Wiki becomes unreliable because another company bought the series or someone else took over and faggots keep editing in...

>wiki becomes unreliable because another company bought the series or someone else took over and faggots keep editing in references to these new non-canon games

any other game wikis have this problem besides fallout?

>reading wikis
jesus how autistic are you?

Sup Forums's recommended games.

This man, what the fuck happened to that shit?

Care to go into more detail

Fallout wiki doesn't seem too bad

Game wiki's are usually always incomplete or filled with bad information

about as much as you. so a lot

I go to check if there's any background information I missed on a character/npc or ingame thing that I missed, and its filled with unsourced claims that are from fallout 3/4.

The Dark Souls 1 wikidot wiki has a special place in my heart. There's no bullshit layout that makes the pages take longer to load, just a simple and clean and easy to read wiki. Ironically, the main page hasn't been updated since the game came out; it still reads "The newest game from FROM Software." Despite this, if you look at the edit history, it still gets edits two or three times a week. So there's clearly some other people that feel the same way about it as I do.

>unsourced claims that are from fallout 3/4.
This statement somewhat oxymoron, are you personally claiming fo3/4 is noncanon?


What confirmation is there that proves all post-Tactics content is noncanon?

3 and 4 are of a massive decline in writing and consistency. There's Bethesda canon and then there's Fallout 1/2/NV.

Its a typical bethesda hate thread notice the lack of NV being mentioned

Shit thread

It's like a rapist getting mad at being called a rapist.

Hate being a rapist? Don't rape.

Fuck you. Fuck you for shitting on the superior titles of Fallout.

Bethesda had a lot of money from their CRITICALLY ACCLAIMED MASTERPIECES and turned your shitty series into a HIT. They ground it down to it's most basic elements and transformed it into GOLD.

Fallout 1 and 2 and New Vegas are shit. New Vegas is the closest to quality because of it's mooching off of Fallout 3's perfect engine.

Fuck OFF.

Todd's going ape shit.

>all the old accurate and wellmade vidya wikis from the early 2000s have either fled from wikia to become their own thing or been ruined
>the wikia still comes up first in search results

It got taken over by a redditor who didn't even know what Sup Forums was. I'm not making this shit up.

>that feel when you have to use old search engine arguements to FORCE search engines to even display half the results from an actual fan wiki like uesp tes wiki instead of the godawful ad filled video spamming wikias.

>flash etc aren't even allowed to fucking RUN on my browser and computer
>these fucking corporate dick sucking sites somehow ignore this


how does a reddit fag get control of a Sup Forums thing? let alone not even knowing what Sup Forums is.

>anons complaining about 3/NV/4
>when 2 was the biggest lore raper in the entire series hands down
Like pottery.
Anyways, the Fallout Wikia is full of bullshit and unreferenced information. Just use the Gamepedia one that references the games and game guides.

please odd, tell us how 2 was the biggest lore raper, being the second out of a whole 2 games?

Not that problem per se, but the Silent Hill Wiki got taken over by someone with a hard-on for circumcision arguments.

Same dude tried to fuck around with the Zero Escape Wiki, and then he got hard-banned.

Look, we get it. You parents got divored, your stepdad thinks you're a piece of shit, and is constantly telling you you're actually an illegit bastard because your mom was a hardworking whore.
Don't displace it on fallout. Deal with your own issues on your own time.

>writers feeling magic mutating radiation is too cliche and replacing it with the hot 90's retrovirus cliche, FEV in the air from WestTek mutates everything even though FO1 said it was all moved to Mariposa
>radiation/FEV in general become a hot mess of writing
>talking deathclaws, spore plant and a rad scorpion that can play chess
>New Reno magically avoiding the nukes in-universe
There is a bunch more if you want to talk about over-discussed mass of pop-culture shit that came about because of the lead writer from FO1 left Interplay and his philosophy about references went out the door.

>a visit to the hospital equals circumcision
>proceed to PSA about circumcision

This guy got deeper issues.

>bethesda non canon since written by somebody else
>NV canon since written by the original creators
it is a mystery why someone would think this, right?

What the fuck this is hilarious

Sup Forumss recommended games isn't too bad for old consoles since you can find almost any game on there except for the absolute shit ones with not redeeming qualities. It's shit for new consoles though since the site kinda died and no one updates it anymore.