

>tfw I remember that thread
Where did the time go Sup Forumsros?

Fuck you.

I literally have no recollection of this.


kek why would you

I just looked it up, apparently it's some five year old post? Why would I fucking know about that?

Hey that was my shitpost glad you liked it

Haha nice try man, i mean it was actually mine, but of course i'm glad you liked it op!

That's referenced at least once a month since it's creation. Hence why minimalistic images of it are iconic to anyone who isn't new.

This made me mad

This is that shit with the guy and his sister and their computer illiterate mother who took user's own computer away from him right? That never really upset me. What kind of pussy let's that happen? Also this post isn't even that old, none of you "have been here too long xD" because you recognize it, fuck off.

No one is saying they're old for recognising it you illiterate retard, they're saying one faggot is new as fuck for not recognising it.

The guy was posting on /r9k/ so of course he would let it happen

Read the filename

>No one is saying they're old for recognising it

Speak for yourself faggot.

Thought it was confirmed fake. I've been here since 08 yes im a newfag but I couldn't tell what it was without text.

>solid snake
>liquid snake
>no gas snake or plasma snake

Being here for more than a day is too long tbqh.


>tfw no bose-einstein snake
This series is doomed to failure.

>heh, I remember that from Sup Forums
>that was probably back...
>ten years ago now


>anons are still mad about a made up story