Don't mind me, just pirating this money.
Oh it's really alright, since I'm not actually stealing anything, just making an exact copy.
Don't mind me, just pirating this money
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That's a good analogy if you then kept all the money you counterfeited and never used it for anything.
>Don't mind me, just pirating these republican votes.
This, OP is retarded
Don't mind me, just disincentivising good developers to keep making games by not paying them if they do a good job
They were garbage anyway.
Stay mad kid
Goddamn will moralfags ever not be butthurt?
How do you know the devs get paid from your purchases?
That's a bold assumption.
>I don't know how video games are made and paid for
So what, you think these guys work for free until the game is finished or some shit?
>pirate game
>buy if good, delete if shit
its that simple
Don't mind me, just posting this shitpost thread on Sup Forums.
Oh it's really alright, since Sup Forums is actually the shitposting board.
Stupid faggot dumbfuck
>officers stop chasing me, I was gonna pay for the game after I saw it!
Piracy is a victimless crime
if a company doesn't make a profit, it can get closed down
Who's talking about the company? We were discussing the devs.
...who work for a company that pays them?
get over it.
I hope they develop an actually not-crackable copyprotection. Because when Assassin's Call off Honorfield 9: Reboot doesn't sell well, they finally can't blame pirates anymore that their shitgame bombed.
only cuckolds buy games
I pirate everything and no one has died yet
Yes, moralfags are silly
well that didn't take long
t. government
Oh, by devs you meant the collective entity not individual average Joes who may have their own opinions separate of who they work for.
wait are you really pirating money?
There is nothing wrong with this. It's not like printing money hurts anybody.
I am pirating most of the games today and you can do nothing about it. Only ones I buy are good japanese games. Thats it.
>reselling stolen goods is equatable to piracy
OP retarded as always.
Don't mind us, just pirating these sporting goods. We will pay later if we like them so don't worry!
what are you even talking about? why are you bringing up their opinions all of a sudden?
More than 100,000 people died today alone.
But that's fine. More than twice that amount were born today, so the population growth remains positive and stable.
what nip games you pirating bae
Literally nothing wrong with this, private entities do it all the time, they just have a licence to do it which makes it a perfect analogy for piracy.
>Don't mind me, just disincentivising good developers to keep making games by not paying them if they do a good job
You're thinking about it from a company wide level, I'm thinking about it at an individual level.
>digital copy is falsification
>brailets on Sup Forums
>don't mind me, just pirating this human's life
>it's my personal choice
Why would americans need sporting goods? eating is not a sport
I learned that you should just support the things you like instead of pirating everything. althrough I know not everyone has this same mindset and just pirates everything, but ima firm believer in buying what I want to support.
>pirates games
Because I was totally going to vote for this
Come on dude, not a single vote was lost
Historically speaking devs making good games doesn't guarantee the future of the franchise or more similar games being made
Name three (3) examples of good franchises that kept releasing games and were of similar or superior quality to the first one
Buying games is unethical. Its supporting the goverment monopoly of copy right that undermines the truth of the free market.
Aliens are inefficient as fuck at butchering. This upsets me.
What does this have to do with our both correct but different viewpoints of who are considered "devs"?
ah i finally see that our vegan friends find out how mulims love animals, well for once they are right, the way muslims take care of their cattle is truly horrible
ITT: people have no fucking clue how games are made or what piracy actually is
Here I'll give you a little hint: China does piracy
>we made this shit game, why aren't people buying it?
>must be those filthy pirates
That is called being an adult, user.
There is nothing wrong with piracy anyway, if a game deserves it it will get the sales it needs
There is also the convenience factor, if it is easier to buy something than it is to pirate it people will buy it, but leave it to retards like you to not understand people.
>Pirate game
>If it's on GOG and I like it, buy it
>If it's on Steam, don't
Who else /nodrm/ here?
>producer forces dev studio to put in focus tested bullshit, remove content for day1 dlc, season passes, preorder bonuses ect
>why is our user score so low? why didn't we sell as much as we projected?
>Q-quick! disolve this developer studio, i-it's their fault!
looks like one of the mexican cartel executions
Too accurate. Think I have to quit meat (again).
When was the last time a cow built a civilization again?
Those are actually pretty humane.
The victim dies quickly. Most of the butchering happens after the victim has lost consciousness.
are you implying that every pirate does this? its really not that simple...
>Uses windows
>"I'm no DRM lmao!"
blacks never did that and they are still treated as humans
>being an anti-semite and islamophobe
That's not very liberal of you user. :^)
>He doesn't pirate windows
At least they can somewhat communicate
When was the last time a human built a FTL engine again?
yeah but the boy who got his heart ripped out was pretty good
>what is sentience
Vegans are lterally retarded. You can tell within minutes of meeting one when they start sperging out about their food habits.
Must be that B12 deficiency ruining their nerves and brain activity.
butthurt lib detected
But the US Government already allows banks and the Fed to counterfeit currency into existence.
>"I trick DRM systems that means they no longer exist!"
>hurf durf morality is retarded because I don't understand it, we should all just kill each other because I don't know what "sentience" means
Yes, of course.
We should leave cows alone because they totally have the potential to reach interplanetary travel, not like humans
You literally can't defend the barbaric practice of eating meat so you have to attack vegans. Pathetic.
False equivalence.
Livestock is bred to be eaten, and lack any recognizable sapience.
>Sup Forums
retarded picture
On the bright-side, sudden loss of blood pressure puts you out very quickly.
I breed fighting dogs. They are bred to fight. This is morally defensible using your logic. I also breed trainging dogs that the fighting dogs use to kill to train them, this is OK because they were bred for this purpose.
currency denovo is hard to crack nigger.
Humans are omnivorous and meat contains a large supply of the proteins, fats, and other nutrients that helps our bodies grow, particularly our brains. One can choose not to eat meat and instead supplement their diet in other ways but I would argue that that is more unnatural than eating meat. Animals eat other animals all the time.
Guess you should stop eating food because innocent plants die to harvest it too.
Easiest thing n the world. The vast majority of animals you fuckwits cry about wouldn't even be alive if it weren't for factory farming, nor would the amounts of feed to keep them alive exist if it weren't for meet-eating humans having the necessary energy to plow, sow and harvest it. (unlike you lethargic subhumans)
Yes because killing random animals on a whim is completely and absolutely the same as killing them for a clear and objective purpose
What do vegans hope to accomplish with their retarded crusade anyway?
The world will never stop eating meat as long as there is no clear and proven lethal danger to it
This one's good
False equivalence.
Dogs are bred to be companions, and are actually quite intelligent.
their meat isn't that great either
He's going to say something about morally right thought and choice, like a complete cucked faggot.
Of course.
That's what they were made for.
Glad we could see eye-to-eye.
First time i've seen literal brainlets on Sup Forums.
How does it feel to have underdeveloped brains?
I also breed little girls to sell as sex slaves. They are bred for this purpose. I own them, i paid for them. This is morally OK. They are bred for it.
games aren't a currency that I trade for other goods
>vegans can't differentiate between sapient beings and non-sapient beings
I see no issue with this as long as the law permits it where you live.
It's still a federal crime.
this, fuck Sup Forums
Paint comics are so insightful.
>breed little girls
>implying a non-impotent vegan
>Dogs are bred to be companions
Read the fucking comic, mong. The character clearly intents to breed the dog as food.
Pigs are about as intelligent as dogs.
>The world will never stop eating meat
>the world will never stop enslaving niggers
>the world will never stop having religious rulers in all major countries
>the world will never stop being a feudal shithole
>the world will stay in the way it was when I was 15 because I'm too dumb to understand it