FeMC? Yeah, we do too! See, his headphones are red, just like hers was!"

>switch or PC

yeah keep dreaming, bub

Did you ever stop to think for a moment that that has nothing to with FeMC and you’re just grasping at straws?

FeMCfags deserve all the suffering they get just from how obnoxious they are.

If any game were to have a remake it would be p3 since they made a bunch of assets with the dancing game and the game is very similar to p5 to the point where they don't really need to modify the engine, it is still using the same calendar and social link system.

Aigis is already the mascot. You can’t have two mascots, that’d be stupid

hopefully never we already got 2 remasters and the game is shit anyway.

I know right? Obviously the change of setting to a more rural environment necessitated a change to more high-frequency texturing (foliage and grass would look blocky as hell with p3 texturing) but the PS2s lack of texture filtering coupled with how it compressed textures made it look grainy as fuck.

It's just a shame that you couldn't actually see much of the detail back when the game was first released.

So Atlus is going to make her a romance option in the remake, right?

is it just me or do the dancing game models look better than p5s

Nah, if anything I think we'll get a remix of if... since it kicked off Persona and turns 25 next year.

P5D's models aren't just the P5 models 1:1, they seemingly have been touched up too

The faces seem a lot more animated, since in p5 they were in the background while in the dancing games they are basically taking the role of sprites.

Yeah, we really need a fourth release of Persona 3 instead of putting effort into new games
P3 really doesn't need a remake, I only played it (FES) like a year ago and it held up pretty well

P3D should just be a straight up retelling of P3's story, but with the battles replaced with dance sequences.

p5 had up to have at the very least nine phantom thieves on screen at once, so the polycounts were obviously lowered

The Tartutrus grind is aids though.

Do you really want those new hd p3 assets stuck in a dancing game?

10 years down the line, maybe

I sort of agree, it could be tedious at times, but I didn't mind it that much. That alone doesn't really warrant another remake desu, just play P3P to ease the tedium
I don't really care that much about new HD visuals if I'd just be playing the same game again, I'm perfectly happy with FES and P3P

yeah the game is shit they should just focus on making something good with it.

>200 reskinned floors in HD
No thanks

They could try and fix that, if they were making a remake (that actually tried to fix the games flaws) that would probably the first thing on the list to address.

People who keep saying this are retarded. You do realise they’d change each block into an actual dungeon right? No new player would play Tartarus as it is today.

Or they could just expand the full moon events so they are dungeons and tartarus would be like mementos, it would pretty much be the same formula as p5.

That would mean altering the plot, since they usually have no idea where the Shadow will be until its the night of the full moon. Maybe they could have the dungeon slowly open up as the month passes and at the end lead to another area of the city with a full moon boss? But if they’re gonna go that far then they might as well add more plot throughout the empty months too.

same chances of Persona 1 and 2 with social links

>You do realise they’d change each block into an actual dungeon right?

I seriously doubt that. The entire point of Tartarus is that it's a huge-ass grind and that it's impossible to tell where the end is. I could see them changing certain sections of it into proper dungeons, but not the whole thing.

Could the PSP not handle the anime cutscenes?

It wasn't that there just wasn't enough space on the discs for them.

>stupid fuckers actually think Atlus EVER would bother putting effort in any remake
They only add shit, they don't revamp entire games.

And they would have had to be remade for the femc, it was overall just easier to cut them.

UMDs could only hold up less than half of a PS2 DVD. It was impossible to fit the whole of P3 into one. That's why they had to strip it down to its bare minimum in order to get it all to fit. The reason FeMC exists isn't because the devs wanted to add further player immersion. She exists purely to make up for the fact that P3P only technically has half the content of the original game.

>made this as a joke
He made it for the attention, there's no other reason. See all non-anonymous "leaks" of any kind.

The game will no doubt bomb hard if they don’t revamp things.

They literally revamped almost all of Strange Journey for the 3DS release, even if some of it was for the worst. How can you even start to believe that they wouldn't do the same for their current main series?.

there's no p5 thread so i'll ask here, whats the deal with mementos having infinite items? i'm doing my first visit and i noticed that any time you change a floor all items reset infinitely, what's the deal?
is this just like a "here have all this for using your day"?

Mementos' floors are randomly generated. Every time you go up or down a floor, you're basically entering a completely new area. So yeah, if you have the patience for it, you can farm items infinitely.

I'm glad a remake for 3 keeps getting memed because 3 with 5's combat would be the uncontested best game in the series.


P4G fixed it i think

Unecessary. I would rather all efforts go into SMTV at the moment. If anything P1 and P2 deserve proper remakes more in all honesty. FES is fine honestly.

Smt and persona are by different teams, persona 1 and 2 already had a remaster and they didn't sell that well so it's doubtful that they would make a remake, p3 has a dancing game which has the characters and most of the locations done in hd in the p5 engine and the p5 engine wouldn't need to be changed at all really for a p3 remake. Purely from a business perspective a p3 remake wouldn't be unlikely.

Nah P5 would still shit on it overall

What if they remake P3 and instead of adding a poochie character they just end up giving Koromaru a voice and making him the mascot?

Fuck that

I never beat P3, Nyx's shitty avatar was too hard for me, why isn't the blue haired protagonist in that fighting game?

He became a door

DAN's models may look "good" but their proportions are crap so they look more like models just to shove costume onto.

The Tartarus grind is the easiest to abuse though I've gone from floor boss to floor boss without ever fighting someone. I've found the Elizabeth requests for certain enemy items more cancerous.


WHAT? Oh man, I wonder how Yukari and Aigis took it, those two seemed the most into him from what I remembered

>Doing anything but the robot

He uses his soul to lock away Nyx behind a seal until humanity learns to respect life again, which ends up killing him

Yukari became irrational with grief. Aigis shut away her human emotions because she couldn't deal with the pain. Eventually, they come to terms with what happened and carry on with their lives.