What the heck is going on with Rockstar?


They make more money with GTAO than with actual new releases so why bother?

They figured out how to keep making money off of a single game through shitty online microtransactions. Say goodbye to quality singleplayer DLC.

Say goodbye to more than one new game every five years.

they stopped releasing games developed by other studios

Which is annoying because most their releases were pretty good. I feel like they brought a certain flavor that's now been missing for a long time.

RDR2 will clearly be another cashgrab. There is no way it can live up to RDR1

We enabled this by keeping gta v in top10 charts to this day apparently.

I keep forgetting State of Emergency 2 wasn't published by Rockstar.

they become valve, stop making games, just shity shark cards.

That's exactly it. When you make more money and sell more units in a year (15M GTA copies in 2017) than others do selling new games each year, why change?

Rockstar is going to ride this train into the ground.

All RDR2 needs to live up to RDR1 is:
- clunky controls
- an empty world
- a story mostly consisting of busywork missions for random people
- barely any screen time for the villains
- a passive protagonist
- all of the backstory and motivation being told us, not shown us

At least Valve has Steam.
Rockstar only has fucking GTA Online going for them

Games becomes larger
Games take longer to make

Why is this hard to understand?

So GTA 6 is gonna be revealed in 2020 right bros?

LA Noire isn't Rockstar, they only published it but the game was developer by a now defunct studio since the game was so expensive it bankrupted said studio.

The fact that they didn't move on with the next red dead name and made it a sequel instead pretty much proves it

Why didn't pre-rendered CG seem to have such an effect on 90s games?

>Pure gold wrapped in a cover that looks like shit
>Literal shit wrapped in a cover that looks like pure gold
Checks out

So no L.A Noire 2?

What matters is what they released, not what they themselves specifically made.

>GTA V is already almost 5 years old
Fucking kill me already.

>The fact that they didn't move on with the next red dead name and made it a sequel instead pretty much proves it

What's worse is that it's a prequel to Redemption. So shouldn't it be called Red Dead Redemption Zero?
Red Dead Redemption: Unlikable Fuckboy Chronicles?
Red Dead Redemption: Retcon Me Up?

But it really should've been called Red Dead Damnation.

>Red Dead Damnation
I like that.

>be 30yo working man
>active on dating scene
I'm ok with that.

It shouldn’t be Red Dead anything considering we’ve been waiting on an update for Niko since fucking 2008. I’ve been waiting a fucking decade and Red Dead gets a new entry before GTA does in regards to Niko? That’s a load of bullshit

>go with grandma to kmart and grab State of Emergency when i was 10 years old
>get home after mom and stepdad get back from work
>im playing my new game
>stuck at mall level not knowing wtf to do so i just kill everything
>step dad sees and flips the fuck out
>big fucking deal lots of meta boner huffing
>takes me and my mom to kmart to bitch out the establishment
>raises hell and ponies for them sell me the game demanding refunds and a public flogging of the dudebro who sold me the game
>they tell them no fuck off because i was in the presense of an adult
>my grandma didnt speak english and didn't fucking know/care about ESRB rating
>they never got the refund and i never got my game back
>epic win for the little man because you cant just bully (me) out of videogames so fuck your money
i must say i revisited SoE when i was older with emulation and the game was pretty garbage

Jesus they have become just like Valve with Steam XD

You can point out the exact moment Rockstar became a service and not a video game studio.

To be honest RDR didn't have that much going for it other than the fact it had a story and was comfy.
Oh and the bullet impact body physics were GOAT.

my max payne dvd case says nothing about rockstar

>Shit was gold back then, now it is only a big shiny pile of shit
Did i guessed?

"Rockstar" isn't a studio, it's a division of Take Two Interactive which publishes games. Rockstar North, Rockstar Leeds, Rockstar San Diego are studios.

>dating scene
Oh god, I can smell your autism and adult diapers over the internet.

The same that happened to valve and other companies. They started selling games as services and now they make huge amount of buck out of little effort. Why make multiple games when you can make a single game and updated it with a small ammount of content and microtransactions.? It is easy money for them and their franchises sell on name alone. GTA5 still makes the top ten charts since release 5 years ago.

It would suck being hired by Rockstar only to find out you were relegated to creating content updates for GTA:O

At the same time I’m sure the other team working on RDR2 is just fucking tired after all this time on one project

Mine does.

Because, unlike Valve, they need to release games now and then to support themselves. Valve just needs Steam and they can keep reselling games for others.

