reminder that a WII U game WON Game of the Year
Reminder that a WII U game WON Game of the Year
technically, it was the switch version that won it.
Wii U? What's that?
Motion control shrines are less infuriating on Wii U
I don't know how they managed to make the joy cons LESS responsive than the gamepad. That's progress, I guess.
do you actually own both versions?
Why would that disqualify it?
It was like a Wii, but the controller was like a Sega Game Gear, and needed to be charged multiple times during a single session.
It was pretty good.
It’s the same fucking game isn’t it? That like saying if a multiplat won “well, technically it was the PS4 version!”
pretty sure they said "the winner is the legend of zelda: breath of the wild for nintendo switch and not wii u"
Well that would be retarded, why make the distinction, its the same game but ported.
Why are Switchbabies so angry about WiiU?
They also get triggered when you tell them that the new Mario was most likely for WiiU at the beginning.
I own a switch and I ain't triggered at all
good for you, you get to play the game, that's what's important.
Now, if you look at the comments from nintendo news sites...
>that's what's
oh, I need my soy.
>Now, if you look at the comments from nintendo news sites...
why would I want to?
why would anyone want to?
I own a wii u, and my roommate recently bought a switch and botw even though he already played it on my wii u.
I fail to see the mistake here
other than the fact that it's three complete sentences stitched together lazily with commas
well I also have both, but I don't have the game on switch. I have noticed the joycon gyros are much more sensitive than the gamepad by default.
Maybe you're right. Come to think about it, I think what was making the apparatus puzzles difficult was that the joycons were oversensitive, not unresponsive. I made the wrong choice of words earlier.
It's not technically a port. It was developed for the Switch at the same time as the WiiU. The only part that really happened on the WiiU first was the announcement and probably some story boarding.
Good advise, I need to let go those places.
Sounded weird in my head, thanks for the comment.
These, but:
Are you actually retarded? So you're saying that it was being developed for the switch way back in 2014?
it was a joke