Not to defends tf2, but OW has a big problem with the competitive meta too.
The Dive Comp is fucking cancer and 3/4 of the roster are never touched by anyone at high level.
Other urls found in this thread:
Overwatch is surprisingly alright to watch but the meta is too stale.
Overwatch is shit.
Nah. It's alright.
TF2 has been dead for years. But imagine actually thinking the only ways a multiplayer games worth can be measured is twitch viewership and competitive viability.
People like you are why I got into singleplayer games this gen.
Way too stale.
Like, it's really boring to see the same setup in tf2 (2 soldiers, 2 scouts, 1 demo, 1 medic) but at least they are excused by the fact the roster is composed by only 9 characters.
OW has more than 20 original characters and in competitive you always see the same 6 or 7 characters. It is a huge problem.
No it's garbage. OW meta is not stale, in fact it changes quite a lot. Almost every time they buff/nerf characters in fact. OW meta is not stale, it's too rigid. It allows some variety, but some team combos are just better. And not because they work good in synergy, but just because some characters are objectively better right now than other ones. This is the reason why why overnerf and overbuff characters over and over. This is something that happen with almost every Blizzard game.
I'm just not sure about the competitive scene. Where are new ideas supposed to come from when a relatively small group of players just play each other over and over?
Why on earth do people think twitch numbers have any merit?
Cause it shows what games are active and relevant
OW doesnt let me do this
Why is CS so much better to watch? Even the Cs pro scene is far better than others
twitch viewers aren't important
tf2 is still better game and paladins too
>still being this butthurt about a decade old game being better than your modern assfaggots fps trash
The absolute state of blizzdrones.
>50% of game's revenue
I'm still suprised Valve didn't C&D his ass back when all this bullshit started
They should come from the devs with updates, in theory.
Did TF2 even try to be competitive before OW became a thing?
>TWO years later game is dying. fast
>old as fuck games are still alive and well
>haha our dying game is better, please play me :(
TF2 sucks
the question is why would you want to do that?
oh fuck, someone post the screenshots
I don't think so. CS was always Valve's competitive shooter, TF2 was the casual game which is also why comp sucks, because the game is balanced around casual fun
why not?
Not necessarily. The meta is driven by how people utilise the heroes just as much. Granted Overwatch has a very overbearing dev cycle that probably limits creativity, but it can't be good for the meta that it's exclusively formed by the same 60 people who live, compete and scrim together for most of the year.
>hitting large targets
scout and medic are apparently large targets i guess :/
>Blizzard balancing alright
>Blizzard nuking games because of competitive
Yeah, no
>34k people currently playing
What did OP mean by this?
TF2 is the better game. Valve trying to listen to competitive fags kinda killed it. Also, how the fuck is CS more popular than OW? I thought OW was going to be the face of "e-sports" in the west.
>the only argument that blizzdrones have is player numbers or twitch views
>blizzard doesn't even show their player numbers for OW
Five years later and everyone will have dropped OW while TF2 will still have a solid and somewhat large playerbase. I wonder what they're going to use as an argument when that happens.
the Meet your Match update absolutely killed what was left of it.
Everytime I open that game there are absolutely no people on the servers except joke servers, everyone's gone to the matchmaking of which I now avoid after countless chances given, but no matter how much I try it'll always be shit. TF2 is ruined, I only play it every now and then to fuck around ctf_turbine and that's it.