Their profit valve is stuck open

We might be getting a little too judgmental a little too quickly. They have two options with the money they’ve made:
>buy a pool and some bitches with big American titties and drink white wine
>pool all that money into the next installment to make it mindblowing

We just have to watch and wait. These fuckers better make the right choice

Gta V makes more money than some entire companies
That game is still full price and topping charts
No need to make more games

>the right choice

double edge sword because at some point people will look at GTA and just "meh" meanwhile some poor fucks working on 0 wage churn out dream projects paving the way for an overthrow.

I am not being judgmental, I am just saying how it is, they would have to be crazy for not doing stuff like this.

Does the GTAO playerbase not want a new area to play in? I knew "we could make the whole world" was BS but they didn't even make a lazy port of Liberty City.

like every game company, they figured out how to milk a game for microtransactions and structure the online play to be addicting

The right choice is a cup of red user, not white. It all depends upon your appetite

>Does the GTAO playerbase not want a new area to play in?
No they literally just use the game as a chatroom now

It's not just Rockstar. But most studios and publishers who have tasted the microtransaction and live service drugs.

Apparently a port of Liberty City in V’s engine is in the works, or was, who the fuck knows. Some guy from Rockstar uploaded screenshots of an updated Liberty City to his personal blog or some shit
>FLY TO LIBERTY CITY IN GTAO FOR $999,999,999,999!

But valve did release enougj games to sell as services and has a card game in development, so it fits.

Red Dead Demption.

Is GTA VI the new HL3? It looks like they share the same fate.

nerpa nerp mohongy deet dedeet

Gamedisigner leave this shit hole
Now r* make only online dlc shit

Red Dead Demption - Final mission: The Dempening.

GTA VI will release next generation where it will be subscription based because that will be the new norm for AAA games

I've heard that it was supposed to be called Red Dead Retribution but they changed to Redemption 2 bc they thought that by calling it RD Redemption was easier for people to understand that it was a sequel

>Wild Metal
Holy fuck, I've been trying to remember the name of that game for days now. That game was awesome

>pay 69.99 for GTAVI
>pay 20 to get the full map
>pay 10 every time i get arrested or killed
>pay 5 to get access to rampages
>pay 5 to get access to races

All of their games are flops besides GTA so they've given up?

>I don't understand what a flop is, it's where a game doesn't have a million current players right?

Watch_dogs 3>>>gta6

fuck Niko, Vice City's turn is up now.

Roman mentions taking a private jet to Vice City with Niko before you make the decision to work with/kill Dimitri. There’s also art of two tickets to Vice City with both Niko and Roman’s names on them.

They left such a fucking great opportunity to collect dust so far

pffff, more like Red Dead Soydemption!

Revolver > Redemption.

So there!

Nothing, they've always been overrated.

post yfw a studio can no longer make a skate, a surfing, a tank, a racing and a shooter game in the span of 2 years because 'gamers' would get pissed at the 'lack of content", and instead only buy huge, open-world, microtransactions as a service games, every 5 years.

Literally Ow the Edge: the Game, holy shit Sam Houser

How is Oni anyways?
the protag is cute

>yfw your favorite devs and franchises are already more services than games and we will have to rely on indies hit to have something that resembles a game.


Are you... may I say triggered?

I'd call you out on your bullshit but there are still many people playing CS 1.6, so you have a point.

What went wrong with your upbringing, lad?The only way you'd get to that conclusion is if you never played either.

Are you going to try to save face for 100 posts on an anonymous imageboard? Stop embarrassing yourself, boy.

Yeah but it's a really fun game though. The gameplay is perfectly solid.

Nigga they made dota 2, tf2, cs:go, portal 2 and the next artifact game all have microtransactions in them and they pretty much live out of it together with 30% of every game sold.

>my post:13:16
>your response:13:24
>my response:14:19
>you again:14:22
>waiting hour for someone to replay
calm down angry dweeb

nigga we had two GTAs in the time it took FFXV to come out and that game was unfinished because SE is fucking retarded.


Oh yeah, I'm on Sup Forums

disc space

games get bigger and take more time to make these days.

>Video games then
>Good gameplay
Good ideas, maybe. Almost everything older than 2010 is clunky to play except 2D platformers.

>modern day Square Enix

How can a company so mismanaged still make profit each year is beyond me.

>nigga we had two GTAs in the time it took FFXV to come out

FFXIII - 2009
FFXIV - 2010
FFXV - 2017

GTAIV - 2008

Uh, sure.

>clunky to play
Not enough cutscenes?

No, but old games apparently fostered morons. In most recent games you can skip cut scenes.